Peter | Not so bad

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(Y/N) is a young girl with great powers. Teleportation, and invisibility. When Fury decides she's ready for a mission 'to early', things go sour with the Avengers. But a year later, their in need of her help. Reunited with her half siblings, it's time she show the avenger's she's ready.

Added Info: Maximoffs are your half siblings, and another request by KatN68 I hope you like it!!


"(Y/N)!" Fury yelled from his office. She groaned, tossing your paperwork over to coulson. "Your problem now" she teases, jogging over.

The girl walked into furys office, taking a seat. She was only fourteen, but her power was incredible. She had been sent in for small recon missions, or intelligence gathering. But she still had to do paperwork just like any other agent.

"(Y/N). The Avengers are going to fight hydra, and I think you're ready to start working with the team. Get your stuff and be outside in five."

The girl grinned, bouncing up. "I'll be out there in two!" And she was gone in the blink of an eye, collecting her gear and then sitting in the car giddily. Finally! A real mission to show off her skills!!

She secured her utility belt, making sure her baton was in it's pocket. Perfect! Fury walked outside, getting in the car. "Well, let's go then" he says, starting the car and heading for the avengers tower. "I want you to stay hidden. Keep your mask off" he says.

The girl nodded, taking off the black face mask that secured her identity remained a secret. She set it on the dashboard, excitedly tapping her foot. "So, what's the mission?"

"You'll be briefed just like the rest of them. Calm down (Y/N)" Fury says, leaning back in his seat, watching the streets of new york. He knew the young girl was excited for a big mission, and he knew she was ready for it.

They pulled up to Stark towers, and the young woman unbuckled, getting out and teleporting around the parking garage. "Come on Fury!"

Flashforward a bit~

Fury sighed. "Where's Stark?" He asks, earning a shake of the head from Steve, earning a huff. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. tell start to get his ass down here now."

Tony walked in a moment later, a pair of shades over his eyes. "Now that everyone's decided to join us, I have some news for you all. Oh! This was (Y/N)s turn! She walked up quietly next to Fury, still invisible, but Fury knew she was there.

"You will have someone knew joining you for your mission. She's young, but she's powerful. She was working for hydra when I found her trying to steal S.H.I.E.L.D files a few years back. Now, she's going to help you infiltrate one of their bases."

The  young girl turned visible, waving at the avengers before her. "hi..." She said timidly. These were her, and pretty much the world's, heroes. She didn't want to disappoint them, and she didn't want to disappoint Fury. She stood tall, looking at them. "My name is agent (L/N). Me and my half siblings, Wanda and Pietro, were all part of Struckers experiments with the soul stone. We were separated though. I was moved to an off grid facility because I was so small."

The team talked quietly amongst themselves. "Well, wheels up in five kid. We've got a mission to go on" Tony stated, earning a grin. Yes!


The mission was going terribly. Screaming, fire, and the blood. Once she had realized which facility it was she knew their plan was going to get them all killed. So she had teleported into a secure area and started taking them down from the inside while invisible. She had made it to the control room when everything went to shit. Now, she was holding her bleeding side and getting prisoners out quickly,bouncing back and fourth.

She set the last person down, and gasped, laying on the floor with a groan of pain. The adults were not happy.

It started with the scolding about how she was irresponsible, then talk about changing how you used your powers, new training you still needed, and the last straw was an off hand comment from America's golden boy Captain america about Fury being pissed.

She turned away from them, turned invisible, and was in her small apartment crying into a pillow. Fury found her a few hours later.

*Present time~*

"Peter, I love you, but I'm never going up to the top floors again. I stay down here, away from the Avengers" she states, kissing her boyfriend's cheek.

"(Y/N) please. I really want to cuddle" he whines, wrapping his arms around her waist. Truth be told, she also wanted Mr. Stark to let her be an avenger with him. Her powers were awesome! And, they even defended queens together sometimes!

"No" she said firmly, pulling away. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at dinner. I have a mission from Fury" she pulled away, kissing his cheek softly. "Tell aunt may I'm bringing food so she doesn't have to cook. I love her, but her cooking..."

He chuckled, nodding. "I know. Don't forget were hanging out Friday with Ned and MJ" he reminds, waving as they went their separate ways.

(Y/N) walked into the downstairs training area they had for agents, passing through to the locker room to change into her suit. The Avengers didn't know it, but she worked there just like them. She changed into her outfit, slipping her mask on over her face.

She had gotten the mission briefing earlier this morning, nothing to hard. Take out a target, make it look like an accident, get out. She saw the location she was meant to go, humming and transporting herself quickly.

She was invisible, looking at her target. She needed to get him to the roof somehow... She shook her head, teleporting to the roof. She waited quietly, and when she saw him walk out, she tipped a flower pot, playing a cat sound on her phone.

"Danmit mittens" he grumbled, taking the fire escape instead of taking the elevator back up. She waited by the edge, and quickly untied his shoes. (Y/N) smirked, waiting until he was where the flower pot had fallen, and pushed.

She grinned, clapping her hands together to clean them, when an explosion went off down the street. Her eyes widened, and she teleported towards the disturbance. There, she saw the avengers fighting. She was glad she was still invisible!

Tony was blasting at people from above. Steve had his shield, Natasha had her moves, and Peter was using his webs. It seemed to be going well, but then she noticed Clint. He was rapidly firing off arrows, until an agent started sneaking up behind him.

(Y/N) didn't have time to react. She teleported over, became visible, and pushed Clint out of the way. She gasped, grabbing her arm in pain. She kicked the hydra's agents legs put from under him, and kicked him to the side. "Are you ok?" She asks to the some what surprised man. Though, she couldn't tell if it was surprise about the agent, or her.

She rushed into the fight, teleporting around, invisible once more. Once the fight died off, she leaned again the remnants of the destroyed building, pulling off her mask to breath and asses the damage.

The team weren't to surprised to see your face, they knew your powers. But, they were surprised to see you here.

"(Y/N)!" Peter exclaimed, rushing over and crouching down, ripping his girlfriends sleeve off with ease. She ignores the team behind him, and grinned at him. "Geez Parker, aren't you supposed to buy me dinner first?"

He wrapped the sleeve around the bleeding wound, picking his girlfriend up. He turned to the other avengers, holding her close. "You might not like her, but this is my girlfriend. I'll respect your choices if you respect mine. I'm gonna make sure Dr. Banner fixes her up" he says, whispering in his girlfriend's ear, and they were gone.

The team talked quickly amongst themselves as they climbed aboard the Quinjet. She had not only saved Clint's life's but had helped them defeat the surplus of agents they hadn't been expecting.

Maybe, she wasn't so bad after all.

Sorry this one's a bit rushed too! I want them to be good, I just get worried their a bit to long, lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you'll read again!! Requests are open!

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