// Steve Rodgers // Smoke and Fire //

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// Steve Rodgers // Smoke and Fire //

You sit on the street corner with your leg propped up on the brick wall as you cover the small flame you use to light your cigarette. ( DONT USE CIGARETTES BECAUSE THEY SHORTEN YOUR LIFE SPAN!!! Irl I don't use them, but it fits with the story).

You plop the 'fire stick' in your mouth as you slouch agensed the wall, eyeing all the pedestrians as they come and go behind your thick shades. You start slouching so low you slide down the wall into a sitting position. You move the Fire Stick around in your mouth as you hear a voice next to you.

"You know those things are bad for you." Says a man. You look up at him from on the floor. He is tall. Looks about twenty-something. Slightly attractive.

You pull the cigarette out of your mouth and make a puff of smoke, satisfied when it takes the shape of a star, but he doesn't notice "So? Why do you care?"

He slides down to sit next to you. "Because a girl like you shouldn't be sitting on a corner smoking her life away."

You get a better look at him. He looks like he could be a secret agent with his hood, glasses, and baseball cap. He could easily be part of a gang trying to mug you, but you could handle him quickly.

"Are you just saying that because I'm just loitering and your gonna turn me in, or are you looking for a easy target to mug?" You reply slickly.

"No, I'm not gonna do either. I just wanna know why your here, and not with a significant other. Or even at work for that matter. Your life can't be wasted siting here." He says.

"So? Why do you care. This world is full of terrorists and bombers and why do you take special care in me?" You reply, slightly aggravated.

"Because. Even if one person can stop that's an improvement." He persists

"Fine!" You say as you pull the cigarette out of your mouth and crush the tip in your palm, not leaving the slightest scorch mark. He looks down at your hand, surprised.

"Happy now?" You say sarcastically.

"How did you..." He says, pointing at your unburnt hand.

"Oh great! Now Mr. Hat-and-hood wants to know how I didn't get burnt! Take a guess, sugarplum." you reply even more sarcastically, fire burning behind your eyes and smoke emitting from your balled up fists as you stand up over him.

He gets up and even behind his glasses, there is something different about him. "I don't want to fight you." He says calmly.

You laugh. "What? Afraid to hurt a girl? Or just afraid you'll loose?"

"No, I'm afraid I'll win." He says as he pulls a red, white, and blue shield from his oversized backpack and he throws it at you.

You quickly jump over it as your palms light on fire and you throw a fireball at him. He ducks just as you do to avoid the frisbee hitting the back of your head.

You throw fireball after fireball at him as you push him out of the ally and into the street, him only blocking and not attacking. You throw another fireball at him and it catches the top of his hoodie hat combo and he throws his hat away, also pulling off his glasses.

You laugh again. "What? The great Captain America afraid to go on offense? Yeah, the giant frisbee gave it away." You taunt.

The fire in your palms slowly trickles up your arms until it reaches your elbows.

He throws a punch at your head that you grab with a burning hand and you flip him over, putting your knee on top of his chest. You douse your flames as you pat him down for any more weapons. You find none.

"Don't bring any guns to a shield battle, now do you?" You sneer in his face.

"Why are you doing this?" He asks you.

"Because! If a girl knows that this is the last day of her life, she might as well enjoy it!" You say, thinking back to your powers. The more times that you use your fire, the more that fire burns out. You knew you were going to burn yourself out today, so that's why you were so aggressive.

"What?" He asks in wonder.

"Yeah, I'm gonna die, pass, get 'terminated' whatever terminology you want to use. Might as well make this day count! Oh, I'm (Y/n) by the way. (Y/n) (L/n)" you say as you stand up and offer him a hand to get up.

He accepts your hand and helps himself up as he says, "I'm Steve, Steve Rodgers."

You shrug. "Kinda pieced that together when I saw the trash-can-lid." You say as you motion to the shield that lays a few yards away from you.

"And if today is my last day then, might as well make it count." You say smirking as you plant your lips on his.

He is taken aback but soon kisses back to you, then after a few long seconds he pulls back, looking at you like he has never kissed a girl.

"You act like you never kissed someone. You did lovely by the way. Cya, Miss America." You say as you do a lazy two finger salute and saunter off, whilst turning into smoke.

You know that this is how you will die, and you accept it. You raise your arms to the sun as the rest of you becomes just wisps of smoke, never to live again.

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