// Bucky Barns // Anchor //

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The flashing camera lights blinded your eyes and made it hard to focus on walking in a straight line.

You hugged your wrapped-around coat harder and stared down at the pavement as people pushed and shoved to try to get to you, to 'Ask your opinion' on a topic or, 'Get a quote for their magazine'.

You fought off the urge to rip your metal arm from your coat and take the flash off every camera and crush it to death in your hands, but nobody, except you and your friends, knew about that.

That, oh god why did you think about that. The pounding in your head grew harder as you heard the doors open from the building you were just in fly open and a voice calling your name.

You keep walking, tears streaming down your eyes as the memories pushed harder and harder, trying to coax you to fall and submit to them, so you could relive your horrors.

A reporter stepped in front of your path and quickly asked, "A few questions for the newest avenger; Do they trust you?" She asks

You are to exhausted to shove past her and mumble, "I don't know if anyone should." And try to pass, but she keeps blocking your path like a troll on a bridge.

She frowns, "And why is that?"

Tears keep leaking as Bucky is almost halfway there. "Because I'm a monster."

"The avengers wouldn't recruit a monster-" she states but you interrupt

"They did."

"-why would you think that you are one?" She asks and you slouch down some and you let your coat fall to the floor, revealing your metal arm, plated side, and more metal coverings that go just past your thigh and hip.

"Because, of this. Of these so called 'enhancements', I'm not just any monster, I'm Frankenstein's monster." You say and give up resisting your memories and you fall to your knees and cry, the memories clouding you as you hear Bucky run up.

You hear his voice, calling your name faintly, fresh and strong, but then you hear him calling you, his voice musty and muffled.

You open your eyes and see him, all color sapped and formatted to a sepia tone, of browns and tans.

"(Y/n)," he says, his dreadlocks framed around his face as he sits down with you in what looks like the old Hydra barracks.

"Please, don't forget about me. When you go to be wiped, hold on to me, please." He pleads and you nod when Hydra soldiers bust in and grab you by both your arms and you wail and resist, but they restrain your metal arm.

Bucky lunges for you but the soldier kicks him away, and two restrain him as well. The scientist that has been monitoring you walks in, "How sweet," he says in his American accent, which almost makes you want to reject the fact that you were an American as well, "Barns is saying his final goodbyes."

"They're not final! I will remember!" You protest and struggle and try to reach to Bucky, but the doctor laughs.

"Will he?" He says darkly, and turns to the ones restraining James, "Take him to be wiped!" He orders and fear crosses the super-soldiers face.

"(Y/N)!" He shouts!

"Bucky!" You shout back as he is dragged out one door and you are dragged to the other door.

He is taken out of the room and the two guards shove you back in then escape through the door before you can punch out any of their teeth.

When Bucky is returned to the barracks you run up to him and hug him tightly around the chest and cry into his shoulder.

He shoves you off and looks at you colder, "Who are you?"

The words crack your heart and you fall to your knees and sob.

The next thing you know, you are back in the room, the room, the room with the hacksaw, the needles, the torture masters and their tools.

They bring out metal plates and their small saws roar, quietly, but still give you fear. They don't even drug you or knock you out, they wanted you to feel pain.

Horrible pain.

They start cutting into your side, and you cry out in horror as they start adding in metal plating  to various areas on your body, as well as replacing joints with metal ones.

On the opposite side of your arm, they replace your knee and ankle joints with metal, cold, hard, metal.

A small strip of metal plating connected the two, leading up from the foot to the knee, to the hip, and running around your backside and connecting it to the plating attached to your arm.

You could faintly hear them say, "Wipe her."

"But she is already in much pain! If we do, she may die."

"I said wipe her!" You hear the man roar and you fall unconscious.

Next, you are in a room, in a chair, sitting across from a man.

He blathers in Russian, and your head pounds, pounding harder with each word. Until by what you hoped was the near end, it felt as if it was going to erupt, then he said a final word.

Your head calmed, your vision was clear, and you could feel your heartbeats. Your one thought was clear. You felt obligated to do whatever the man said, to comply at all times.

"Ready to comply." You say monotoned, like you have said it many times before.

The scene fades and reappears, you in a strange man's arms, him looking down on you.

"Do you remember me?" He asks, hopefulness in his eyes.

"You are James, you got shot on our third mission, taking a bullet to the side."

"Do you remember why?"

"That information, it is useless, why would I need to know?"

"Because I took the bullet for you, after you were wounded from a knife to the hip."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I love you, and you love me. Can you remember?"

You pause, "No, I cannot, I am sorry if you are disappointed."

The scene shifts once again, and you find yourself in his arms, kissing.

He pulls apart. "We are strong."

"And we are secure."

"Which is why we know that we can survive."

"Which is why we know that our love will last." You finish, hands intertwined, saying the last line of the love poem he wrote.

"I'm glad we never have to worry about loosing our memories of each other, ever again." He says and you smile.


The final scene fades to black and you wake up to your head pounding, and you sitting in a comfortable bed.

You sit up and Bucky races to your side.

"Are you ok?"

You pause.

"We are strong." You start,

"And we are secure." He continues.

"Which is why we know we can survive."

"Which is why we know that our love will last." He ends and smiles warmly.

"I love you." He says and you kiss.

"I love you too, James. Thank you, for being here. For being my anchor."


Please request! I love making chaps for readers!

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