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(Y/N) looked around at everyone,she smiled and crawled over to Loki.
Everyone gasped as you perched yourself at Loki's side,even Fury was a little shocked that you had chosen the trickster. Loki held his head high with a proud smirk on his face,Natasha walked over to you and held out her hands. Natasha was your most trusted friend and had always been there for you through the tuff times.

"Come on (Y/n),come to Natasha,you know Loki doesn't like to be messed with." She said with a big smile,but you scooted closer to Loki and wrapped your arms around his leg. Everyone looked up at Loki to see his reaction,but it never came,he simply picked you up and held you close.

"I shall take care of lady (Y/n) if she wishes it." Everyone went wide eyed at this,bar Thor who came over and gave his brother a pat on the back,but not to hard for he didn't wish to harm you.

"Brother I put my trust in you with lady (Y/n),don't make me regret my decision." Thor spoke the last part softly for only Loki to hear,he gave a nod of acknowledgment and looked at the others.

"I still don't like this." Clint spoke up. After Loki was sent to live on midgard as punishment for trying to take over the world he has gotten a lot better,he doesn't try and kill everyone or make them kneel to him. But Clint still doesn't trust him after the whole mind control thing. Loki looked at him,

"You are welcome to ask her what she wants." Loki said in a calm way,clint looked at him with a 'really' look.

"How? She's just an infant,she won't understand what I'm saying." Loki smirked.

"On the contrary,she knows exactly what all of us are saying,she just can't control her self so her feelings will decide for her. And with that you may ask her anything you want,but don't expect a sugar coated answer because this is the most honest she will ever be." Clint walked up to you and held out his hands,but you just looked at him. He slowly went to grab you,but you quickly turned around and wrapped your arms around Loki's neck. Clint looked down upset that you would chose Loki over him and quietly walked out of the room followed by everybody else.

"They have all gone." Loki whispered to you,but you didn't let go,you just started playing with his hair.Loki carried you to the couch and sat down with you in his lap,you looked up at him and smiled.

"I am honored that you would pick me over the others,but may I ask why?" Loki would never admit it but he fancied you,ever since the first time he met you and you told him 'that you wouldn't judge him for the person he was in the past,but that you wanted to know who the person of the present was'. You reached up and hugged him again then placed a kiss on his cheek and sat back down on his lap. Loki blushed and placed his hand on his cheek where you had kissed him,maybe you did like him a little.

Actually you liked him a lot,you just didn't say anything because you thought that he wouldn't care about a midgardian in that way. You smiled at him,then Thor came in the room,he stopped and looked at his brothers red face.

"Brother,what has caused your face to be the same color as thy cape." Thor's loud voice boomed with laughter. Loki sent him a glare but Thor kept on laughing,Loki sighed and looked down at his lap. You saw how upset Thor was making Loki and nobody made your Loki upset. So you stood on Loki's lap and put your hands over his ears,you looked at Thor and yelled.

"No!!!" Thor stopped laughing and looked at you,"No more!" You said and hugged Loki's head,Thor didn't know what to say,you'd never spoken to him that way before. You always kept your mouth shut when Thor was picking on his brother but you hated it,the way it made Loki look and feel it broke your heart. Loki never said anything to anyone not even Thor,so they didn't know,but you saw it.

"Have I irked thee lady (Y/n)?" Thor looked at you confused. You nodded your head and sat back down on Loki's lap still facing him,Thor came and sat down on the couch beside Loki with a few feet between them. Thor looked at you.

"May I ask how?" You pointed at Loki.

"Sad." Thor looked at his brother and Loki looked at you in astonishment,no one had ever read him that well other then his mother.

"Is this true brother?" Thor asked.

"Yes but I never told her that." Loki answered,his eyes never leaving your eyes,you smiled at him and he gave you a small smile as well. Thor saw this and looked at you.

"Lady (Y/n) do you have feelings for my brother." Loki was about to yell at Thor but you nodded your head and laid down on him and hid your face in his chest acting all bashful. Thor gave his brother a smile and got up leaving the room,Loki pulled you away from his chest and looked in your eyes. He saw that you were telling the truth,you could see pure joy written on his face as pulled you in for a hug. He stood and carried you to his room,Loki set you on his bed as he went to search through his books.

Loki found the book he was looking for and came to sit beside you on the bed,he opened the book and started reading. After about hour of reading he found what he was looking for,a 'reverse' spell,maybe he could change you back. He turn to inform you of his discovery when he saw you curled up on his pillow fast asleep. Loki smiled at your small form and tucked you a blanket around you,he bent over and placed a kiss to your forehead,then laid down beside you.

Loki was awoken by the feeling of being watched,he opened his eyes and sure enough you were just sitting there watching him sleep. He sat up and stretched,then grabbed his book.

"I have found a way to possibly change you back to your adult form." You clapped your hands in excitement and waited for Loki to do the spell. Loki read the spell and waited, a green mist wrapped around your body,a few seconds later it disappeared and there you sat on his bed. You looked down at your body and it was back to normal,you stood from the bed and walked over to Loki.

"Thank you Loki!" You hugged Loki,but what surprised you is that he hugged you back. You pulled away and he cupped your face in his hands.

"Anything for you love." Then he kissed you.

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