// Avengers and X-Men // 'Double' Agent // Part One //

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(I'm bending the laws of time and morality, so ages may be different. Aka, Hanks and Ravens. Raven is more teen-like for this) (P/F) is preferred weapon just fyi

"So?" The man sitting in front of you asked.

"So what?" You replied and sipped your coffee, staring out the window.

"Really, (Y/n) that's all you tell me, 'So'? That's vague, even for you." He chucked.

"Well, for a person that is both an agent and a mutant, most of what I do is vague, Hank." You tell him and he grins.

"You know you can tell me whatever, right?" He asks and you grin,

"Yes Hank, but considering that we are on a date and talking about work, not great of a topic to be talking about in public."

He shrugs, "Whatever you say." And he looks out the window as your waitress approaches you two and she smiles.

"So what are you going to have today?" She asks you and you glance back at the menu.

"I'll have the New York classic salad please, topped with sunflower seeds." You say as she and Hank both frown.

Hank was about to say something when you put your hand on his and give him and subtly tap, 'No,' on his hand with Morse code, dash dot, pause, dash dash dash and he closes his mouth.

"I thought you were allergic to sunflower seeds." She states and you smile,

"Yes, but I didn't tell our waitress that, and only a select few actually know that because we are close, and only one of the select few that I know of can change their looks at will." You say and smirk at her.

"Mystique, why are you spying on us?" You ask and she shrugs and sits down next to Hank, quickly morphing her looks to her regular civilian attire.

"Scott, Storm, and Warren at table six, and Logan, Bobby, and Marie are at table eight." She says and you spot them and Hank gives a groan.

"Do you guys have to spy on us every time?" He says and she grins,

"Actually, only Marie, Warren, Bobby and I wanted to spy on you, we just convinced everyone else to come as well." She teases.

You laugh until you hear someone cough, and you look up and frown.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" You ask and the man shrugs and slides you a business card-looking thing and you pick it up.

"The hell is this?" You ask and stand up.

"Read it," he says and you glance at the card, Barton compromised, tell Widow, need you both to come in as soon as possible, it read and you look at him.

"So? Just a lame business card." You say and put your hand on your hip with your card in between your middle and ring fingers and he nods, silently acknowledging that you got the message, but can't come in at this very moment, the finger symbol was something most agents knew when getting in to contact.

"Fine, I just thought I could make a quick customer, sorry to bother you." He says and walks off.

You sigh and sit back down, "Who was that?" Hank asks.

"Just a guy wanting to make a quick buck, card says his name is 'Ward'. Whatever." You say and rip the card in half and tuck it in to your pocket.

"Alright." Mystique says and she grins, "Wanna go someplace else?" She asks and raises and eyebrow.

You sigh, "So much for a date alone." Hank says.

"We have an apartment, care to join?" You invite and stand up, and she nods.

"Meet us on the street, we'll get everyone else." Hank says and he walks over to Warrens table and you walk over to Bobby's and Marie's

As soon as they see you walk over Bobby quickly looks away and pretends to be chatting with the other two when you flick him on the back of the head.

"Hey!" He says and turns to you, "What was that for?"

"For spying on Hank and I. We gave up on a privet date and heading to our apartment, you coming?" You ask and he grins.

"Sure." He says and Marie smiles two,

"Hate to miss it." And she stands up as Logan stands up and puts on his jacket.

"I don't trust you two alone," he says to Bobby and Marie, "Or you and McCoy, so I guess I have to come." He says, a smile playing at his lips.



A few bus stops later everyone was at your apartment, and soon was ruined when Scott and Logan got in to a drinking contest, and dragged Warren and Hank in to the mess as you and the three sane ones watched and laughed, then Mystique dragged herself in as well.

A few minutes later, Scott and Warren were passed out on the couch, Bobby drawing on Warren's face and Storm scolding him for doing so.

Logan was brooding in the kitchen in his drunken state, and Marie was trying the best as she could to comfort him, and you intervened and had Hank and Raven call it a draw before they both passed out too.

You helped everyone get sleeping accommodations and once everyone was asleep you take out your cell.

You call Phil.

"Coulson" he says.

"Phil, Barton's comprised? Whadda mean? You know I was taking a short break."

"I can't give you all the details, half of it I don't understand myself, just call Natasha. Location of her interrogation will follow shortly."

"They won't be willing to give her up that easily, everyone loves how charismatic she is."

"Just fib, it works half the time."

"You need both Widow and I?" You ask.

"If you want, it can be just Nat, I bet she can cover it. You can keep on with your break."

"Thanks Phil."

"No problem, Bye."

"Agent (L/n) out."

"I hate it when people say that."

On your side of the call, you grin, "I know." And you hang up.

A few seconds later you get a text with the contact and everything you needed, all the information in what happened, and a halfway decent alibi.

Quickly dialing the number of the place Natasha was supposedly hosting an interrogation you let the line ring.

"Who the hell is..." you hear Luchkov say but you interrupt.

"You're at 114 Solenski Plaza, 3rd floor. We have an F22 exactally 8 miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby."

You wait a second, then say, "Phil needs you to come in."

"Are you kidding? I'm working!"

"This takes precedence."

"I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything."

"Look, you can't pull me out of this right now."

"Natasha. Barton's been compromised."

There is a pause before she responds, "let me put you on hold."

About a minute or so her voice booms back from out of the mic, "Where's Barton now?"

"We don't know."

"But he's alive."

"We think so, but do you want the briefing or what?"

"Have at me."

You then start explaining about what Phil told you, about the man coming in from the portal of the tesseract, Fury getting shot, Barton and Selvig being turned into drones, and them escaping with the cube.

The next part you hear in Russian, "What?"

"I'll just say I said some unprofessional words. So just head to the tricarrier?"

"No, he needs you to talk to the big guy."

"(Y/n), you know Stark trusts me about as far as he can throw me."

"Phil's got Stark, You get the big guy."

"Oh god." You hear her say in Russian.

"Need me to come as backup?"

"I'm good, you can keep in your break, enjoy it."


The next morning the drunken ones wake up at about midday to the sane ones playing a game of cards, breakfast on the table.

A few minutes later you all are playing cards, laughing and chatting while eating and drinking (OJ, you had revoked the alcohol to the locked cabinet) and soon, Logan had won everything that was placed and now you were yelling at him for cheating.


"Did not."

"Did to."

"You two better not start that, I already have a hangover and don't need a headache." Raven complains.

"He cheated." You mutter.

"Why don't we just go for a walk?" Hank suggested and soon, you were all in normal and comfortable clothes and walking down the streets of NYC

"Hey guys look, it's Stark tower, the 'leading face in clean energy' apparently." You mock and Hank laughs.

"Actually we need it, clean energy would be a groundbreaking achievement."

"Don't nerd out on us just yet Hank, we still have hangovers!" Scott said from the back and Storm laughed.

Suddenly, a boom is heard and you all turn to look at Stark tower where a blue beacon is shot up in to the sky.

"Please don't tell me this is part of the 'clean energy' thing."


Your hands glow in (Col) as you use your powers to summon your (P/W) as a portal opens in the sky and it starts spewing out creatures that you have no idea what they are.

Logan grins and his claws emerge, "Less science talk, more fighting."

Warren laughs, "Finally!" And he takes off his shirt to let his wings emerge, but you quickly walk over and summon a dagger and cut slits into the back of his shirt so he can poke his wings through.

Hank grins, "Looks like you don't want any shirtless guys fighting here, do you?"

"Not even you, and I might make an exception if the guy is bright green and huge." You say sarcastically as a hoard of things come down to attack.

"Charge!" You roar as you go into battle, with the X-Men following suit.


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