Blake & Wanda (Getting Settled In)

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Set after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron. Blake gets to sit down and talk with Wanda on her struggles, and even sharing her one of his darkest moments in his life.

Warning: This contains mentions of suicide.

Blake was getting settled in with this new Avengers compound in Upstate. It was no Avengers Tower, but nonetheless, it feels like home. After the fight with Ultron, everyone was off doing their own thing. Thor left to find answers about the infinity stones, Clint stayed with his family, Bruce was missing, and Tony taking a little break. Which leaves Steve, Natasha, and Blake still here with Rhodey, Sam, Vision, and Wanda.

After doing a little bit of training with the team, Steve called it a day and everyone left to relax and do their own thing for a while. Blake went over with Natasha and Maria to talk with them.

"So, how did it go with the new recruits?" Maria asked.

"I think it went pretty good. They're still adjusting but going good." Blake said.

"Although, Wanda seems to be thinking of some things right now..." Natasha paused for a bit before continuing. "...I think the death of Pietro is still getting to her."

"Poor girl, she has been through a lot..." Maria said.

Blake looked back to see Wanda standing there, all alone and looking down. She then walked away, possibly to her room.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to go check upon her." He said as he went after her.

Natasha and Maria smiled each other, seeing him going to help her out. One of the many things they both liked about him...helping those in need.

Wanda made it to her room and closed the door behind her. She changed into her causal clothing and sat on the bed, with her legs crossed. She turned on her TV and had Malcom in the Middle playing. She stared at the TV, still feeling sad and broken. She had lost everything. First her parents and now Pietro, all because of her actions. Wanting to get revenge on Stark but at the cost of causing even bigger harm. Tears began to fall till a knock was heard.

"Wanda, it's me, Blake." He introduced himself from the other side. "Can I come in?"

Wanda immediately wiped the tears from her eyes and stood up straight, not wanting him to see her like this. "Just a second." She called out, trying to fix some things in her room. "Okay, you can come in."

The door opened as Blake came into the room, walking slowly.

"Hey, everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. Why do you ask?" She asked quickly.

Blake could already tell that she was crying before he came here. He looked over to see she was watching a sitcom.

"What are you watching?" He asked her.

"Um, M-Malcom in the Middle, it's a sitcom. I used to watch all of these with my brother and parents know..." She said, quietly.

"Oh, I understand..." He said, knowing what she meant. Then, it was all just an awkward silence with him just standing in her. He decided to break the silence.

"You know, I do watch a couple sitcoms myself too."

She looked up at him, a small smile formed a bit. "Really, which is your favorite?"

"Well, currently for me, it's the Big Bang Theory. That show is still going on, and I think you might like it, who knows?"

"Hm, I'll be sure to check it out someday." She simply said. "But, why are you here though?" She asked him.

"Well, me and the others are kind of worried about you. You were all quiet during those training sessions were avoiding everyone else."

Wanda sighs and looks down. She knew that someone would eventually talk to her about it. So, she decides to let it all out.

"I still think all of it was my fault..."


"Everything. What happened with Ultron. I wanted revenge on Stark for what happened to my parents, leaving me and Pietro to fend for ourselves. And then, we let HYDRA experiment on us, hurt us, just so we can have a shot of hurting you. But, I let my grief and emotions get the better of me. I got into Stark's head, into having him create Ultron, many people have been hurt in the process, and Pietro..." She paused as she looked down, sobbing. "He died...because of me...I'm all alone now...most of these people see me as if I'm...a monster..."She began to break down.

Blake sat down next to her and hold her close, trying to help her calm down. After a few minutes, Wanda stood up and wiped the tears again and looked at him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..." She was about go on, till she was cut off.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. There's nothing to apologize for. Look, I get it. I actually been through almost the exact same thing as you did."

"Y-you have? How?" She asked him, curious to what he meant.

"Well, I lost my parents when I was very young. I don't know how it all happened, I still don't to this day, and I rather not know because it would hurt much more. I was all alone, sad, and empty on the inside, something I never felt before. I hated this feeling and I wanted to stop feeling this every day..." He paused, thinking on what he should said. Should he even say it?

"Then, what happened?"

"Well, it' wasn't something I was very proud of...I-I don't know if I should might make you feel uncomfortable."

She placed her hand on his, looking at him, telling him to continue on. "Please." She says to him.

He sighs and continues on. "One day, I had a rope with me and I...wanted to...hang myself..."

Wanda's eyes widened in shock, holding Blake's hand tightly.

"Why?" She asked him,

"Like I said, I wanted to stop feeling this pain and I thought at that time, it could be the end of it and I could be with my mom and dad again...I was even this close of doing it...but..."

"But what?"

"A friend of mine, Coulson, rushed in at the last second, saving my life. I held on to him for almost hours, asking him why he wouldn't let me go. I wanted to not live with grief. He said to me, 'Grief never ends, but it changes. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love.' He helped me move on and it...worked. I wasn't like my old self, but I made sure to not let grief bring me down. I was lucky that he was there to help me, and I even got more luckier as the years went by, I found my family. Clint, Natasha, Maria, Tony, Steve, Thor, Bruce, and many others."

Wanda paid really close attention to all the things he said. She couldn't believe that he went through all of those horrific things and still kept his heart.

"What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't close yourself off and let grief overwhelm you. You have people here, like me and the Avengers, to help you get through any kind of problems you're dealing with. We're always going to be there for you, even me." He finished off.

Wanda smiled and hugged him, thanking him. Blake smiled back as he hugged her back.

"Thank you, Blake....I really needed this..."

"You're welcome." He said.

"You know, I am curious to see that show you mentioned to me earlier." Wanda said.

He simply chuckled and stood up. "How about we get ourselves some snacks from the kitchen and we'll start watching here?"

"Sounds like plan." She answered.

Then the two stood up and went out to the kitchen. Wanda was feeling a sense of relief that if she ever needed help or have someone to talk would be none other than Blake.

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