Peter Parker (Spider-Man)

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(Y/N) looked around at everyone,she smiled and crawled over to Peter.Peter froze,

"M-Mr.Stark?" Peter stuttered looking down at you as you grabbed his pant leg and pulled yourself to your feet,but you never let go.You looked up at him and smiled,

"Yeah kid." Tony said trying not to laugh.

"W-What do I do?" He asked not breaking eye contact with you

"Up." You said in your new baby voice,you raised your hands up leaning your chest against his legs.

"W-What!" Peter looked shocked at your sudden request,you'd never really spoken to him,much less wanted him to hold you.

"Well you heard the girl,pick-er up." Tony said with a chuckle.Peter slowly bent down and picked you up and held you close to his chest.You held eye contact for a few seconds,then you put both your hand on his cheeks and squeezed them together,making Peter do the fishy face.You started to laugh which caused Peter to laugh,you kept going until everyone in the room either broke down laughing or gave you a chuckle.

After a good few minutes you put your arms around his neck and layed your head on his shoulder.letting out a tried yawn,Peter started rubbing small circles on your back and you gave another sleepy yawn.

"Looks like your girlfriends tired." Tony teased,Peter stood there with a dreamy look,the new found affection causing his brain to shut down.He gave Tony a dreamy/sigh-ish "uh huh",then continued to walk out of the room and towards his own.Leaving everyone in the other room either aw-ing or smiling,bar Tony who was shocked that Peter didn't deny that you were his girlfriend.

Everyone knew that Peter had a chrush on you,but were harder to figure out.You only slipped up a couple of times,blushing when he entered the room or grinning when someone mentioned his name.

Peter took you to his room and put you on his bed,you looked up at him sleepily then reached out for him.He layed down on the bed,you crawled over to him and lay your head on his chest.Peter listen to your breathes soften and even out,after a while Peter also fell asleep and did not wake up when a soft camara clicked by the door.

Some hours later Peter woke up when two little hands shoke his shoulder,he opened his eyes and sat up,you were looking up at him,

"Whats wrong?" He asked not knowing what to do,you tried to remember what it was called but couldn't,so you pointed to your mouth.

"Are you trying to tell me that your hungry?" Peter asked and you nodded your head.He smiled and pick you up,he carried you to the kitchen and set you on the counter,then webbed your leg so you wouldn't fall off.

"So...What do you want?" He asked,your little baby self just looked around the big room and landed on the box of doughnuts.You pointed to the box and clapped your hands grinning from ear to ear.

"You want Doughnuts?" You clapped you hands again and he grabbed the box,he pulled out a doughnut and pulled a small piece off about the size of a penni.

"Yay!!" You squealed happily reaching for the small piece of doughnut,Peter smiled and handed you your food.You took it and put the hole thing in your mouth and reached for another piece.

"Ah ah you have to chew that piece first." After you finished chewing he handed you another,you took it and did the same thing.This went on until the doughnut was gone,Peter cut the web and took you to the living room were some of the others were.

"Hey kid,hows the babysitting going?" Tony asked taking another sip of his drink.Peter sat down beside tony and put you on the floor between his feet.

"actually pretty good." Peter said while playing with your hair,everybody in the room smirked at how cute you two were together.Until Clint spoke up.

"Hey does she know what we're saying or does she have the mind of a baby too?" Everyone looked at Peter waiting for an answer.He blushed and shrugged his shoulders,

"I bit I can tell you." Natasha said and walked over,she crouched down in front of (Y/N) and said.

"(Y/N)." you looked up at her and gave her the cutest smile you could,"I want you to embarrass Peter."

"W-what why me?" Peter stuttered.You looked up at peter and reached your hands out for him to pick you up.He pick you up and set you in his lap,you stood up on him grabbing both his cheeks and kissed him on the lips with a loud 'Mmmmmahhhh' at the end.The room went silent and Peter's face went super red,then everyone started laughing bar Peter who was un-moving.

"Good job (Y/N),Jarvis did you get that on camera." Tony asked while trying to catch his breathe from laughing so hard.

"Yes Sir,would you like me too put in with Black mail or Future wedding photos?"

"Both." Tony said as he went to refill his glass.Natasha stood up and sat down by Clint who still had tears in his eyes.Peter still hadn't moved and it started to scare you,so you gave him a pat on the cheek,but he still didn't move so you decided that you were going to try and get his attention a different way.

"Peder?" You ask with worry,his eyes snap to you and he smiled.Everyone looked at the both of you again.

"Yeah?" You leaned forward and hugged him.

"Wove you." You said softly.Peter's eyes almost popped out his head and his face went the same color as his suit.You sat back down on his lap and looked up at him for an answer.Everyone started asking him what you just said but poor Peter couldn't say anything.

"Jarvis replay what (Y/N) just said." Clint called out and through the intercom came your soft baby voice 'Wove you'.Everyone 'awww'ed and Tony slapped Peter on the back,

"Well don't you have something you like to say back to the little lady." Peter looked you in the eyes and smiled.

"I love you too (Y/N)." As soon as the words left his mouth there sat a normal size (Y/N) in his lap looking him in the eyes.

"Really?" She asked.

"Y-yeah." He stuttered.(Y/N) smiled,cupped his face,and kissed him.

"I love you too." You said and kissed him again.

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