// Bucky Barns // Rose //

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// Bucky Barns // Rose //
You are walking briskly down the street, shoving your way through the crowd.

You keep walking until a bushel of white and dirty green catch your eye. You slow your walk and look at the bouquet of flowers and pull one out of it and smell it. You smile.

"That's a pretty rose," the worker of the stand says.

You nod, "Yes, it is, is it not?"

The man smiles, "The rose pales in comparison to your beauty."

You blush. The man walks over to you and takes the rose and clips off some of the stem and starts to put it into a curl of your hair. You see a glint of metal from inside the man's sleeve, but you could not see farther then his gardening gloves, but you assumed it was a watch.

You finger the rose and he winks, "This one is on the house."

You smile and put out your hand for him to shake, "I'm (Y/n) "

He takes your hand, "I'm Bucky." He takes out a slip of paper out of his pocket and scrawl a combination of numbers and he hands it to you. "Call me." He says and starts tending to the rest of the flowers.

A few days later when the rose had wilted you come back to the cart, but he was not there.

"Excuse me?" You ask, "do you know where Bucky is?"

A girl turns around and hands you a white rose. "No," she says "but he told us if we saw you, give you a white rose.

You take it, "Thanks."

She smiles, "No problem, also, call Bucky. He needs someone like you."

Just something short and sweet, didn't really put my heart and soul into it though. Enjoy!

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