// Steve Rodgers and Johnny Storm // Breaking Wind //

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S/n is Super-name, and for this chapter, have it be wind-related, and this has nothing to do with anything later. If you are too lazy to come up with one, I came up with Vent, Updraft, Vortex, Cyclone, and Cutbreeze or Cutwind (although that sounds a lot like breaking wind. X3 )

You follow your sister as she grabs a hair pin and you grab an apple.

"Sue, I don't understand how you work for that guy, much less date him." You stress as she puts her hair up and her dress on to go to work and you take a bite.

"I'm with (Y/n) here, you deserve better Susie." Johnny says coming up while grabbing his jacket and stealing your apple.

"Hey!" You protest and he takes a bite and hands you the apple back, and you roll your eyes and keep eating.

She shakes her head, "Victor isn't so bad, he helped me get this job-"

Johnny interrupts and scoffs, "He just wants to look at you half the time. That's why the dress code is tight skirts." Gesturing to her attire and you laugh.

"Well that's not really the dress code but," you trail off and laugh when you see Sue glaring, "Continue?"

"And he helped you when you left the astronaut business, Johnny, and helped you when you got your job as a chemist, and gave you a job too, (Y/n). He's helped us through tough times and supported us."

"I guess that is true, but he is so full of himself! Cocky, arrogant, and rude." Johnny rattles off.

"Hypocrite." You mutter then turn to Sue, "As much as he cares about his work, he cares about you, but if he even touches a hair on your head, so help me I will snap the hand that touched you."

She grins, "Alright, but hurry up and grab your things or else your not carpooling with me."



"Ok, what now?" You ask when Sue invited you to come with her, Ben, Reed, and Doom to the space station.

"C'mon, they need you to monitor the chemical composition of the cloud while watching to see if anything else changed."

"Sue, I don't go out into the field, you know that."

"Technically, you'll be in the base the whole time and not be in the field."

You sigh in defeat, "You know I can never say no to you."


"But don't forget Johnny, it might be harder to convince him than me."


"Oh, not that idiot!" Ben groaned and left the area as Reed followed behind when Ben had seen your brother making out with a girl in a convertible, and you groaned too, being forced to watch from behind.

  You honked at them on your motorized scooter and his head jerked away and he turned to look back and you subtly gave him the middle finger and he sarcastically looked offended.

"Stop being such a play-boy!" You shout at him.

"Sorry, its in my nature!"

"I thought Sue and I raised you better!"

"Your twelve minutes younger than me!"

"And Sue is twelve minutes older than you!" *

A few minutes later you and Johnny enter the building and get your suits for the trip.

"This is tight!" You groan and slip your suit over your undershirt of the same material. Your suit had two parts, the undershirt, and then the jumpsuit on top, with one sleeve on your shoulder and the other sleeve hanging down low.

"Get used to it!" Johnny shouted from outside the janitorial closet, for you had ordered him to stand out there as you changed to make sure nobody came inside.

"I'm coming out!" You say and open the door and Johnny quickly avoids toppling over and into the closet because he was leaning against the door.

As the two of you walk over Johnny takes out his phone and flips through texts and ect and you go over notes from your clip board.

"Ben is going to be there." You say casually and he visually stiffens.

"Then I'll be sure to give him a hard time." He mutters harshly, not looking up.

Ever since Ben broke your heart years ago when he asked for advice on how to ask a girl out, and you figured that he was trying to ask you out, because he always acted strangely around you, and you liked him as well, so you gave him the best advice you had.

Then he thanked you, turned around, and used the advice on his future wife. You had been crushed, but soon got over it.

Johnny never did. Ever since then, he makes it his mission to give Ben hell as revenge. You never do anything to stop because it is always extremely funny.

You near where everyone else is and Johnny takes out his camera and ushers for you to get behind him.

He sneaks forward and shouts, "Captain on the bridge!" And snaps a photo of Ben when he salutes forward and he snickers.

"At ease, soldier." He says and Ben shoots him a harsh glare and you don't look up from your paper and the two of you enter.

"Ben, Reed." You greet and keep reading the pages of the manuscript of how to work the trackers and simulators on the ship while jotting down notes on the side of the page.

"(Y/n), a pleasure." Greets Reed and you look up and smile warmly and give him a one armed hug

"I'm sure it always is." You tease and keep going over the script when Ben interrupts your thoughts,

"Victor never said you were going to be here."

You reply with, "It must have just slipped his mind, he is a busy man."

"He was busy making these." Sue says, entering the room with her blue space suit on, and has the suits for Ben and Reed in her hands, Johnny having his in his hands.

"It's a synthetic polymer," you start and Sue picks it up from there.

"It acts as a second skin, protecting us from most of the minimal forces of being in space."

"It keeps the hot stuff hot and the cold stuff cold." Johnny says and you roll your eyes.


"Reed!" You shout from your station and he runs over in an instant,

"What's a matter?" He asks concerned.

"I ran the tests again, and the cloud has converged faster then expected, we are going to come in contact with it in less then ten minutes, and Victor is with Sue in the most fragile room!"

He looks at the screen, stunned, "I'm gonna get them.."

You turn to him, "Reed, the doors won't close fast enough! We won't be protected and-" your breath hitched, "Ben's out there!"


After the accident, everyone felt different. At the moment you and Johnny were in Ben's hospital room.

"What happened?" Ben groaned when he came to.

"It was tragic, you don't want to see." You say and place a hand on his.


"The doctors did everything they could." Johnny said, holding a handheld mirror.

"Well just give it to me!"

"I shouldn't, they said you might go into shock."

"Just give me the damn mirror!" Ben shouted and you backed away and Johnny gave him the mirror.

He held it up slowly to his face and...

He saw nothing was wrong.

"I'm sorry but the doctors couldn't do anything to fix your face." Johnny said and the two of you laughed and you went to the door.

Ben grunted and threw the mirror at the two of you, and you two ducked back inside before it hit the wall and shattered.

You, Johnny, and Johnny's new girlfriend, who happened to be a nurse, were going to go to the mountains and take a ride down. Happily, they had a snowmobile that you could use, and other supplies.

The three of you were riding up in the helicopter when you reached the top.

You grabbed the mobile and without a second thought, jumped down the mountain, and Johnny being the last one to go. You all were racing down the side of the mountain when Johnny started smoking.

"Your on fire!" You and his girlfriend shouted at the same time.

"Thanks, you two are doing good too!"

"No, your literally on fire!" His girlfriend shouted while you announced,

"Your smoking!"


It turns out, the 'encounter' as you call it, gave you all powers, except for Doom. Johnny can light himself on fire at will, Reed can stretch to incredible lengths, Sue can turn invisible and make forcefields, and Ben, well, had doubled in size and had every organ in his body turned to orange stone.

You? Well, you could turn into pure wind, and control the wind as well. Pretty much, the wind equivalent of Johnny, as he said, although you said that Johnny was the fire equivalent of yourself.

You took a day off to clear your head and go out on a walk.

You were walking when an explosion was felt, shaking the ground.

You look up into the sky and see none other than Iron Man and War Machine battling hordes and hordes of drones. (Iron Man 2)

'What are you doing? You have powers! Go help!' You said to yourself and ran to them, creating a wind vortex for you to ride on. You had it lift you up and you made curved blades out of the wind and flung them constantly at any drone that dared come close.

A drone flew at you and flew through your vortex, causing you to drop a few feet, before plainly using the winds to lift you up and fly.

Iron Man flew over to you, "who the hell are you?" He asked through his suit when you turn and flung a blade at another drone.

You think back to the one nickname he had been calling you ever since you got your powers, "I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) Storm, but my brother calls me (S/n)"

You ducked under a blast and flew to War Machine, "You're Rhodes, right? I forget if it's Captain or Corporal or whatever, but my brother said he met you once."

"Oh, see Tony? I'm known too."

"Just by military standards."

"I'm still known though."

"Duck!" You shout and send a quick down draft to push them out of the way of a blast,

"Now, what happened?"


After you helped contain the damage of the drones while they killed the Russian dude, you were offered a spot on the Avengers team. You consulted with Sue and Johnny, and they said for you to go for it.

The media also discovered them, and dubbed them 'the fantastic four' and you were happy, but you had to part ways to help out with the Avengers.

It was a sad time, when you had to leave them for a few long, long months.


"See Rhodey, this is my brother, Johnny." You say and show him a photo of your annoying brother and he grins,

"I remember him. He's astronaut, right?"

"Ex-astronaut, I forget what happened, but he screwed it up somehow."


"It was bound to happen, he was too reckless anyway." You say and shrug it off and he places an arm around you, after the Stark Expo, you two have come very close, although Tony didn't call the two of you when Loki attacked the city.

You place the photo in your pocket when the rest of the Avengers enter the building and Rhodey quickly retracts his arm.

"(Y/n)! There you are! These are the rest of the Avengers, Legolas, Shakespeare , Capsicle, Science-bro, and Natasha." Tony introduces.

You walk up to them, "Nice to see you all have gotten nicknames too, except for you Nat, looks like you scare him."

"I'm (Y/n) Storm, though Hover Pants calls me Breaking-Wind. And I hate him for that." You say.

You scan the faces, and happen on a face. You stare for a second, then snap out of it when Rhodey taps you on the shoulder. "You ok?" He asks,

You blush, "sorry I was staring, you just look a lot like my brother, Johnny." You say and point to 'Capsicle.'

Rhodey frowns, "they do look alike."

You reach for the photo but it's gone, and you groan, "The photo's gone!"


Reed and Sue were getting married, and you were a bridesmaid, you invited Rhodey along. (F4, Rise of the Silver Surfer)

When the helicopter crashed and Johnny had chased him down, but gotten injured, you volunteered to let them stay at the tower until they recovered.

When you went to go help him up, you let your hand you and he grabbed it and a burning sensation went up your arm and throughout your body and you were flung back a few feet by a strong gust of wind and you had your eyes squeezed shut.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" You heard Rhodey and Sue shouting and you open your eyes and see them staring at you, halfway in fear and you walk over to them when they take a step back.

"What's wrong?" You ask, and a strong smell of something burning reached your nose and you figured it was Johnny.

"(Y/n), look down." Rhodey said, worry lacing his words when you glanced down and shrieked.

You were on fire!

You jumped up into the air and without knowing, you started flying. You looked around and saw Johnny, flying by wind.

"Johnny!" You shrieked, "What happened?!"


You swapped powers again, and they had to leave to find the Silver Surfer and get everything back to normal, when the next month the four of them arrive at the tower's doorstep.

"Johnny! Sue! Everyone!" You shout and fling your arms around the two of them and you all group hug and enter the elavator.

"Don't worry Ben," you told him, "it's built strong enough to hold the hulkbuster suit as well as the hulk himself."

The elavator handled just fine and you soon reached the top floor. "Guys, we have company!" You shot and hear them laughing and shouting.

"You kept playing without me? Assholes!" You swear and walk to the Avengers, where they are all playing cards, and Rhodey was scolding them for continuing without you.

"Guys, meet my second family, the Avengers." You announce and Rhodey looks up and stands up, and looks between Steve and Johnny, as you do as well.

Steve stands up and you and Rhodey had bet each other that you would give Rhodey ten bucks if Johnny got the first word, and he said Steve would.

Turns out they both said 'How..?' At the same time.

So nobody got money.

* marvel loves the number 12

Pepper gets 12 percent of the tower.

Pietro is 12 minutes older than Wanda

Peter Quill had 12 percent of a plan.



Btw thanks to Thea_Child_Of_Athena for agreeing with this idea I came up with, so it's her fault it's so long. x3

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