// Tony Stark // The Lair, The Witch, in the Wardrobe //

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// Tony Stark // The Lair, The Witch, in the Wardrobe //

You weave in and out of the crowds of partygoers. Anyone who's anyone was there. The reason? because you were the one hosting it.

You are the owner of (L/n) incorporated, where you make custom items for anyone who's willing to pay. Someone needs a gold-encrusted tissue box? Done. Need a chainmail bow tie? Done. Need a bottle of wine from the Galapagos? Already arrived.

You take a sip of your wine and continue bobbing in the sea of people and sit down in your penthouse lounge.

"Nice party." A man says next to you.

You turn to him. "Name, number, and reason you got invited." You say as you put out your hand for him to shake.

"Tony Stark, you'd like to know, and if you didn't know, I run Stark industries and am Iron Man." He replies with a small smile.

You return the smile and let go of his hand. "Well it's good to have you here Tony." You absentmindedly take out your phone and start looking up information on "Tony Stark" for a background check.

As results start popping up you get a text from your assistant, (Name). You pull up the text.

'The party's a success! Even Tony Stark is there!' They say.

You roll your eyes and you replay by saying, 'I realized.'

You turn off your phone and pick up your glass. "Hate to be rude, Mr. Stark, but I have guests to attend to."

He nods and stands up. "A pleasure, Ms. (L/n)."

You let a small smile creep out and you duck right to head out. You take one last look over your shoulder and you see Tony already talking to a Strawberry-Blonde woman. You look back to where your walking right when you bump into an older man with white hair and glasses and spill your wine all over your (Color) long dress.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" He says and grabs your glass off the floor.

"No, it's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going. Thank you, Mister..." You trail off.

"Call me Stan." He says with a smile as you continue walking.

You head straight to your bedroom a few floors down and quickly strip down to change. You slide on a long shirt as you hear the door creek open and you quickly duck behind the door and peek over and see the one and only Tony Stark.

You clench your teeth and grab your sweats and pull them on from your position on the floor and grab the closest thing to you, your hair dryer.

You step into the doorway. "This floor is off limits."

"The door was open" he replies and points to the door.

"Yet you come into this room, my bedroom, at the exact moment I'm changing. And you just so happen to go down the stairs to here." You retort.

"I thought you might need help."

"Pervert!" You say and throw the blow dryer at his head and he ducks and somehow he has a repulsor glove on, armed and pointed at you.

"Threat level minimum." You hear a robotic, female voice remark.

"Minimum? Want more?" You threaten.

"Sorry, occupational hazard." He says as the door bursts open and three security guards are at the door."

"Yeah, mine to." and quickly jump to your bed and duck under it and pull out the hidden wooden staff and roll out of the other side.

"A pole? You gonna dance?" He says.

"Like I said earlier, Pervert!" You say and twist the handles of the staff and one end dissolves into an orange light and use it as a whip.

You use the magic and send the whip at the guards and they three get swept off their feet. Tony stares at you in wonder. "Science?"

"Magic." You reply and flick the whip at him.

He rolls under it as you grab a ring off your nightstand and slip it onto your fingers as he fires a beam at you and you flick your whip again to meet it.

You use a spell and summon more orange light and hurl it at his feet so he collapses into a heap as your turn away from him and start moving one of your hands into a circle, creating a portal to the roof of the condo.

You jump in right as the spell wears off and he is getting up.

Your clench your teeth. "Running from my own house, for the third time in two months!" You say and  start opening another portal to your house in the suburbs. "Guess being a sorcerer is hard, apparently"

You step into it as the door to the roof opens and out runs Tony. You start closing the portal as he runs towards it, and right as he is about to step through, it closes and on the other side he crashes into a wall.

A few days later you get a new news paper with the headlines, 'The Liar, The Witch, in the Wardrobe'

The picture included was of Tony pointing his repulsor at you, 'The Liar' you wielding your magic whip 'the Witch' And the spilled clothes all over the floor, 'In the wardrobe'

'They got one thing right.' You say to yourself. 'Tony is a liar.'

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