Steve Rodgers (Captian America)

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(Y/N) looked around at everyone,she smiled and crawled over to Steve. You held onto him as you tried to stand up,but failed and fell back on to your bum. (Y/n) was a very headstrong person,believing that you could do anything if you only put your mind to it. So you grabbed ahold of his leg again and hoisted yourself to your feet,you looked up at Steve and smiled. Steve blushed at your adorable little face smiling up at him and smiled back.

"Take care of her mr. Rodgers,she one of our best." Fury stated before turning to leave the building,Steve nodded and looked back down at you.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked,you looked to the side as if you were thinking,your eyes widened as you looked up at Steve with excitement sketched on your face.

"Swing!" You said bouncing up and down,Steve chuckled at your anxiousness and picked you up. He told everyone that he was taking you to the park a couple blocks away and would be back before dark. He carried you all the way to the park and put you in one of the baby swings,after he buckled you in he started pushing you. Every time Steve pushed you,you would let out the most contagious laugh every know to man,even some of the other parents started laughing.

A woman that recognized Steve came up and asked him if you were his,he blushed and told the lady that no you weren't his daughter,he was just babysitting you until your guardian came back,witch wasn't a complete lie if you think about it.The lady started flirting with Steve and it angered you,it made you jealous thinking that she could win him over and you couldn't do anything about it because you were stuck in this tiny body. You loved Steve,every since the first time you saw him you loved him and not because of his looks,but because he was good. The first time you met Steve was on mission to take down a hydra base,you got out numbered and cornered,they were almost on you when Steve appeared and helped you take them out.

Now this woman was trying to take him from you,so you did the only thing you started crying. Steve heard your call and excused himself from the lady and came back to you,he knelt down in front of you.

"Whats the matter?" He questioned,you held your arms out and he picked you up,you wrapped your arms around his neck and whispered.

"Mine." Steve chuckled.

"Awww were you jealous?" He joked,you sniffed.

"Yes." You whimpered out hugging him tighter,Steve blushed at your protectiveness.

"Aw (Y/n) you don't have to be jealous of her,you'll always be my favorite gal." You nodded your head and loosened your grip on his neck,Steve rubbed your back trying to comfort you,he hates it when you cry. Ever since that time he saved you from that swarm of hydra agents Steve has taken a liking to you. He kissed your head,he pulled you back and looked in your eyes.

"Hey wanna go get some ice cream?" You smiled and nodded your head,Steve wiped away your tears and kissed your head again.

Steve bought your favorite ice cream then he carried you back to the tower,he set you on couch and sat on the floor in front of you. Bucky came in and sat down beside Steve,Steve looked to his friend.

"Has Stark found a cure yet?" Bucky shook his head sadly,he was the only one Steve had told about his feelings towards you. Steve's eyes started to water as he looked at you then back at Bucky.

"I never got to tell her how I feel." Bucky gave Steve a pat on the back.

"I know pal,I know,but for now trust Stark,I know thats asking a lot but it's the only thing we can do right now." You saw a tear run down Steve's cheek and it made you sad to see him cry,so you crawled across the couch and into his lap. He looked down at you and gave you a forced smile,you wiped his tear away and cuddled into his chest. Steve wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back,Bucky smirked.

"When she's big again you better tell her,or I will." Steve grinned as you started felling asleep on him and Bucky left the room. You felt Steve kiss your head before you fell into a dreamless sleep to the sound of.

"I love you."

,':) time skip to when you wake up in Tony's lab (:',

Your eyes fluttered open and looked around the room,you were in Tony's lab,why? Did he fix me? You thought and tried to move your arm but it was weighed down. You looked down to find a sleeping Steve holding your hand,your adult hand. You gasped and sat up smiling while taking your hand back to examine it,you scared the mess out of Steve so much that he ended up on the floor. He stood up and grabbed your hand again.

"How do you feel?" You were going to reply,then you recalled his words from last night.

"I love you too." Steve blushed so hard his ears went red.

"W-what?" You giggled at his stuttering.

"I. Love. You. Too." He looked confused.

"But I never- Wait,you remember that!?" He said as he recalled telling you,you smiled and nodded. You pulled him closer to you.

"Yep,I remember everything. So are you going to tell me what Bucky was talking about or am I going to have to go ask Bucky." Steve smiled and stepped closer so that your noses were almost touching.

"(Y/n) I love you,will you go out with me?"

"Yes." You leaned up and brought your lips to his and kissed him passionately.

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