You Almost Get/ You Get Kiddnaped

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Steve - 12 years old

Steve had been called on a odd emergency mission, but he's fought aliens before so he didn't think much of it. However he was little distracted, before he left Steve couldn't find a last minute sitter and as much as he hated leaving you alone, you said if anything happened you would call uncle Bucky. Reluctantly he agreed, now he was in a hurry to get back and see you.

Opening the front door, Steve was greeted by a very quiet house, too quiet. Hoping you had just gone to bed early, Steve went to your bed room, silently pushing the door open Steve's heart stopped...empty. Rushing through the rest of the house, screaming your name but when you didn't come out laughing or answer back, Steve grabbed his keys and went to one person he knew could find you...

"Wheres my daughter?!" Steve marched into Furrys office, Furry raised an eyebrow and looked at Steve unamused.

"Do you mean (Y/N) Mcburry?" Steve growled under his breath, he could tell Furry was up to something.

"No, (Y/N) Rodgers." Furry shook his head and started looking through a stack of papers.

"There is no such person." Steve slammed his fists on furrys desk and raised his voice.

"Enough shit Furry, tell me where my little girl is right now before I do something we both regret." Furry sighed and looked up at Steve,

"(Y/N) has been taken to a training camp,where she will be trained as a shield agent and be taught to control her strength." Steve backed away from the desk and glared at Furry.

"You took my little girl." Furry rolled his eye and tried convincing Steve,

"She is not yours, her parents died and you just happened to be there, you can't keep her, sh-" Not listening to another word Steve turned around and walked out the door, he was going to get 'his' little girl back.

Bucky - 7 years old

For your birthday Bucky thought it would be nice to take you out to dinner, he took you to your favorite place and ordered you your favorite meal. Bucky was enjoying his time with you so much he failed to notice all the looks and nods being thrown around until it was too late, a high pitch scream filled the small restaurant as something hard hit Bucky in the back the head.

Dazed, Bucky stood up and turned around, a hydra agent was standing there with a bat in their hand. Hearing the scream again Bucky recognized it as yours and snapped out of his winded state and into protective dad mode.

He tried his hardest to get to you, but there was a very large amount of agents and it took him a little bit longer to kill all of them. By the time he had finished you were gone,he called Steve and told him what happened. He was going to get you back and someone was going to pay!

Loki - 15 years old

4:00 o'clock

At 4:00 o'clock everyday you and loki would go to the library to spend quality time with each other reading or talking, he looked forward to it each and every day. The clock read 4:03 but you could just be running late,very unusual for you, but things happen so he started without you.

Looking at the clock again for the tenth time since he had changed positions for the sixth time,4:25. Loki finally broke, he had to check on you, not wanting to wast another second he snapped his fingers and teleported to your bed room door. He knocked and answer, so he knocked a little harder,

"(Y/N) darling, are you in there?" Again no answer, Loki was worrying now, he shoved the door open and froze. He didn't know what scared him more, the empty room or the ice the that covered it, not sensing your presence Loki looked towards the sky.

"Heimdall!" He yelled trying not to cry,there was a pause before a bright light appeared around his body and carried him to Asgard. When Loki landed he ran to Heimdall and saw Odin standing there, Loki knew he was not supposed to come back here unless thor was with him, so he knelt down and looked up to them pleadingly,

"Please, can you tell me where my (Y/N) is?" Odin looked to Heimdall,

"Has Loki's child gone missing?" Heimdall nodded and looked to Odin, "Then speak, I need that child alive to keep my sons head clear of any evil mischief." Heimdall looked down at a teary eyed Loki.

"The Frost Giants took her to jotunheim, as a sacrifice to bring Laufey back." And Loki cried.

"S-shes not of my blood, and the temperature will kill her within the hour." Thats all Odin needed to allow Loki his freedom long enough to find his little girl.

Natasha - 9 years old

Hydra caught wind of your abilities and thought it would be productive if they could do some test on you, so while Natasha was on a mission she left you in the hands of one of S. H. I. E. L. D s best agents.

After a long five days Natasha was finally able to come home to you, the last thing she wanted to see was the dead shield agent on the floor and your room torn to shreds without any sign of you any where. She went into her hidden office and checked the cameras, she watched as you screamed and fought your hardest, but being so small they over powered you easily. After translating what they said and getting the location Natasha called for some back up.

*steve in the background *


Bruce - 6 years old

A few weeks ago Bruce had hulked out, the cause ..... Tony.....again.

Now he had so much paperwork to redo from messing it all up. There was a knock on the door and furry along with some agents came into his makeshift office lab he had made, in the the house he bought for him and (Y/N).

"Can I help you?" Bruce asked furry, eyeing the guns that were pointed slightly in his direction.

"We came to discuss the importance of (Y/N)s safety with you." Furry found a chair and made himself comfortable.

"Okay? What about it?" Bruce starred with confusion etched on his face.

"I'm not to good at sugar coating anything so I'm just going to say it." He gave Bruce a second to digest what he had send before continuing, "The hulk is a danger to the kid, you can't keep her here anymore. These agents here have their orders to take her to a nice orphanage in London. She will b-" Bruce stood up, the veins in his neck gaining a greenish tent.

"You can't take her away, No! You won't take her away, the other guy won't let you. I won't let you!" He growled turning a little greener, the frighted agents raised their guns higher. Furry opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a small voice by the door,

"Daddy?" Little you stood there clutching your teddy bear to your chest. An agent moved towards you and placed a hand on your shoulder, you got frightened and tried to run to Bruce. You were grabbed and held down, hulk was pissed and took over, he shoved all the agents away and picked you up.

"GET OUT!" Hulk yelled and that was the end of it, all the agents left, but furry didn't look like he was giving up any time soon.

Clint - 7 years

"Please!" You begged your dad to take you to the park, finally he gave in and took you. You played for hours before it got dark and Clint told you it was time to go home.

Half way back everything got quite and Clint stopped,

"Daddy why'd y-"

"Shh!" His sudden answer scared you into place, you looked up at your dad and saw someone coming up behind him with a knife. You felt a strange jolt of power rush through your body before you fell to the ground exhausted from the energy rush.

Clint saw you fall to the ground but he was to busy fighting all the guys that were coming at him, he remembered right before you fell your eyes turned bright red and he heard a knife hit the ground but when he tuned around there was only a small bunny sitting there.

Had you done that?

He fought them off,killed them, or scared them away, then he went to check on you. You were out cold but to be sure that you were okay he took you to Tony and asked him to do some tests.

Tests came back positive, there was something definitely special about you.

Wanda - 12 years old

Wanda has always told you not to use your powers in front of others, unless of course someone was in trouble and you were going to help them.

Today you decide it was a nice day for a walk, so you ran to your mom and begged her to take you. She was busy with some paper work so she told you that you could go for a walk as long as you wore the bracelet she gave you for your birthday and came back by 5:00 for dinner.
Excited you gave her a big hug then ran out the door and towards your favorite place.

But then the unexpected happened.

On your trip you noticed it got quite before you heard a scream from above, looking up you saw a woman being pushed over the side of a building. Reacting on instinct, you reached out your hands and used your magic to carry the woman safely to the ground. When the women reached the ground a bag was thrown over your head and you were pulled into a van. The whole thing was a set up and they played you into helping that woman. The last thing you did was activate the tracker in your bracelet before a needle punctured your neck and the world went dark.

Thor - 8 years

Thor was seated beside his father, Odin, while he was discussing a partnership with the dark elves leader. The Elves wanted full use of the bifrost including the help of heimdalls eyes when needed.

"Absolutely not,you cannot be trusted with such power." Was Odins final answer,the elf leader was not happy and threated to take away one of his most prized possessions. Odin suspecting they were after weapons, and ordered for double the guard watch, in the weapon volt.

Thor also volunteered to help after he tucked his little princess into bed. With most of the guards waiting for a call to the weapon volt, they failed to notice a few shadows inter your sleeping quarters, until it was too late.

Your scream was carried through the palace halls as you were taken from your bed and kidnapped from your home.

When your father got wind of this news, even Loki would have taken a step back.

Tony - 10 years old

Justin Hammer sighed as another robot malfunctioned and blew up, no matter what he did, no matter who he hired, the project always failed. And he didn't know why. Justin slammed his fists on a workers office table and started complaining.

Once he felt he had complained enough(for now) he went stand up and walk away, a magazine fell to the floor and caught his attention.


Meet (Y/N) Stark
Daughter of Tony Stark, the genius himself!

Rebuilt her first engine at only six years old!
And has now completed her very first Iron man suit at the age of ten!

What will this amazing,
genius kid do next?


Justin had a few too many bad ideas streaming through his head, that were just waiting to be executed.

*2 months later*

You were in your lab, that your father had built especially for you, doing your own thing, as usual, when your phone rang. You didn't recognize the number so you answered it,


"Is this (Y/N) Stark?"

"Yes, can I help you?" There was an evil chuckle from the other side of the phone,

"Oh you already have." Suddenly the lights went out and you could hear screaming and yelling coming from the floors below you. Your back up generator rebooted your main computer and notified you that the building had been breached. The phone call had allowed them access to things within the tower, but what did they want?

A knock on your door made you jump, you didn't dare answer it. The door was blown off its hinges and several man walked in holding guns, but one man in a suit walked up to you and held out his hand.

"Hi I'm Justin, your new boss."

Once tony got the power back on he had Friday run a scan of the building, what he never expected on the report was that you....were gone.

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