Nick fury

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(Y/N) looked around at everyone,she smiled and crawled over to Nick. Nick took a deep breath and  straightened his shoulders,clearing his throat he looked down at you.

"Okay,come with me." He turned on his heel and headed for the elevator,everyone was surprised when you got on all fours and followed him through the door and placed yourself beside his feet. As the elevator door closed everyone could see Fury trying to hide the intense happiness he was feeling that you had chosen him.

Fury has......well 'had' no weaknesses,he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and an agent, he didn't have time for normal people things,like having a family or hanging out with friends at a bar on Friday nights. No he was too busy trying to save the world from hydra and aliens and who knows what else. But that all change the first time he saw you,standing in his office asking for a position at at shield. Of corse he gave you a job and he got to see you almost everyday.

The elevator reached the bottom floor and Nick walked out but stopped when he heard a small whimper,he turn around and saw you still sitting in the elevator with your arms stretched out towards him. You didn't feel like crawling anymore,you were tired. Nick seemed to understand what you wanted,he walked back over to you and picked you up,slowly and carefully he cared you to his car that was waiting out front of stark tower.

The car ride was short but that didn't stop you from catching a short cat nap......while sitting on Nicks lap.

You woke up while later in what looked like a cage,so you rolled over and got on your hands and knees. Then you placed your hands on the side of your prison,slowly and wobbly you stood on your feet and peeked over the side.

You were in Fury's office.

Everything was just how you remembered it,but where was Nick? He wasn't there.....and you wanted him. Your lip started to tremble and tears formed in your eyes,(Y/N) let out a small sob....then another....and another,until she had tears running down her cheeks and her throat started to ache.

The office door swung open and revealed a distorted Tony Stark,he walked up to your pack'en play and kneeled down to your level.

"What's wrong?" He asked and hesitantly reached out and patted the top of your head. You let out a string of different sounds and noises between you chocked sobs. And the only thing Tony heard was something about 'a bunny and a turtle trying to tango on mars while drinking whiskey through a straw'.
"Um...mind saying that a bit slower please." You gave a sniffle then pointed to Nicks chair.

"Mick." You tried saying and Tony's eyes widened as he realized what you wanted.

"Oh... Nick isn't here right now, he had an emergency mission. So he asked me to watch you until he gets back,okay?" You nodded your head and sat back down determined to wait for him to get back. After about two minutes you got bored and stood back up and saw Tony sitting in a chair playing on his phone.

"Dark." (Stark) you called out in your baby voice,Tony 'hmmm'ed not looking up from his phone. "Pway." (Play) Tony got up and handed you a tablet that had a few games on it,you played on it for about an hour then became bored again. "Dark,pway!" You called out again, Tony sighed and put his head in his hands before quickly sitting up straight with a smirk on his face.

"Hey (Y/N), wanna play dress up?"

****** 3hours later *******



Nick furrowed his eyebrows and quietly walked into his dark office right into Tony,Nick grabbed Tony by the arm and pulled out of the office and pulled the door to.

"Where's (Y/N),Stark?" Nick asked Tony,the man in question raised his hands in surrender.

"Shes fine,She's just taking a nap." Right after the words left Tony's mouth a small whimper came from Nicks office. Tony tried to hold in a laugh as he went to run away,Nick held him in place.

"What did you do?" Tony quickly said 'nothing' before ran away. Nick was about to run after him but another whimper from his office stopped him in his tracks. He sighed and walked in to his office and turned the light on,after putting his stuff on his desk Nick walked over to your pack'en play and looked down at your sleeping form. Nick Fury blushed and bit his lip trying to hold back his laughs,as quickly as possible he pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the adorable sene in front of him.

He took you out of the pack'en play and carried you down to one of the high tech labs,on the way he told you that he had left on the emergency mission to retrieve an antidote for your 'little' problem. He handed you off to one of the doctors and stood beside you as the world started going dark until it finally disappeared.

You felt someones hand on yours - you tried to hold it back but your body wouldn't move. You heard the door open and someone walk in.

"Sir,we need you for this mission,Agent (Y/L/N) will be fine here,the doctors will tell us if she wakes up." Agent Hill said coming over to stand beside the person holding your hand - they squeezed your hand and sighed.

"I need to be here when she wakes up." It was Nick!!! Nick is holding your hand - you heard your heart beat rise on the heart monitor.

"Sir shes in a coma—she might be able to hear you,so if you tell her now she might have the will to wake up." You heard Agent Hill walk out of the room and shut the door. Nick took a deep breath and sat up straight.

"(Y/N) please wake up,the team needs you—No I need you,I love you (Y/N) and I need you to wake up so I can look you in the eyes and tell you how much you really mean to me." You could hear the pleading in his voice and tried to move. After a moment you still hadn't moved — Nick stood to leave and with everything in you,you reached out and grabbed hold of his hand. Nick stopped all movement and watched you closely—you slowly opened your eyes and looked up at him smiling slightly.

"Love you too Nick." You said softly. Nick grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it.

"You are my everything." He said looking into your eyes.

"And you are my world." Nick smiled and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

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