Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

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Fury set you on the floor and the room went silent. You looked around at everyone and smiled,then rasied your hands and signed Clints name. Clint stepped into the center of the circle and knelt down in front of you.

"You want me?" He signed back slowly,you nodded your head and reached out for him to pick you up. Clint gently grabbed you under your arms and stood up,he held you close to his chest and looked at Nick Fury. Fury gave him a nod before turning around and leaving the room, Clint shuggged his shoulders then looked down at the little you in his arms. You looked up at him and smiled in the cutest way possible,then started signing again.

Clint and Natasha were the only people in stark tower (other then you) that knew ASL (American Sign Language). That is actually how Clint had met you.

*Flash Back*

Clint was walking around,burning time before the next mission. He decided to take a differnt route then normal today and turned to walk down an allyway. Clint rounded a corner but quickly hide himself in the shadows when he saw a man and women arguing. The women yelled at the man something about him not listening to her and the man gave a short laugh then continued to yell back something like.

"At least I can without these!" The man reached out and ripped off the womens ear and throw it on the ground then stomped on it crushing it to pices. The women started crying and shoved the man off the now crushed item.

"That took me three years to save up for!" The women screamed through her sobs,the man scoffed a 'whatever' then walked away leaving the sobbing women there alone to gather the broken pices of her belonging. Clint left his spot and walked over to the women,he lighly placed his hand on her shoulder. The women flinched and looked up at him through her tears then quickly wiped them away and looked back down.

"I'm sorry,I can not hear you,my hearing aid is broken." Clint used his finger to pull her chin,making her look at him. He took his hand back and signed.

"Can you sign?" The women nodded and slightly grinned,Clint thought she was beautiful."What happened?" He asked,she sighed but started signing.

"My boyfri-...My EX boyfriend got mad when I told him I had hearing aids,I tried explaining it to him but he wouldn't listen to me,he took them from me and crushed them." The woman started to sob again but Clint quickly tried calming her down by asking her what her name was. "(Y/N),whats you name?"

"A beautiful name for a beautiful women,my name is Clint." (Y/N) blushed and shook hands with him. Then Clint had an idea, "I can get you a new pair,if you'd like." Her eyes brightened up a bit.

"Really!?" Clint nodded.

"I only ask one thing in return." (Y/N) thought it over then smiled.


"Don't date another jerk like him." She smiled and nodded.


*End of Flash Back*

Clint shook his head and payed attention to what you trying to tell him.

"What to build a fort?" Clint beamed and signed back that he'd love to. Picking you up he carried you into the living room and set you in the middle of the floor, Clint started grabbing all the couch cushions, pillows, and throws he could find and set to work, making you the best pillow fort ever. Steve and Bucky walked by and asked what was going on, you poped out of a pile of blankets and signed. Bucky looked to Steve for an answer but he just shrugged, sensing what was going on outside the fort Clint called out,

"She said we are building an amazing pillow fort." You giggled and clapped your hands then crawled over to Clint, you were impressed with his work but he said it still needed one more touch. Furrowing your brows in confusion, Clint pulled out a little teddy bear from behind his back and handed it to you. Squealing with joy you took the teddy bear and crawled into the fort, laying down on a pillow getting comfy you looked at Clint and signed,

"Will you tell me a story?" He smiled and signed that he would be right back, Clint disappeared for a few minutes before returning with a handful of soft (fruits/candy/chocolates/etc.) and offered you some. You excitedly took a handful and shoved them into your mouth before settling back down onto your pillow. Clint held up his hands and started telling you a story about a archer who fell in love with a beautiful princess, soon you were soundlessly sleeping while sucking on your thumb and cuddling with your teddy bear.

Clint watched over you while you slept, occasionally running his fingers through your soft baby hair. Every time someone would walk by they would send sympathetic looks his way, especially the ones who knew he liked you. If you didn't go back to you older body or Tony couldn't counter whatever it was, Clint knew he would look after you, take care of you even. Laying down beside you Clint closed his eyes hoping that he would wake up and all of this would be a bad dream, then he could tell you how much he really loved you.

Clint was suddenly brought out of his sleep by your screams, he instantly wrapped his arms around you and rubbed small circles on your back. You hiccuped trying to catch your breath from crying so hard, once Clint got you settled down he asked you what was wrong.

"I had a bad dream, they took you away and I-I...........I couldn't save you." You sniffled again and hugged him as tight as your little arms would squeeze. Clint pulled you away and made you look at him,

"I'm not going anywhere and don't worry about me I'll be fine." He wiped away your tears and kissed the top of your head,

"I love you Clint."

"Love you too, tiny." He reached down and pulled you into a hug, Clint felt like you were getting heavier by the second and looked down. His eyes widened at the sight of you, you looked to be about 7 years old, hoping it wold work again Clint closed his eyes and hugged you tight thinking about how much he love you. You started getting heavier again, he held you until your weight stayed the same. Clint pulled you away from him and looked at you, you looked down at you body and gave a silent cheer. You leaned forward and kissed Clint until he kissed back, Clint pulled away and looked into your eyes with wonder and happiness. He reached into his pocket and handed you your hearing aids, you put them in and the first thing you heard was Clint saying,

"I love you." You kissed him again and giggled,

"I love you too,Clint."

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