// Avengers // Civil War // Part One //

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You finish stacking the plates in the sink as Laura walks in from downstairs, her kids trailing behind her and she grins at you and you hug her.

"Thank you so much for this." Laura says and you grin

"Hey, this is what friends do. One friend does the dishes for their other pregnant friend." You reply while running the water.

Suddenly her phone buzzes and she pulls it out, and there is a text from her husband, Clint. "He says he's coming back, don't text back, will arrive soon."

You too look at each other strangely. The Barton's have been family friends with you for as long as you can remember. Like Natasha, you tried to have some input on the names, but didn't work out so well.

And yeah, you knew Natasha was an agent of shield, Clint and Nat are both avengers, yatta yatta yatta. Being 'sisters' with Laura has its perks. And also you were filled in when a certain eyepatched, ex-director-of-shield arrived and asked to stay in the barn for a while.

"Strange, but, I'm gonna start cleaning up." You say as the kids are playing lego in the hallway.

"You guys, those might get stepped on and broken." You nag as you hear a strange, thwp thwp thwp thwp noise of a jet engine and you look out the window to a Quinjet landing.

"He was right, they are here, and soon." You say and grin and run out the door, avoiding muddy spots and using a pitchfork in a haybale to vault over another bale for fun.

You slow down as you approach the group of six and wave to them and Nat turns away from the other avengers and waves back to you.

As you walk up and slouch slightly with your arms on your sides you grin, "Welcome!"

Clint turns to you grinning, "Hey (Y/n)! I didn't realize you were here." He says and hugs you with one arm and you hug back.

"Staying here with Laura to help out until her pregnancy is over," you say simply and turn to Natasha.

"Hey," you grin and give her a one armed hug and she hugs you too, "Great to see ya Tash."

She smiles, "Nice to see ya too, we wanted to visit for a while, and lay low from a robot trying to kill us."

"Oh so the norm?" You reply and she shrugs.


"Better than Budapest."

"You and I remember Budapest very differently."

"I remember it different than both of you."

"You weren't even there (Y/n)"

You raise your arms in surrender after Clint made the final comment, "You guys coming inside or what?" You ask and the seven of you walk to the house.

You fall in step with Nat and Clint and whisper into Nat's ear, "Who's glasses guy? He keeps eyeing you subtly, making sure your safe. I think he likes you" you say.

"That's just Bruce." She deadpans.

You give a laugh, "Oh, 'just Bruce'? Not, 'that's just Bruce, he likes science,' or, 'that's just Bruce, you know, the guy that likes me.' It's just Bruce" you continue.

She gives you a stare that reads, 'really?' "Fine. Oh, that's just Bruce, the Hulk." She smirks when your mouth falls into an O shape.

"Rather me just say 'It's Bruce' now don't ya?" She says and walks faster as Clint scoffs.

"Nice." He says and you get a slight pink to your cheeks and you shove him away,


"Awesome is what you meant to say." He teases and catches back up with Nat as Tony falls in step with you.

"He likes you." He says and you keep a straight face and look out in front of you.

"He's married." You deadpan and he has his mouth agape.

You arrive at the house as they all go inside and you head upstairs to grab your duffel of all your belongings.

You head back down and see that Thor had stepped on the legos and you shake your head.

"Hey, I'm gonna head back, ok? I still need to grab some things from the barn but you'll be fine, right?" You ask Laura and she smiles.

"No, go ahead, you deserve a break." And you grin.

"They're Agents." You hear Tony say, trying to comprehend the situation while still being completely wonderstruck.

The kids come crashing in and you hear Tony mutter as you turn off the water, "Those are, smaller, Agents."

"Company, sorry I didn't call ahead." Clint said as he kisses his daughter in his arms on the cheek as Nat hugs his son.

"Yeah, sorry, we would've called ahead but we had no idea you existed." Tony states and you see Steve flick Tony's arm as a warning and Tony glares.

Everyone continues making small chat, and Nat had seen your bag and you told her you were heading out, and to call her when they were going to leave the farm.

The rest of the Avengers part, Thor, Steve, Tony, and Clint all walking outside, and Bruce and Nat heading upstairs as you help the kids clean up the Legos.

"I told you they would get stepped on." You half-scold as they help you clean up all the Legos and head outside.

Clint was on the porch swing and Tony and Steve were arguing when you came back out and dash to the barn and grab a spare whittling knife, just in case.

As you return you see that Thor had to leave, because there was a strange symbol on the ground that was scorched.

You turn to the two men, "Did Thor have to duck out?"

"Yeah." Says Tony.

You can see Clint on the porch bench and you walk up to him and give him a hug, "I'm gonna head out, text me when you guys have to leave and I will come straight back, I'm just taking a little vacation."

He hugs back, "No problem, but I could use a little help with keeping some in check." He says and nods in the direction of Captain America and Iron Man as they bicker and Steve rips apart a log in his hands.

You roll your eyes and give him a friendly peck on the cheek, "You can handle it, your a guy surrounded by gods, they need you." You say and walk back down off the front porch.

"Laura said the same thing!" He calls after you.

"I know!" You call back.

Before you head out you turn to Steve and Tony, "Now, you two, stop arguing and try not to start a Civil War without me, Kay?" You say and Steve nods.

You smile and walk off to where your car was parked and Tony turns to Steve, "Starting a civil war might be fun,"

"Tony." Steve says strictly.



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