Soulmates//Steve Rogers!AU

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Cement and glass crashed down around me. I sprinted towards the nearest staircase.

This morning had started off great. Every person in the world had a timer they could wear on their wrist like a watch. The timer counted down to the moment they would meet their soulmate, and today was the day I could meet mine. But how was I supposed to meet my soulmate when the world was ending?

I put together what was happening through the screams and shouts of the people around me, and the voices of the reporter on the news station that was always on in the office. I didn't have time to stop and listen to the full story though. I kept moving, feet pounding against the floor as I went down multiple steps at a time. Despite my speed, the people behind me were close the trampling me, desperate to get out of the building which was on the verge of collapse.

All I knew then was that a gaping hole had appeared in the sky above Stark tower and creatures were coming out of it. I had seen a couple out of the window before I started running. They were giant. And could fly. I had watched as smaller creatures were deposited from them and began to climb up the sides of buildings. That was when I had started running.

At last, I reached the bottom of the staircase. I opened the door of the emergency exit, allowing those behind me to get out first. The building shook and crawled, threatening to fall any minute.

"Come on, come on," I encouraged a limping woman, the last of the group, out the door. She sent a brief, but appreciative look my way before hurrying out of the building.

Once I was sure they were out, I stepped through the door myself, only to come face to face with one of beasts. It stood several feet taller than me, and had a rather terrifying appearance. It wore what looked to be gold and silver, and had the face of a demon. It's green eyes stared back into mine.

It raised its weapon and swung its arm, preparing to bring it down on me. I closed my eyes tried to duck, in a panic as I prepared to die.

Within a matter of seconds, the watch on my hand buzzed. There was a loud clang, as metal collided with metal. I looked up to see a man in a blue suit fighting the creature that was going to kill me.

I didn't even have time to process the fact that the buzzing of the watch was a signal of the timer going off. My soulmate was here.

The man smashed his shield into the creature. There was a struggle, until my hero managed to knock the alien unconscious.

He turned to me. A mask covered his face, but I could see that his eyes were a lovely light blue color. Captain America. I recognized him from the stories and old films. My father had been a huge fan.

I looked down at my watch, which displayed the time as zero. But it couldn't be possible. Out of all the people in the world, I was his soulmate?

"Are you alright, ma'am?" He asked when I didn't speak for several moments.

I looked back up at him, wide eyed. "You're my soulmate." The short sentence was all I could manage. I was in complete shock. New York was being invaded by aliens, my work building was collapsing, and I was meeting my soulmate while covered with dirt and ash.

Captain America peeled back his sleeve, looking at his own watch. His perfect blue eyes widened for a moment. "It seems you're right."

There was a loud crash, followed by shots in the distance. He looked in the direction of the sound, then back at you. His gaze softened.

"Get to safety," he said. "I'll find you afterwards."

You wanted to beg him to wait. You wanted to ask him question, know what he was thinking or feeling. But he spoke into some sort of microphone or earpiece, then the Iron Man appeared and lifted him up back the arms and into a building.

I watched for a moment, still in shock, and then ran off towards a group of police officers. They were directing people towards a safer area of the city. I wondered if Captain America would keep his word and find me afterwards. He was a busy man after all, saving the world and all that. How would even know how to find me?

I sighed and moved faster. There would be time to worry about my handsome soulmate later. For now, I needed to focus on staying alive so that I could have a future with him.

I'm going back to writing the imagines in first person, unless you prefer them to be written in the second person. I just think first person sounds nicer for longer pieces of writing.
Also, I've been thinking of writing a full length fanfic, but I'm not sure.
Would you like a part two of this imagine?

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