Thor Odinson

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You looked around at everyone one before smiling and crawling over to Thor. Nobody in the room was surprised except the man himself, you always flirted with the god of thunder but unfortunately never got any sort of attention in returned. The man was oblivious and blinded be the fact that he had fallen madly in love with you, how could such a beautiful and amazing woman ever want him, the way he wanted you.

Thor looked around in disbelief, the sight of you at his feet sitting on your knees with you tiny little hands reaching up for him made his face turn a light shade of pink. Loki chuckled at his brothers actions before taking his leave of the crowded room, the rest of the room slowly followed suite soon after Thor scooped you up and cradled you into his chest.

Nick Fury was the last left in the room when he walked up to Thor, he handed the Demi-god a backpack with some extra baby clothes and toys, and all your weapons that you had on you prior to the shrinking incident. Then the man with the eye patch left with only saying a few words.

"Take care of her." Then he was gone. Thor couldn't help but hug you tightly after he caught you smiling up at him, you giggled and tried your best to hug back. Pulling away Thor looked at you happily,

"So what would you like to do before we travel to Asgard, Lady (Y/n)?" Tilting your head to the side like a confused puppy, you tried asking him why you were going to his realm. It took him a few seconds to correctly decipher what had actually come out of your mouth.

"Ah, I am taking you to the healers of Asgard, they can cure you to your natural state of being, they are the best at what they do, as you deserve nothing less." If you had been big, a blush would made its self present, but it seems that in this smaller form your body worked slightly different. So instead you settled on clapping your hands together while giving him a happy sounding, jumble of words. Thors smile brightened, he held out his hand and summoned his trusty hammer, once the legend was in his grasp Thor made his way to the roof of Stark Tower.

"Heimdall! Bring us to Asgard!" Thor shouted at the sky then tightly wrapped his arms around you to keep safe but carful not to squish you. A bright rainbow light came down on all sides before it powerfully sucked you up, the force you felt from the speed you were traveling was incomprehensible to your poor little mind. When the force finally stopped your hold on Thor didn't, he chuckled lightly and patted your back telling you, you could loosen on your death grip just a hair. One of your eyes slowly opened before both popped open to take in the sight of this new world.

A nice man at the end of the bridge named Heimdall, somehow summoned a guard to bring Thor a horse, he gracefully mounted it with ease never letting his grip on you slip. Thors black Stallion trotted smoothly across the bridge towards the palace, the gentle bouncing rocked you into a blissful sleep, when Thor glanced down to check on you he saw your sleeping form curled into his chest.

The next thing you know Thor is dismounting his beautiful stud and entering the huge palace, warriors and hand maidens bowed at the sight of the blond prince. You giggled while waving at all of them making them smile in return, making Thor chuckle at your cute doings, your kindness was always something he had admired about you. Two royal guards opened the throne room door revealing king Odin seated on his throne and his wife, Queen Frigga by his side.

"Thor, my boy. What brings you to Asgard this day?" Odin asked standing from his seat to greet his first born, his mother went to hug him but stopped on the account of seeing your bright eyes peering up at her.

"Oh my, who might this little one be?" She asked kindly moving a strand of hair from your cute little face. Odin made a face of curiosity as he came to see you as well.

"Mother, father, this is Lady (Y/n). She has been turned into a helpless infant and I have come to seek help from the palace healers." Frigga laughed at the face you gave her son when he called you 'helpless', showing him who was still in charge you reached out to his mother and made a pleaing sound to be held by her. Of corse she immediately took you into her arms, holding you close she lightly swayed with you like she had with Thor when he was that size.

"Tell me, who is she to you? You know we don't use our power for just anyone." Odin asked looking back at his son searching for an answer, Thor thought about it for a moment before he sighed with his shoulders slumping.

"She is none other then the one who has stolen my heart, and I have yet to tell her of the burning desire I feel in my chest, for her and her alone." His answer was honest and straight from the heart, Frigga and Odin smiled but you didn't know what to do, Thor basically just confessed his feelings to you in front of his parents. Reaching back out for Thor, he took you into his arms then you kissed his cheek and cuddled into him.

"I would say she feels the same, but just to make sure, lets get her big again so we can hear her say it for herself." Frigga said waving over a few of her hand maidens, the gently took you from Thors arms and carried into anther room, where they laid you onto a bed. When they started running tests you suddenly started feeling sleepy, all the faces around you got more distorted until there was nothing but black.

A hand caressed your cheek easing you out of your dreamless slumber, opening your eyes you saw Thor leaning over your form. He smiled upon seeing your bright eyes looking into his, You subconsciously reached up and ran your hand down his jaw line to his chin before looking at your hand.

"I'm big again?" You asked, gasping when you heard yourself form a understandable question, Thor nodded and helped you sit up. He opened his mouth to ask how you were feeling but was cut off when you leaned in crashing your lips to his, Thor Immediately kissed you back his question long forgotten. You pulled away first but still holding him close,

"You too have stolen my heart, I love you Thor." Thor picked you up and spun around the room a few times before kissing you again.

"I love thee as well, Lady (Y/n), always until forever."

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