// Clint Barton // A Game Of Cat and Hawk //

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// Clint Barton // A Game Of Cat and Hawk //

"Come on, kitty kitty kitty." You coo to the cat behind the plastic barrier of the pet store. You put your hand up into the window and the cat does the same.

Hey there buddy, you ask the cat telepathically wanna be adopted?

Soon a silky smooth voice enters your mind. I would love to. But if you don't mind me asking, who are you, and how can you talk to me?

You smile. I'm a shapeshifter and telepath, I can turn into and communicate with animals using my mind. My name is (Y/n) to answer the first question. You respond.

The cat was just about to reply as it pulls away and curls up into the shadows as you hear footsteps behind you. You quickly pull your hand away as a man walks over to you.

You sit in awkward silence as you reach out to the cat again through your mind. Is there something you do not like about him?

He reeks of  chemicals, rubble and smoke. He feels like a danger.


Yes! He seems like the government type. Be careful around him, please. She warns me.

"-am? Ma'am?" The man says to you.

"Yes? I'm sorry, I was lost in thought." You say.

"Sorry, I didn't know. Are you planning on adopting this cat?" He asks.

You nod. "I want to, but I'm not sure if it wants me."

He nods. "Yeah, cats are nice, but I prefer birds."

You raise and eyebrow. "Oh do you now?"

He smirks. "Yeah, especially Hawks."

"Really?" You say as he over laps it with a few yeah's

"Of course you do, Hawkeye." You joke, thinking of the superhero that saved the city a few years back, but went their separate ways to hide out from the government and media.

He visibly stiffens while looking over his shoulder. "What, it was just a joke." You say.

"Yeah. I knew that." He says. You smirk.

"There are some birds over this way, wanna see?" You say as you point off in a different direction. "But I doubt they have Hawks, kinda illegal to have as a pet."

He smiles. "Sure." As you and him walk over to the bird cages.

"Hey, I never got your name. I'm (Y/n)" you say to him, holding out your hand for him to shake.

"I'm Cameron, Cameron Bryte" he says while shaking your hand.

He is lying! Lair! Liar! Liar! You hear a bird say in your head. You turn to the birds and see them all squawking at Cameron while he covers his ears.

"Why are these birds so loud?" He says.

"I don't know! Erm, quiet down please birdies!" You say, trying to sound normal as they quiet.

He uncovers his ears. "Wow, your good."

You smile. "Know you know my secret, what's yours?" You ask

"What?" He says, confused.

"You know, like your actual name. And don't lie to me this time." You say while folding your arms.

"How did you know I was lying?" He says while pointing a accusing finger at you.

"I have my ways. So spill, if you don't start saying it I will start guessing."


"Hmm, you probably saved your first and last initials, Carter Boyce?"

"Uh, no."

"Hmm, maybe, Chris Barns?"


"Idk, Chris Pratt?"


"Nevermind. Uh, Oh! Clint! Clint something!!" You say, getting excited

"What? No! Who's name is Clint? I mean.." He says trailing off.

You clap your hands excitedly. "So your first name is Clint! Ok, so Clint what.. Clint Barns? No... Clint Bryte, no that wouldn't make sense. Boyce? Barton? Captain America?" You guess, giving up at the end.

He laughs. "Yup! That's me, Clint Captain America!" He says in a mocking tone.

"Although Steve isn't such a bad roommate after you get him to stop yammering about the good ol days." He says and you laugh as you realize something.

"Hey, I think there are more birds at the back, let's go!" You say as you quickly drag him to the back of the store and shift yourself into half human half cat form (or a neko for you anime lovers.) and push him up into the wall, holding his neck in your hands.

"Ok, Clint Barton" you say, shooting his name out with disgust. "Whadda want with me?"

His hands claw at yours trying to get your grip to loosen. "I have know idea who, and might I add, what you are before I met you! And I'm hiding to for your information so put me down!" He says as you let go and he falls to the floor gasping for air.

You look around the corner to see a man with glasses and wearing a suit walking your way.

"Come on birdie, this way!" You say as you grab his collar and pull him out the back door and let him go as you start running.

"Come on come on pick up the pace!" You say clapping your hands as he chases after you, the man just coming out of the building and holding a gun with a red skull on the side of it while firing at you

You duck away and soon come face to face with a bald man wearing pitch black goggles as he hisses at you. "Run!" You shout as you turn around so fast you almost trip as you have your claws out again so you claw the ground for traction as Clint chases after you.

Soon the two of you run into the middle of Central Park and catch you breath as the Hydra agents, the Shield agents, and the street thugs form a triangle around the two of you.

"Who are they?" Clint questions, pointing to hydra.

"They don't like me."

"Who are they?" He asks again, looking at the thugs.

"They don't like me either."

"Who are-" he says but you cut him off.

"Let's just assume that everyone here doesn't like me! Split!" You yell as you shift to have leathery black wings and pointed brown ears and fly straight up into the air again. "CYA BIRDIE!" You shout as you fly off.

Clint looks around at the tree groups surrounding him, all mad from actions you did. "Thank you!" He shouts sarcastically into the air as he runs off.

You look at him from on top of a roof and quietly say. "No, thank you bird brain, for you just made my day a little brighter." As you go back into neko form and run across the rooftops, probably to go adopt that cat.

One of my longer chapters, I think. Over one thousand words. Enjoy! :) I made a refrance to a awesome movie, try to find it!

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