Imagine - Wanda

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You were sitting in the living room floor, coloring a picture on the coffee table in front of the couch. When your uncle Pietro stopped by, you didn't even bother to get up, this picture had to by perfect. Because mama always deserves the best, but when your uncle got irritated for not receiving a hug or even a glance he sped over and sat beside you,looking at your portrait.

"Vhat are you doing (y/n)?" He asked, you smiled and whispered,

"I'm coloring a picture for mama, to show her how much I love her!" Pietro's heart melted at your sweet words and watched you as you finished your masterpiece. Twenty minutes later you put the last touch on your artwork and stood up o go find her, Pietro watched as you came back to the living room with his sister in tow,

"Look mama! I made it just for you! Because I love you!" Wanda picked up the colorful sheet of paper and smiled, she hung it on the fridge then came back and hugged you tight.

"Thank you (y/n), it's beautiful! I love it so much! And you too!" You looked over to your Uncle and waved for him to get in the hug too, he smiled and joined in.

This is definitely one memory you will never forget!

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