Trixie Thorsdottir

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❝I-I still do love the family that raised me, even though the enchantress did kidnap me. It hurts, but my other siblings are still good people, it wasn't their fault their mom did something horrible. They had no part in it, and they still love me too. Ziana and I have become closer friends after the divide, I just wish she wasn't so arrogant sometimes.❞

Name: Trixie Tiana Thordottir
Nickname: Trixie
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Strait
Alias: Trixie the Great and Powerful, Goddess of Illusions 
Alignment: Hero
Teams: Young Avengers


Parents: Thor Odinson & Jane Foster, The Mighty Thor
Siblings: Belladonna, Meredith & Chloe, Adoptive siblings Shyla & Shawn, Half brother Jimmy
Grandparents: Odin & Frigga, Laufey & Farbauti (Both Deceased)
Aunts & Uncles: Loki, Hela, Angela, Helblindi & Byleistr
Cousins: Lukas, Blake, Lillian, Jesse, Sarah, Lorianne, Pandora, Inferno, Zenon, Nova Star, & Aria
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: extended family up the Asgardian Tree
Adoptive parents: Amora Lorelei, The Enchantress
Adoptive Siblings: Konan Julian, Mayflower & Ziana
Love interest: Da'vonte Worthington


Magic, Sorcery, illusion casting, duplication, mirages, mimicry

Inherited abilities
Blast Power, Electricity Control, lightning Manipulation Energy Manipulation, Energy Shield, Flight, Immortality, Magic, Super Flight Speed, Super Strength, Weather Control, Wind Bursts

Race: Norse
Species: Asgardian
Hair: Blonde
Hair style: long blonde hair that's split in front of the shoulders, and a side bang that covers her right eye for the sole fact she thinks she looks cool and mysterious
Eyes: Light Green
Height: 5'0
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: a staff
Other: was kidnapped when a baby by the enchantress and raised as her own, at the age of 7 she was reunited with the odinson family 

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝Oh, we'll be looking for sunlight, Or the headlights, Till our wide eyes burn blind. We'll be lacing the same shoes, That we've worn through, To the bottom of the line. And we know that we're headstrong, And our heart's gone, And the timing's never right.❞

Backstory Info
Youngest child to Thor and Jane, I am the baby. I enjoy spending my time with Shyla and Chloe, I have to help Chloe a lot since she's blind- but I don't care, she's fun to be around. When I was a baby I was kidnapped by the enchantress, and raised as her youngest. I was always close to Ziana since we where a similar age, but she was meaner to me since I was her sister. After the truth came out a few years back, Elli was the one to uncover the dirty secret, Ziana and I reconciled and we get along far better now. When I was returned home, I clung to Shyla. I've decided to will nag her for my needs to be met, and I enjoy her babying me. Out of all my siblings, I have the weakest relationship with Belladonna. She was in the Coma when I was brought home, and have been adjusting to her for the last year. We aren't close, and I'm not sure what to make of her. She was this older sister I was told of, but I just... don't know her. I still get along well with Kj & Mayflower, though as having been the youngest, didn't interact too-too much with them.
I have a boyfriend, and his name is Da'vonte. He is the son of Angel, an X-Man. I think it's kinda funny he looks like an Angel, since Valkyries are supposed to look Angel like, and our enemies are the angels. It gets a rise out of the others, and it's funny. I'lvl probably have him become an Asgardian when we get older, so he can stay with me forever! I'm not sure what all my other siblings will do, but I hope they stay immortal too. I do love and care about Da'vonte, I play with him often and enjoy being with him. Sarah thinks she can embarrass me in front of him, but she's simply wrong!

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