First Kiss

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Steve Rogers-
It was your first date with Steve. You still couldn't believe he had even asked you out.

You had dressed in a cute yellow sweater and a pair of skinny jeans. It was winter and Steve suggested that the two of you go ice skating for your date. You stupidly agreed even though you had no idea how to skate.

You thought you could pick it up easily once you got there. Little did you know, you were wrong.

The ice skating rink was set up around a series of frozen ponds in the park. It was starting to get dark and Christmas lights were turning on. They were strung throughout the trees, creating a beautiful setting for a date. Steve has picked out a good place. If only you could figure out how to skate.

You gripped Steve's arm tightly, trying desperately not to fall on the cold ice, as you already had three times that day. Any other time, you would have noticed how muscular his arm was and felt butterflies at being this close to him, but you were too busy trying not to fall.

"You're doing a great job," Steve encouraged. He looked at you with a warm smile. He was too kind.

"Not really, but thank you." You chuckled and loosened your grip on his arm a bit, determined to make it on your own. Your feet wobbled a bit for a moment, but you managed to steady yourself. With a triumphant smile, you loosened your grip even more, now only holding onto the fabric of his coat.

You had worried that you would bother him by constantly holding on, but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he rather seemed to enjoy having you close by.

Steve, being an expert skater, moved in front of you and skated backwards. He wore a wide grin as he watched you learning to skate.

"Show off." You rolled your eyes playfully and smiled at him. This side of Steve was nice. He was almost childlike as he skated. You rarely ever saw him loosen up and enjoy himself. He was usually so focused on missions.

You felt yourself growing a little more confident- too confident. You stopped concentrating on the ice below you, causing you to slip and fall forwards. Fortunately, your date was there to catch you. He was just in time, stopping you before you face planted into the ice.

You stared at the ground, wide eyed for a moment, relieved you hadn't fallen. Then you looked up to thank him, but stopped when you found his handsome face already watching yours.

"Are you alright?" He asked gently, his brow furrowed in concern.

You had always noticed how attractive he was, but it struck you differently in that moment. You were close together. He held you in his arms and got you back to your feet, watching your face the entire time. His blue eyes flowed in the lighting.

"I'm okay," you said finally. Your eyes flickered down to his lips for a brief moment.

He opened his mouth to say something, then stopped. He paused before finally speaking. "May I kiss you?"

You hadn't expected him to ask. Most people nowadays just go in for the kiss and hope for the best. You figured his asking was a result of the era he grew up in. You found it cute and charming.

With a smile, you nodded and leaned forwards ever so slightly. After a few seconds, his lips met yours in a gentle and feather-like kiss.

Tony Stark-
You had been expecting something extravagant, but not this extravagant. For your first date with the super hero, he had taken you out on one of his yachts. It was dark and there were beautiful fairy lights strung everyone to illuminate the fancy dinner you two would be having on the deck.

The full moon shone overhead, and if it weren't for all the city lights, you would've had an amazing view of the stars. You were served an amazing three course meal and afterwards, you and Tony leaned against the railing of the ship, admiring the view of New York City.

"What made you want to work for SHIELD?" Tony asked, out of the blue.

You have a light shrug. "I wanted to help people," you answered. After the battle of New York, you realized how much danger the world was really in. "I don't know if I can do much to help. I'm just one person, after all. But, I figure every person counts."

He looked at you, a slight smile on his face. "You've got a big heart. I like that."

You were about to respond but he was suddenly kissing you. He did it with such confidence, as if he knew you would just melt right into it. And melt you did.

It was so sudden, but you didn't even hesitate to kiss him back. Your hands rested lightly on his shoulders, feeling the muscle underneath the fabric of his shirt. You were kissing Tony Stark. The Tony Stark. It ended after a few more moments and he pulled away with an even more confident smile on his face.

"I bet you didn't think you'd be kissing a billionaire tonight, did you?" He chuckled. "I never thought I'd be kissing someone as beautiful as you in my whole life."

Bruce Banner-
For your first date, you and Bruce had found a restaurant that hosted a trivia night every Saturday. People at each table would form teams, answer questions, and earn points. The winning team got a free dessert of their choice.

You tapped your foot nervously, glancing at the judge every now and then.

"Don't be so worried, Y/N," Bruce assured you. "Even if we didn't win, it was still a fun game."

You were extremely competitive, which had its pros and cons. You and Bruce were probably the smartest people in this place, but that round on literature had stumped the both of you. You released a soft sigh and smiled at the handsome man sitting across from you.

"I know, but it would still feel good to win," you said. "Besides, I really want to try that fudge brownie with vanilla ice cream for dessert."

Bruce chuckled. "If we don't win, I'll buy it for you."

Just then, the judge stood up. "Alright everyone, time to announce the winners," he said. He looked at a sheet of paper in his hand, where he had previously been tallying up the points. "The winning team is Bruce and Y/N!"

You grinned from ear to ear. People clapped politely but quickly lost interest and went back to their meals. Being a total nerd, things like this excited you. You looked over at Bruce, who seemed just as happy as you, and before you knew what you were doing, you were leaning over and planting a kiss on his lips.

It was just a peck and over in a second, but it still sent sparks through your body. As you pulled away and leaned back in your chair, you noticed Bruce has turned a deep shade of red. You were worried. Maybe you shouldn't have done that. Did he think it was too soon? But then, he smiled at you, and you relaxed.

Clint Barton-
You hadn't been hiking in a long time, but it was one of Clint's favorite activities so you agreed to make this your first date.

You were rather athletic, having been in the circus and now part of the Avengers. They had welcomed you, and your flight abilities have proved useful.

After a long wait, you and Clint finally found a free day to go on a date.

"We're almost to the top," he announced with glee. "You're going to love the view. You can see for miles up here."

You had hiked up a small portion of a mountain that afternoon, hoping to reach the top in time for the sunset. Thankfully, you did.

The view from the top was everything Clint had promised. The sky was a mix of orange, pink, and dark blue. Twinkling stars were beginning to appear as the sun faded below the horizon.

"Wow.." you breathed out in awe. You looked over at Clint, wondering what he thought, only to find that he was looking at you. Warmth rose into your cheeks.

He smiled and glanced out at the sunset. "There's only one thing I can think of that's prettier than this."

You had a feeling you knew where this was going, but you played along. "Oh really? And what would that be?"

"You." He looked back at you with a charming smile.

You had been expecting the compliment, yet were still taken aback by it. Someone as attractive as him, an avenger nonetheless, calling you pretty. Your blush grew. You reached over, taking his hand in yours.

"It's a bit chilly up here," you said. Although you figured you didn't need an excuse to hold his hand.

He smiled and pulled you close, wrapping one of his strong arms around your waist. Without hesitating, he leaned over and pressed a kiss against your cheek.

You imagined your face was probably as red as a tomato by now. Gathering some courage, you looked up at him and planted your lips on his. He reacted quickly, snaking his other arm around your waist.

Thor Odinson-
You and Thor had an amazing first date- or so you thought. After that first date, the god of thunder disappeared without a trace. You wondered what you had done to drive him away. It wasn't until later that you understood why he left. He was Thor. The real Thor from all the legends. You saw him on the news during the battle of New York. There was footage of him flying, fighting, and shooting lightning.

You knew he must be busy being a god, but you wished he would come back. Your first date had gone so well. You had taken him to the zoo. You wondered why he seemed so surprised at even the most common animals. Now it all made sense.


Your boss shouting your name snapped you from your daze. You had been leaning against the counter, head in your hands as you stared at Thor's usual table in the diner.

"Yes, ma'am," you said, straightening yourself and turning to face your manager.

"I'm going home early," the old woman said in her gravelly smokers voice. "Close up the diner, will ya?"

You sighed and agreed. The woman shuffled out. It was already dark and there was only an hour until closing time. That hour crawled by. You had a few customers, truck drivers mostly, come in for coffee or burgers.

Thor was in your mind the whole night. Did he think of you as much as you thought of him? Probably not, but the idea made you smile. You liked to think he was somewhere on Asgard, lonely in his room and mind filled with thoughts of you. The thought made you turn red and you quickly pushed it from your mind.

You just wish you had at least gotten a chance to kiss him before he left.

With a sigh, you shut out all the lights once everyone was gone. Grabbing your purse from the back room, you headed out the door and made sure to lock it behind you.

A quick glance up at the sky told you it would start raining soon. The stars that were normally bright and vibrant this time of night were blocked out by clouds, and you could hear the rumbling of thunder in the distance.

You walked quickly across the large parking lot. The manager always has employees park away from the restaurant, saving the spaces closest for the customers. You didn't mind this policy until bad weather showed up.

In the not so far distance, there was a flash of lightning, a little more bright than usual. The crack of thunder that followed practically made you jump out of your shoes. That was close. You had a sudden horrifying thought of getting struck by lightning and dying in that parking lot. You walked faster.

You were almost to your car when it started raining and another flash of lightning illuminated the area. A man was standing not far away. You didn't get a good look at him, but he was tall and well built. You reached in your purse for your pepper spray as the man walked towards you in long strides.

"Don't come any closer!" You shouted, holding out the bottle of pepper spray. You didn't know how well it would work in the rain, but it was all you had.

The man stopped several feet in front of you. Lightning struck again, and this time it was bright enough and the man was close enough for you to see his face.

You lowered your arm and the pepper spray slipped out of your hand, falling on the wet pavement.


He was soaking wet from the rain and dressed in his Asgardian armor. His wet hair was plastered to his face and neck. It had gotten longer since the last time you'd seen him. He stepped closer to you, only about a foot or two away now.

"I'm sorry, Lady Y/N," he said, his voice deep like the thunder. "I did not mean to be absent for so long, but Asgard needed me."

You didn't know what to say. You folded your arms across your chest, shivering from the cold. The pepper spray on the ground had rolled away and been forgotten.

"Can you forgive me?" He continued with pleading eyes.

You nodded. "Of course."

With a wide grin, he stepped even closer. His fingertips brushed your arms ever so slightly. "I have missed you dearly, Lady Y/N."

A blush crept up on your face. "I've missed you too, Thor." It was true. Not a day went by where you didn't think of him.

He reached up, using his hand to tilt your chin upwards and he leaned down. His lips met yours in a surprisingly tender kiss.

You leaned against his chest, feeling safe in his arms as he kissed you. It only lasted a short time, but it was perfect nonetheless. Thor was finally back, and he had come back for you.

Loki Laufeyson-
Loki had made a habit of coming to see you almost every day. At first, he had tried to make up excuses, but after a while he admitted that he came only to see you.

He had invited you to dinner with his friends that night and the two of you were now alone, walking through the palace gardens. Your arm was looked through his as he guided you through the extensive fields of flowers and other plants.

Your red dress trailed along behind you in the grass as you walked. You had put on one of the finest dresses you owned, wanting to make a good impression on the prince. He must've liked it because he complimented you as soon as you had walked in that night.

The moon was the only lighting, other than the glowing flowers in the garden. You had always thought the flowers were beautiful, but never seen them up close before.

"Did you enjoy the meal?" Loki asked politely.

"I did. Thank you, your highness."

He smiled a little. "No need for such formalities with me, Lady Y/N." He spoke in a soft and gentle manner, something you noticed he only did when his voice was directed towards you. "Loki is just fine."

"I did enjoy the meal very much, Loki," you replied with a warm smile of your own. It felt strange to be using the prince's first name, but you supposed it was alright since the two of you had grown quite fond of one another the past few weeks. Rumors were beginning to spread that the god of mischief had finally found love, something no one thought possible.

You knew he had done bad things, but you also knew he regretted them greatly. He had been nothing but kind to you and he looked at you in a way no man had before.

He looked pleased to hear you call him by his first name with no formal title preceding it.

"If I am to call you by your name, then you shall call me by mine as well," you continued. "No formalities needed. Just Y/N is fine."

"Alright, Y/N." The way he said your name sent sparks of electricity though you.

He stopped walking all of a sudden and his expression turned from relaxed to ever so slightly nervous. Nervous wasn't a look to often worn by the god.

"What is it?" You asked, worried he had bad news.

"I was wondering, if it isn't too forward of me, if you would like to begin a courtship. Officially." He spoke in his usual confident and relaxed tone, but you could see the tension in his eyes. He was nervous you would reject him.

"I would love that very much, Loki." You smiled happily up at him. This was something you had dreamed of from the moment you laid eyes on his perfect face.

Relief washed over him and you could see the tension leaving his shoulders as he moved closer to you. He studied your face for a moment with a small smile before leaning down and placing a kiss on your lips. It was light, but still every bit as passionate as you hoped it would be. His hands rested gently on your waist.

For the god of mischief, he was quite the gentleman.

Bucky Barnes-
You sat in the passenger seat of Bucky's car, staring at the screen in the field ahead of you. Bucky wanted to take you to a drive-in for your first date, so now you were sitting there watching a showing of Back to the Future because he had never seen it before.

The movie wasn't set to start for a few minutes so you tried to make conversation. You had shared small talk on the way there, but it had suddenly become awkward. Things had never been awkward between the two of you before. You knew almost everything about each other.

You reached for the bag of popcorn you had brought, only to have your hand bump into his. Muttering an apology, you quickly moved your hand so he could reach the popcorn first.

"No, no. You first," Bucky said. He held the popcorn bag out to you and you gratefully scooped out a few pieces.

The next minute passed in relative silence. It was no longer awkward, just a comfortable silence.


You looked over to find Bucky watching you intensely. Your heart began pounding as he leaned towards you. You had wanted to kiss him so many times but chickened out at every opportunity.

"Yes, Bucky?" You said after he didn't move or say anything else.

He paused, his gaze flickering down to your lips. Your heart skipped a beat, and you leaned so that your faces were just inches apart.

After an agonizing thirty seconds. He finally closed the gap between your lips. Whatever nervousness or awkward tension you had felt before was now gone. Kissing him felt natural, like you'd done it a thousand times before.

His hands quickly tangled into your hair, and your own hands rested on his chest and on the back of his neck. You wished you could move closer, but that was difficult to do while in a car.

He kissed you with a surprising amount of passion, and you were left flustered and breathless, your lips slightly swollen and red.

Pietro Maximoff-
You and Pietro had been on several sort of dates over the past few weeks. It was difficult to deny your feelings for him. He was attractive, charming, and actually listened to what you had to say.

You sat with your legs dangling off the edge of the roof. There wasn't much to do in the crime fighting world that night, so you gave yourself the night off, something you hadn't had in a very long time. There was a gust of wind and a blue blur behind you. You smiled.

"How do you always know where to find me?" You asked, turning around to face the silver haired speedster.

"Because you're so predictable," he teased. He leaned against the concrete siding that went around the edge of the roof and looked at you.

You still wore your mask at all times around him, and he'd taken to calling you Blue since you refused to give him your real name. However, the past few days you had been thinking about telling him. You swung your legs back over the edge to stand beside him.

"Pietro..." you began, then stopped, reconsidering.

He heard the serious tone in your voice and straightened himself, his expression suddenly full of concern. "What is it, Blue?" He asked, reaching out to place a gentle hand on your shoulder.

That bit of contact convinced you. You reached up and pulled down the mask that covered your face, and forced yourself to look up at him, in his eyes.

He stared at you in shock for a few moments, taking in your features. You waited on him to say something, anything. The tension was too much. Did he find you ugly? Hideous? You knew you weren't anything special, but you figured you would at least get some sort of reaction from him.

"Pietro." You were cut off from saying anything else.

His hands were suddenly in your hand and his lips on yours. Your eyes widened in shock, but quickly closed as you relaxed into the kiss. Your hands rested lightly on his muscular chest and all of the tension left your body. His lips were full and soft, just like you had imagined. He kept it slow and soft, perfect for a first kiss, but it still left you breathless. In a good way.

He didn't pull away until you were both out of breath.

"You're beautiful," he whispered. He brushed your hair out of your face, his blue eyes scanning your features. "So beautiful."

Peter Parker-
You had been hoping to kiss Peter during your first date, but it didn't happen. You thought you must've done something wrong. But, he asked you out again and you gleefully accepted.

So now you were walking in Central Park together, hand in hand.

Dating was something you never thought would happen to you, but here it was, and you were determined to not screw it up. You looked out on a pond as a few ducklings followed their mother in search of food. The sight of the fluffy ducklings made you smile.

"You have a pretty smile," Peter said softly.

You looked over at him. His face was a deep shade of red and you smiled. He was always easily flustered. During your first date, he stuttered just about every time he spoke.

"Thank you," you said. You looked at him for a moment, still smiling. You wanted to kiss him so badly, but was worried he didn't feel the same way. You didn't even know why he was here with you. You didn't deserve someone as sweet as him.

You were tempted to press into his mind, find out if he wanted to kiss you, but you opted against it. He trusted you to hold his hand and not invade his privacy. And that's just what you were going to do; respect his privacy.

So, you decided to take a leap of faith. You rigged on his arm gently, urging him to stop walking and face you. He opened his mouth to speak but you quieted him by planting your lips onto his. If he wasn't going to make the first move, then you were.

To your surprise, he pulled you closer and kissed you harder.

Peter Quill-
You were still standing in front of Peter, in shock that you had just admitted your feelings for each other. In the many years you had known him, you never imagined he would feel the same way. He was Peter Quill after all. He was tall, muscular, attractive, and could get any girl in the galaxy if he wanted.

But here he was, standing in front of you. His blue eyes stared into your e/c ones. You were so close you could smell the cologne he was wearing and the soft scent of his leather jacket. You desperately scrambled for something to say to break the silence. Thankfully, you didn't need to.

His lips were suddenly on yours, in a passionate and heated manner. He kissed you like he had waited a millennium to do so. His strong hands gripped your sides, pulling you into his muscular body.

Your hands hung limply at your sides for a moment, as you were in shock, but you quickly melted into it and reached up to tangle your fingers in his brown hair. It felt as if the two of you fit together perfectly; as if your were literally made for each other. You liked to believe that you were. That whatever particles made up you and him once belonged to the same star billions of years ago before the universe was made.

Sam Wilson-
"This is me." You stopped in front of your apartment and turned to face Sam.

You had just gotten back from your second date and he had offered to walk you to your apartment, and you gratefully accepted, wanting to soak in every second of his company.

You were a little sad to have reached the small apartment, as it meant you had to part ways.

"I had a great time tonight," you told him, smiling. He had taken you out to dinner and afterwards you had walked through the part for a while.

"I'm glad," Sam responded, returning the smile.

The two of you were quiet for a moment. Then, as if reading each other's minds, you both moved in for a kiss at once. He kept it gentle, but was still confident as his lips moved slowly against yours. The feeling of his soft and warm lips sent tingles through your body. You had thought about this moment at least a dozen times since he had first asked you out.

He pulled away after a moment, but his hands remained on your sides. You could tell that he didn't want to leave you either.

"Can I see you again this weekend?" You asked, a little breathless.


This one is more like a collection of short imagines instead of preferences but oh well.
Some of them are a little shorter than others, but I hope you enjoyed them. If you have any ideas for preferences or imagines, let them in the comments or send me a message. I'm always happy to receive new ideas and feedback! Let me know which one is your favorite and which character you'd like to see more of!

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