// Thor Odenson // Repair shop //

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//Thor Odenson // Repair Shop //

Standing in front of the humble shop you look up from the notecard with the address and check that it was the correct one. It was. You frown and slide away the note that your best friend gave to you.

You were looking for a job, you told her. She told you that there was a job opening down the street, and that it was always open because they would not pass the entry test. She told you that you were smart enough to pass it, and that you should go for it. Your friend had scribbled the address down on a piece of paper and given it to you, and here you are now.

Looking at a car repair shop. You squint your nose in disgust, but sigh. 'Beggars can't be choosers.' You tell yourself and head inside.

The repair shop was filled with oil stains, car parts, and other random things. As you were walking around, you could have sworn you saw a red cape and golden antlers.

You shake your head to clear your thoughts, 'C'mon (Y/n),' you tell your self, 'no time for sightseeing, you can look around when you get the job.'

You walk up to the counter where behind the desk you could see the feet of a man and here him cranking from underneath.

"Hello?" You say and you here a thump and a curse in a different language from under the car as he rolled himself out from under the vehicle.

The man was tall, with long blonde hair and a mustache, and also with a great smile.

He grabbed a towel off the counter and wiped down his hands as he started to talk to you.

"Hello and welcome to Asgard Repairs, where the quality is fit for the gods. Here for a oil change or a check up?" He asks you, saying the store's jingle first.

"No actually, I'm here to apply for the job opening." You respond.

He grins, "Great! I'm always looking for extra help, I'm the only one here. I just need you to help me fix up a few things first so I can know your level of experience, you won't mind, will you?"

You shake your head. "Nope."

He smiles, "Ok, let's get started, shall we? Just go ahead and put on a smock and we can get started." He finished and gestured to a coat rack with a few aprons on them in multiple sizes.

You grab one and slip it on over your head and tie it in the back as he talks to you, "Can you grab me a few cans of oil, the ones with the red seal? There near the front of the store."

You nod and walk over there, and your glad you dressed casual. You pick up three cans of car oil and walks back over there, and you feel a slight trickling down your arm, but you ignore it and set them down on the counter.

"Here you go, three cans of oil, although I think one of them is leaking." You announce to him as you grab a 'clean' towel and wipe the oil off your arm as he grabs them and places them down by the car and he rolls himself under the car again.

"Thanks, could you grab me wrench? It should be just behind you on that tool rack." He asks. You turn around and start scanning the shelves for a wrench, and spot a few. You take a glance over your shoulder and take in the size of the car, model, and figure that the thick black one would work best. You grab it and hop the table and crouch down next to him and hand it it him. "One wrench."

He takes it from your hand and begins using it. "Thanks, in the back of the room should be a collection of hammers, could you grab me the large one with the leather handle? It might be a little heavy, so you can grab a smaller one if you want, either is fine by me."

"On it boss." You say to him and he chuckles. "Not boss yet, hopefully though."

You smile and hop the counter again and head to the back of the shop, behind the back of the counter. Looking around you spot a hammer out of the corner of your eye and look around that area. You find the leather-handled hammer that he was looking for, although it looked a lot like a war hammer in your opinion.

Shrugging, you walk over to it and grab it by the handle, it being surprisingly lighter then you expected. You frown, 'I thought he said it was supposed to be heavy, though it does match the description.'

You leave that fact at that and walk over back to the counter and hop it again as he pulls out from underneath the car.

"One hammer." You say to him and hand it to him.

With a stunned look on his face he says after a short pause, "Thank you, you got the job."

You smile. "Thank you. What time do I need to be here? When do I start?"

"You start tomorrow," He says, "I open at Ten, but you can come before then if you would like, the earliest you should come would be Eight."

You nod and take off the smock and put it back on the coat hanger and head for the door.

As you are opening it you remember something and say over your shoulder, "I never got your name, I'm (Y/n) (L/n)."

He looks back up from under the car and as you are leaving you hear him call back, "My name is Thor, Thor Odenson."

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