// Bruce Banner // Anger Management Issues //

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You tap the eraser of your pencil to your desk and crumple up the paper you have and chuck it at the overflowing trash bin. Groaning, you pull out another piece of paper and keep writing, for you have been doing this process for a few minutes, yet the trash can is still overflowing.

"Hey, (Y/n), you ok?" Your work partner, (B/n), asks you.

"I'm, just, peachy." You snidely reply.

(B/n) tossed his hands in the air in exasperation. "Sorry I asked." He says and walks out of your office.

A few minutes later he comes back only to be hit on the head with a crumpled ball of paper you threw over your shoulder.

"(Y/n) are you alright?" He asks, concerned.

"Of Course I'm Freaking Alright? Why Wouldn't I Be?" You shout at him and toss your pencil into the air and it sticks to the ceiling.

He takes a small step back before slamming the papers he was holding on the dest.

You jump and snarl at him, "What?"

"You know what!" He shoots back, "Give me your phone." He commands.

"No." you say and he spins you around in your office chair and puts his hands on the desk behind you and you are face to face, his face a few inches away.

He puts his face up to your ear and you feel his hair brush on your neck.

"(Y/n)," he starts and you sigh and spin back in your chair and face the desk, unknowingly hitting him

"I know I know," you say softly, "I'll get help. Anger management classes?" You assume and he nods his head.

"I'll schedule it in." He says and you smile,

"Your the best (B/n)."

He grins, "I know."


A few hours later you still have not gotten any work done when (B/n) enters your cubical again

"No anger management classes, but there are yoga classes, are you fine with that?" He asks

You sigh and rest your head on your desk, "Sure."


You enter the Bloom Yoga Studio and the lady at the front desk looks up at you, in your work clothes holding your duffel.

"Oh hello! Welcome to Bloom Yoga and Spa. Are you (Y/n)?" The receptionist asks.

"Yes! Did (B/n) tell you?"

She nodded, "Yes. Also, here is the key to your locker in the locker room, women's showers and bathrooms on the designated side, the men's on the other. There are two sauna stalls per locker room, you are in locker room two. If you just head down that way," she pauses to point, "you can go to the lockers. The other way," she points to the other side, "Is the intermingled lounge, we serve food, such as yogurt and fruit, daily during work hours, there is also a pool and exercise level above us."

You nod, "Thank you!" And walk over to the locker rooms.

You look around and find the door to locker room two and pull the door open and find your locker. You quickly check your watch and see that class started in a few minutes. You take your clothes out of the duffel and put the bag on the bench and walk into the bathroom to get changed.

A few minutes later you walk back out in a v-neck tee shirt and black yoga pants, with fabric slip on shoes.

You grab a handle of your bag and pull it upward to put it in your locker as a man walks in and goes to his locker.

The contents of your bag spills open and on to the floor and you moan, "Great!" You SAY and squat down and start picking up everything that fell out, and the man you saw enter crouches down to help you.

"Thanks," you say without looking up.

"No problem, I'm Bruce." He introduces and looks up, a hand out.

"(Y/n)." You respond and shake his hand. You can feel how calloused and strong his hand was, and you were pretty sure he could feel how precise, yet hardened yours were.

You pick up the rest of your belongings and open your locker, and start pushing the duffel back in.

You kept pushing and pushing, yet it didn't work, you let out a frustrated shout and punch the duffel when Bruce walks over and puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Whoa there, let me help." He says and pushes the top in, then the bottom, then lightly pushes the middle in.

A small blush tints your cheeks and you smile, "Thanks, my best friend says I have horrible anger management skills."

Bruce chuckles, "My friends say I have breathtaking anger management skills."

You give him a grin, "Wanna trade?"

He shakes his head and crosses his hands into an ex then returns his hands to his sides, "No way, I'll keep my skills, you keep yours."

You open the door to the hallway and scoff, "What skills do I have?"

He walks out and you close the door and start walking to Yoga, "Well, you have a nice smile."

You grin and are about to say something before he cuts you off.

"See? Like that." You laugh

"Well thank you mister Yoga Pro." You say and open the door to your lessons and he laughs.

"Hey, when do you have lessons? I have them every Tuesday and Thursday."

"Thursday and Sunday." You say and go to mats next to each other

"Well, looks I will be able to see you every week." He grins.

"Great." You say.


For the rest of the lesson you do yoga, smirking and making small remarks to each other that make the other laugh, then being glared at or looked at with admiration by the rest of the class.

You chatted all the way back to the locker room, and you helped him get his jacket un-caught on a hook in his locker when you got your duffel out, and he even walked you to your car.


"How were your lessons?" (B/n) asks you the next day and you grin

"Great, I actually met someone."

His eyes fall slightly but he laughs, "I thought I set you up for Yoga class, not dating and drinking."

You swat him on the arm as you get up, "You didn't."

You kiss him lightly on the cheek and he blushes, "Thanks." You say to him.

"Your welcome."


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