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(Y/N) Parker is two years older then her little brother, Peter. A nice day at the park goes bad when (Y/N) is kidnapped by hydra. Now, eleven years later, maybe Peter can get some good news.

Added Info: this is a request, and my first one! Thank you @KatN68 for giving me this! I really hope I got it to come out like you wanted! Oh! Italics in a story will be flashbacks unless emphasizing a point, lol. And no one is dead, bcs infinity war and End game never going happened!


The day was bright, and many children were running around the small park, screaming and laughing as they chased each other around the grassy field where soccer games were held during spring.

"Peter!" A small girl yelled, running over to her little brother, poking his arm. "your it!" She declares, giggling and rushing off for the more wooded area of the park. The small boy turned, laughing loudly and rushing after a different group of children who were playing too.

Peter had tagged a small girl, before hearing his uncle call out to him. His parents were on a business trip, and wouldn't be back for a couple of days. The boy rushed over, grinning giddily as he was picked up. "Where's (Y/N)?" He asks. Peter pointed to where he had seen his sister go, and Ben placed the boy in Mays' arms. "I'll go get her" he says with a smile, jogging over to the woods.

Two minutes of searching turned into an hour, and that hour turned into days of people searching the woods, May and Ben crying, and a call to the public for them to bring back their niece safely.

A week, and their parents were gone, and Peter was left with no one but his aunt and uncle. He had never cried so much in a short amount of time then he had that week.

They held a service, a small one, at the cemetery, dedicated to mother, father, and daughter.

*Present day*

Peter held a picture, sighing and standing up. He had a room in avengers tower now, for when they were planning to go on missions. He set the picture down, pulling his suit up over his body, and pressing the spider in the middle, grabbing his mask and making sure he had web fluid for the road. Well, flight anyways.

He jogged out and to the Quinjet, his mask held securely in his right hand. "Underoos! We were waiting for you, what were you doing kid?" He asks, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"Ah, just... Looking over some family photos" he said softly, looking up at Mr. Stark. He was like a father figure to him, something more then an idle. He shook his head, getting on the Quinjet. Clint sat behind the wheel, and Bucky and Sam were bickering over something in the corner. Natasha  was cleaning her guns, and Steve was polishing his shield. Bruce, Thor, Vision and Wanda had decided to stay back this time around.

"We ready to go?" The fifteen year old asks, sitting next to Tony and looping his arms through the straps. He never buckled up completely until they were going into the air. Truth be told, he had a small fear of heights due to his encounter with Liz's dad...

"Fury said we'd have a new recruit. She's about your age actually." Tony says, buckling into his seat. Someone his age?? Finally! Someone would get his vine references! Shuri would understand them too, but she only hung out with him when T'Challa came to visit and brought her along.

"Really?? Does she have powers like Wanda? Or a shield? Is she a spy??"

"Woah, woah. Slow down Underoos. This is her trial period, we'll figure it out" he chuckled, pulling on his sunglasses.

Fury stepped into the Quinjet, looking around. "Your new team member will be here in five. I hope you like surprises" he states, smirking and leaving the Quinjet.

Surprises?? Was Fury just messing with them? What if there wasn't a new team member at all? No, Fury wouldn't do that to them, even if they were, well... A handful. Oh!! Maybe they had to gear up! That made more sense!

Peter say back against the wall of the Quinjet, wondering if he should put his mask on or not, when A girl climbed aboard the Quinjet.

She was clad in a grey body suit, a utility belt at her side, a gun at her hip. Her hair was brown, but her eyes were (E/C).

Peters P.O.V

My eyes caught the new recruits, and something seemed to click, like I had seen those eyes before. The girl softened, and she walked over. "Peter" she said gently. I got my arms from the straps, standing.

No... No, no, there was no way! "(Y/N)?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"Yeah... I'm home."

P.O.V Switch~

Home? What had the girl meant by that? Nobody had much time to question it as Peter picked up his sister, sobbing into the girls shoulder. She ran her fingers through his hair, crying with him and holding him close.

Tony stood, unbuckling. "Ok, hold on. Underoos, who is this?" He asks the question the rest of the team was wondering. Instead of the younger teen asking, the older one did. "It's... A really long story" she says, wiping her eyes and holding Peter close. "But let me explain."

(Y/N)s Flashback

I couldn't move. Someone's arms were wrapped around me, a hand over my mouth. This wasn't uncle Ben, he was to rough. Stranger! I tried to break free, biting at the gloved hand. All I got was a chuckle. We started moving, until the tree line broke, and then... Darkness.

/Two years later/
"You will do as you're told!" The doctor yelled, smacking my face. They needed a willing subject for the new supersoldier serum they had developed. Training to be a spy, training to be the next supersoldier, like captain america.

The doctor scowled. "Up the dose of meds. She's still young... She'll break eventually" he states, walking away from the small table.

Back to the P.O.V~

"I never let them break me. They tried to finish the training, but Fury found me about four years ago. He kept me safe, helped train me to fight back against Hydra and he made sure that no one would find me. They tracked me for years, until Fury finally found a way to get them off my back. We faked my death, and they stopped. Now it's safe for me to come back. To be with my parents and my brother."

Peter shook his head, sniffing and wiping his tears away. "(Y/N)..." He croaked, taking a deep breath. "After you were gone, Mom and Dad tried getting home early. Their plane... Their plane went down" he states, taking in a harsher breath. "And Uncle Ben was shot two years ago"

(Y/N) looked down at Peter, taking in the information. There would be time to grieve and catch up later. She had shed enough tears. "Aunt May?..."

"She's fine. She was pissed when she found out about... This" he says, motioning to his uniform. "But she's ok. Same place in brooklyn as before" he says.

She grinned. "Well. There's time to get to know each other again. For now, hurry up and get this thing airborne. The sooner this mission's over, the quicker we get to go home and eat some terrible cooking."

The mood had lifted in the Quinjet. The team had all stayed quiet, but we're bombarding the siblings with questions as Clint started the jet.

Even through the chaos, the questions, and the confusion, Peter was grinning. Finally, his sister was home.

I am SO sorry that this is slightly rushed, or if it isn't what you want, but I wrote like, half of this in school 😅. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, and go ahead and give me more requests! I'll do everyone from Captain America to Black Panther!


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