Peter, Blake, & Wanda (NWH Ending)

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Peter Parker has been forgotten. As a desperate attempt to save reality, Peter asked Strange to cast a spell to make everyone forget him. In the end, Strange casted the spell and everyone forgot him, except for three...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"What if everyone forgot who I was?"


Peter Parker, otherwise known as Spider-Man, was on top of the Statue of Liberty with Doctor Strange, Wanda Maximoff, and Blake Riley. How did it all come to this moment? All he ever wanted was to have a break from being Spidey and just be with his friends and family, until Fury, or whoever was impersonating Fury, dragged into this hero work and was fooled by Mysterio into giving up Edith. Luckily, Blake, who was a mentor and father to him, was there for him when he needed him.

After he thought it was over, Mysterio revealed his identity to the whole world and it deeply affected everything and everyone around him. He went to Doctor Strange for help by casting a spell to make everyone forget he is Spider-Man, but...he really wished he kept his mouth shut. Instead, it brought in visitors who knew Peter Parker is Spider-Man, like Doc Ock, Electro, Sandman, Lizard, and...Goblin.

He blames himself, for he feels responsible for the death of his Aunt and now he has dragged his friends, his parental figures, and Strange into this mess and his reality was about to collapse. So, he thought of an idea that could possibly work, but at a heavy cost.

"They're coming here because of me,
right? Because I'm Peter Parker? So cast a new spell, but this time make everyone forget who Peter Parker is. Make everyone forget... me." He said.

"No, no, no. We're not going to do that!" Blake yelled, as tears formed.

"He's right, we're not doing it." Strange replied.

"But it would work, right?"

"Yeah, it would work. But you gotta
understand that would mean that everyone who knows and loves you, we..." Strange paused as he glanced at both Blake and Wanda, who were crying. He even began to tear a bit and spoke again, "We'd have no memory of you. It would be as though you never existed.."

"...I know, do it."

Strange nods and replies, "You better go and say your goodbyes. You don't have long."

"No, Strange, wait! Peter, please..." Wanda pleaded.

"Mom, please...this is the only way. We'll see each other again, I promise."

"You better." She said as she walked over to him and brings him into one final embrace. Or so she thinks. They both let go as Peter looks over to Strange.

"Thank you, sir."

"Call me, Stephen." He replied, giving a sad smile.

"Thank you, Stephen."

"Yeah...still feels weird." He said as Peter smiled back. Peter then swung away, with Blake following behind him, leaving Wanda and Strange.

"Stephen, are you sure there is no other way? At least one of us, remembers him?" She asked.

Strange looked down in sadness, almost about to reply but then something crosses his mind. His facial expression changed as he then thought of something.

Peter and Blake reached down to meet up with their variants: Blake 2 (Raimi-Verse and about 16 years old), Peter 2 (Raimi-Verse), Peter 3 (Webb-Verse), & Blake 3 (Webb-Verse and about the same age as Peter 3). Peter 2 had his arms over Blake 2 & Peter 3, while Blake 3 standing next to his Peter.

"Hey! Uh... I think this is it. I think you're about to go home." Peter 1 informed them.

"Okay." Peter 2 replied.

"All right." Peter 3 replied as well.

"This has been something, we should all hang out again sometime. You know, when the multiverse isn't in danger or anything." Blake 3 said.

"Yeah, what he said." Blake 2 responded, as Peter 2 & 3 nodded.

"Hm, we'll see, kid." Blake 1 said.

"Um, look, I, uh... thank you! I just want to-- I want you-- I want to tell you that... I really don't know how to say this, I--."

"Peter..." Peter 3 said.

"I want you to know that I'm--."

He paused as he looked to his counterparts, who are now like their brothers to him, smiling towards him as well as his mentor's counterparts.

"You know. It's what we do." Peter 2 responded.

"Yeah. It's what we do." He said, as he and Blake smiled at them. "Um... Right, I gotta find Ned and MJ."

Peter moves off, then quickly turns back and hugs his brothers. Blake joins in as well, hugging them all.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you." He repeatedly says as he then pulls back. "I guess... I guess I'll see you."

"Same." They all said, as Peter 1 swung away. As Blake 1 was about to go, he looked back and smiled at the others.

"Take care of each other, and I wish you the best of luck in your universes." He said as they all nodded towards him.

As they all watched the two leave, Peter 2 winced at the bit of pain he was feeling from being stabbed by the Goblin.

"You're in so much pain, huh?" Peter 3 asked.

"I am." Peter 2 responded.

"Yeah." Blake 3 simply said.

"Hey dad, how are we going to explain mom about this? Blake 2 asked as he looked up to Peter 2.

"Yeah, I'm not quite sure how we are going to explain it to her."

Blake was standing there, with his arms crossed and a sad look on his face. Peter was explaining to Ned and MJ about the spell. MJ was panicking and crying about how she will forget her boyfriend and Peter reassures that he will find them and have them remember who he is. Ned and Peter did their one last handshake together and hugged, while MJ gave him one final kiss.

"Blake!" A voice called out, as Blake snapped out of it and looked up at Strange, gesturing to come over there. It looks like they might need his help with the spell. Blake gestured back, letting them know to wait just a moment. He was at least going to say goodbye to his son.

Peter walked towards him, as stopped right in front of him. He looked up to see Blake in front of him, tears rolling down his face. Before Blake could say anything, the young hero ran to him and hugged him and began to cry. Blake hugged him back, as he was remembering all the memories he had with him.

Back in 2011, when Tony saved him from the drone, Blake bringing him back to his aunt and uncle, and the young boy hugging him. Years later, he discovered that he was Spider-Man and offered to train him alongside Natasha, thinking he lost him in Titan and was brought back, all the events in Europe, and now to this.

"I love you, dad." Peter said to him, while still hugging him.

"I love you too, son." Blake replied.

Both of them finally let go, as Blake then teleported to Strange and Wanda. Peter then walks away and jumps on a piece of wall, and glanced upwards to them. They all gave him a goodbye nod.

" what, Strange?" Blake asked, still hurt that he will forever forget Peter.

"I think there is a way we can still remember him." Strange responded as both Blake and Wanda looked towards him.

"R-Really? How? Please, tell us."

"Well, I need your guys' help with this. Blake, with the help of your powers, you can help by sending everyone back, I still have to cast the spell, but Wanda can help make sure they we can still remember Peter."

"Will this work on Ned and MJ?" Blake asked.

"I'm not sure, but at least, if one, two, or the three of us, still knows him..."

"We have to try and we're running out of time." Wanda said.

"All right, let's do it." Blake said.

Doctor Strange, Hot Shot, and the Scarlet Witch got to work, and combined their powers to fix the tears in their reality. Peter 2 and Blake 2 waved goodbye to Peter 3 and Blake 3, as they threw a peace sign and smiled at them. Then, they disappeared along with the cured villains. Peter looked up seeing them already doing the spell, so before he leaves, he looked back at MJ as she gave a silent, "I love you", to him. He gave a sad smile towards as he turns and swings away.

Blake's eyes glowed as his entire body was covered with electricity and had his arms out, as he finishing fixing the cracks in the sky. Wanda used her powers as the red mist began to cover herself, her boyfriend, and the sorcerer, with their eyes glowing red. Finally, Stephen completes the spell as a wave of energy sweeps the entire area. The trio slowly levitated downwards to the Statue's head, as then the red mist disappears. They all glanced at each other, not saying a word till Strange says...

"Do you know Peter Parker?" He asked as both Blake and Wanda glanced each other and back at him.

"Holy shit...I think..."

"It worked." Wanda cut Blake off, as she began to tear up in happiness. They both hugged, happy that they still remember him.

"You two go off and find him, I'll take care of things from here."

"Right...goodbye, Stephen." Blake said

"Take care of yourselves." He replied with a smile, as they smiled back. The two heroes immediately went off to find Peter, while Strange helped MJ and Ned get back home.

The spell worked, as everyone in the entire world has forgotten Peter Parker and no one knows who Spider-Man is under the mask. Of course, Jameson is still rambling on about how he will get to the bottom of this and show the world how much of a menace he is.

Peter was walking through the cemetery, holding a white rose in his hand. He had just finished meeting with MJ again, but unfortunately...he didn't keep his promise. As he walked in, seeing how happy they are, he felt like he was responsible for putting them in danger, and he didn't want to ruin their lives again. He feels they would be better off without him.

He came to a stop as he kneeled down and placed the flower on a grave, belonging to May Parker. Her gravestone reads: 'When you help someone, you help everyone.' He stands back up, as then Happy approaches him, not knowing who Peter is.

"How did you know her?" Happy asked him.

"Through Spider-Man. You?" Peter responded, lying.

"Same. I lost a good friend a while back. It felt like this. Hurts cause they're gone, and then it hurts all over again because you remember what they stood for, and you wonder... Is all that gone too?" He said.

"No, it's not gone. Everybody she helped..." He paused for a bit as he turns to Happy, smiling towards him. "They'll keep it going."

"You really think so?" Happy asked him.

"I know it. Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Yeah. Nice to meet you." He said, as Peter walks away.

Peter kept walking as he was almost exiting, until he heard a voice call out to him.

"Peter?" He froze in place, as he someone called his name. It was a female voice. How was it possible? He turned around and gasped to see Wanda Maximoff and Blake Riley standing there.


"Hey kiddo." He responded as he ran towards and pulls him in for a hug. Both of them cried, as they were still hugging.

"You remember? H-How?"

"You can thank Wanda for that. The two of us, along with Strange still remember. Come on, let's go."

"I....I can't. I don't want to be burden." He said as he looked down on the ground.

" are not a burden, why do you say that?" Wanda asked as she placed her hands on his face.

"I don't want you get hurt because of me. I dragged you guys into this mess..." He stopped as he began to sob. Wanda brought him close to her, hugging him as he was crying.

"Peter...I know what that's like...feeling like you are the cause of it, but you're not. That's not want May wanted to think, okay? We are not going anywhere, and right now, you need us. Let's go home." Blake said, as Peter nodded and followed them out of the cemetery.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Blake and Wanda have settled in New York and got themselves a lovely place to live. They helped Peter get settled in as well, and adjusted to this new life. He places a box on his bed, and takes out GED test study manual, some pictures, and...a Lego Emperor Palpatine minifigure to remember the time he and Ned built the Death Star many times.

Later on, Peter was eating dinner with Blake and Wanda as they all finished and just chat with each other. Then, he looks over his phone to hear the New York Police Precinct app, to hear chatter going on in the city. Both he and Blake glanced at each other, knowing it's time to get to work, stood up and went to change.

Wanda places the dishes and sink and before she goes to wash them, she looks back to see her two boys wearing their suits. Peter was now wearing a new, blue and red, hand-made silk suit and Blake was wearing a new one too.

Before they head out, Wanda cleared her throat, getting their attention.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked them.

Both of them smiled and then walked over to her. Peter gave her a cheek kiss, while Blake kissed her on the lips. They put on their masks and leaped from the window. Wanda looked out the window, seeing them go into the city.

The duo jumped on a snowy rooftop, and parkour their way towards the edge. They leaped and Spider-Man began to swing, while Hot Shot flew using his powers and followed Spidey through the city. They soar past the Rockefeller Christmas tree, as the people looked up to see them pass by.

Blake glances over to Peter, seeing how much he has grown from the first time he met. Now, the two of them have become partners and help each other to defend this city. If May, Tony, and Natasha were still here to Peter now, they would be proud of the man he has grown up to be.

Here was a glimpse into the MCU future with Blake being present in the events of No Way Home! Any other one-shots you want to see, comment down below!

Here's the added cast in this segment:

Older MCU Blake Riley (Blake 1) played by Pedro Pascal

Blake Riley (Raimi-Verse) played by Gabriel Bateman

Blake Riley (Webb-Verse) played by Rudy Pankow

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