// Cast of The Avengers // BTS //

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// Avengers Cast // BTS //

Season two AoS Spoilers included, read at your own risk!

I'm just gonna refer to Robert Downey Junior as RDJ and Chris Evans as Evans and Chris Hemsworth as Hemsworth.

You laugh as you walk into the studio, you had gotten a text from your good friend Mark Ruffalo that he and the cast of the Avengers wanted you to come and do a questionair with them, even though you are not in the movie, but still in the Marvel franchise.

Glancing around, you spot center stage the whole cast sitting down and laughing. You quickly walk over and take a seat.

"Don't tell me I missed everything!" You exclaim.

Scarlett grins, "Nope, were actually going on air soon."

"And speaking of soon," Evans trails off as the camera crew starts counting down from Five.

"Were on in Five! Four! Three! Two..." he says.

"Welcome everyone to this Marvel interview! Let's get the introductions!" You announce and RDJ takes it from there.

"Hey I'm Robert Downey Junior and I play Iron Man."

"I'm Mark Ruffalo and I play The Hulk."

"I am Chris Hemsworth and I play Thor."

"And I'm Chris Evans, and I play Captain America."

"I'm Scarlett Johansson and I play Black Widow."

"I'm Jermey Renner and I play Hawkeye."

"And I am (Y/n) (L/n) and I play Quake!" You finish.

"Now, you all probably are like, who's Quake? Well, why don't ya fill us in?" Jeremy says to the camera, but more to you.

You smile, "Well, those of you who watch Agents of Shield know that I am Skye, and all of you that have read the comics, know that I'm Quake, and I think I pretty much just spoiled that so... oops?"

Evans groans and puts his head in his hands, "Stop the spoilers!" And you laugh.

"Jermey said to explain!" You accuse.

"Well I didn't think you would spoil the entire season!" He shoots back.

"Well before we all break out into an argument, let's start!" Hemsworth interrupts.

"Right right, so I have gotten a collection of questions from fans and beyond so first, Scarlett! Who did you grow closest to on set?" You ask.

"Well, actually I grew closest with Clark." She says and RDJ and you hand your heads.

"Such a shame." RDJ says.

"Indeed, such a shame Phil died." You say.

"But!" You abruptly announce and look back at everyone, "anyone want to know some, top-secret information that only my team knows?" You hint.

"Ooohhhh top secret info!" Mark says, somewhat enthusiastically and you laugh.

"Well, the thing is, the leader of my team is Phil Coulson! He is alive!" You say and Scarlett and Jermey fake gasp.

"Dun dun dun!" Says Evans, 'building drama'.

You smile, "But anyway, back to the questions. Scarlett, got a question for anyone? Because that's how we're doing this."

She pauses to think for a second, "Evans! What and who do you think has the best weapon?"

He ponders on that for a second, "I'm gonna say, Thor's hammer because nobody could lift it."

Jeremy laughs, "Hey remember in the first Thor when even you couldn't lift it?"

Hemsworth shifts in his seat, "We do not speak of that day. That was a dark day." And you all laugh.

Evans turns to RDJ, "What do you think, is your favorite iron man suit?"

"Oh, this is easy. definitely the," he hesitates, "or maybe," he pauses again, "ok maybe this is not so easy. Well, the Hulk-buster was always cool, but the second suit from the Avengers was nice, but, for the some of you that don't know, I do have one fully painted in gold. But, I'm gonna go with Mark I, the very first one I ever made, the big metal clunky one, for sentimental reasons."

You applaud, "Wow, I had no idea that you could be sentimental." And Hemsworth laughs.

You quickly turn to the camera and announce,"Up next, The Avengers Awards! Coming to you after these messages."

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