Chapter 3: Mirror, mirror on the wall...

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(SunShim's POV)

?????: "Come with us if you want to live."

Leah: "Hey Wanda, who's the survivors?"

Wanda: "Good to see you again, Leahcim. The people beside me is Magpie and TheLostNarrator."

Leah and I look at each other and back at the group.

Leah: "What do you think?"

Me: "As long as they're not zombies, then ok."

As we run out, we see the school with Leahcim teleports to the statue and knocks on the portal to see its closed.

He teleports back to us.

Leah: "The portal's closed. Now, let's find somewhere to... whoa."

MagpiePony: "What is it?"

Leah: "Look over there."

We then turn to see four figures with... two other people who exactly look like Lost and Magpie.

We follow them to see where they were heading.

As we got nearby, I stop to notice a foul stench.

Me: "Does anyone notice that smell?"

The others stop and we heard a loud crunch.


(No one's POV)

Howard the Duck: "They taste like chicken."

YugiBrony: "What the...?!"

Howard the Duck's beak starts to munch and crunch as he swallows Cardin's brain.

Howard the Duck: "You're next!"

Dazzler: "I don't think so!"

As Dazzler blinds Howard the Duck, Wanda turns him to glass.

Dazzler, the Dazzlings, Derpy and the protagonists turn to see Scarlet Witch.

Dazzler: "Wanda!"

Derpy: "Thank you for saving us from the zombie duck."

Leah then grabs a baseball bat with a bit of blood on it and smashes Howard the duck with it, catching everyone else by surprise.

Leah: "Just making sure he stays down."

Just then, Curse Word and Magpie notice their own counterparts.

Magpie and her counterpart mimic each other and keep poking their counterpart's noses.

Magpie & MagpiePony: "Boop."

TheLostNarrator & Curse Word: "How's this possible?"

Leah: "Parallel universe maybe?"

SunShim: "Probably."

Dazzler: "Wanda, do you know what this is about? I'd heard some of the Avengers were infected and that they were spreading this... thing."

Wanda: "Not some... all of them."

Yugibrony: "What do you mean?"

Wanda: "Colonel America put out an S.O.S. on the Avengers comlink to assemble the entire roster, including the reserves. They ended up infecting almost the entire roster."

Equestron: "Hmm, using my Scooby-Doo detective skills, I'm going to say when you noticed the apocalypse starting, you planned on finding survivors."

Wanda: "Yes. While I looking around, I found TheLostNarrator & MagpiePony and saved them from Avalanche."

TheLostNarrator: "As we were looking for somewhere safe, we saw Leahcim & Sunset running to their home, we followed them and burst through their window to help them."

Leah then looks up to see a zombified Thor and Storm with shock.

Leah: "Um... excuse me. I'm not trying to be a downer and I apologise if I am... but we need to move. Look!!"

The Protagonists and the rest of Wanda's group look up to see them.

YugiBrony: "Guessing Thor and Storm aren't hungry for New CanterVale's pizza."

Night Shadow: "You think."

The Protagonists & Wanda's group run inside the Sanctum and shuts the door.

Dazzler: "Don't give up hope yet, Wanda. I figure if anyone knows where this Necronomicon book is, it's Dr Strange."

Derpy: "Dazzler saw him earlier, through a window."

Wanda: "Alison, Stephen strange is aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier. Most of the surviving heroes, villains and all of the other super-powered beings have gathered there to plan a defence... To start a resistance against the infected."

Aria: "So, that means..."

Just then, Dr Druid with a magic clone jumps down.

Dazzler: "Dr Druid!"

Both Dr Druid's try to attack Frost and Equestron but SunShim & Leah push them aside, getting attacked and bitten but they were unnoticeable to the others.

Dr Druid: "I... I'm sorry."

TheLostNarrator and Curse Word grab a 12 gauge double barrel Remington & a Winchester model 1200 from the bag and blast their brains out.

Curse Word: "Sweet Celestia..."

TheLostNarrator: "Yeah."

YugiBrony: "We better find the Necronomicon before anything worse happens."

Wanda: "Last time I was here, the dark magic books are upstairs."

Sonata: "This is gonna be easy. Like, what could possibly go wrong?"

Everyone then looks at Sonata with an 'Oh god' look as Sonata was confused yet smiling.

Sonata: "Wha-What did I say?"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Author's note: for all of the Sonata fans.)

Everyone except SunShim and Leah goes upstairs as they see each other bite marks not noticing Night Shadow and Aria somewhat seeing the marks.


(Leah's POV.)

?????: "Are you okay?"

Sunset & I turn to see Aria and Night Shadow.

Me: "Not actually."

I show them my bite mark on my left wrist as Sunset reveals the bite on the front of her right hand.

Aria: "You're infected."

Sunset: "It happened when Dr Druid and his clone attacked us."

Me: "From what I believe, Sunset and I will turn into zombies in 8 minutes."

Night Shadow: "What do you think on telling them?"

Me: "The truth... and after we find the Necronomicon, I have an idea of hiding with the greatest person and zombie I've ever met."

I look at Sunset, then kissed her cheek.

Me: "If... it's alright with her."

Sunset looks at me and smiles.

Sunset Shimmer: "I would like that."

She then kisses me on the lips.

After the kiss, we all went upstairs to the library and told them about Sunset & I getting bit, how long we have and an idea about what will happen after we find the book.

Wanda: "We better find the book before you turn."

As we were looking around, we see a few dark books.

Sonata was about to grab a white book until Night Shadow stops her and grabs it with a big pair of iron fire tongs.

Curse Word: "Listen up, motherfuckers! We need some information about one of your own."

YugiBrony: "Some real nasty piece of work called the Necronomicon."

Night Shadow: "We need to know where is and you're going to tell us."

The White Book: "Get bent, flesh-back!"

Night Shadow: "Wrong answer!"

Night Shadow throws the book in the furnace as the book screams in pain.

YugiBrony: "Let's try this again... this time without the attitude."

Night Shadow then takes out a red book as YugiBrony summons his Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer and equips it with the axe of despair spell card and it prepares to shred the book.

The Red Book: "Okay, okay... take it easy. I'll tell you what you need to know."

YugiBrony's monster and its weapon then fade as he puts it away.

Me: "Alright, spill... and make it quick."

The Red Book: "Since its creation, since it was translated from the bidding text of an ancient Sumerian death cult, written in blood on the flesh of the tortured and the Damned, the Necronomicon has been sought after, fought over, even routinely killed for, by practitioners of the dark arts. Ambitious or cultists have pursued that malevolent tome for the mysteries it holds, it's corrupted power over the souls of the departed. For decades the whereabouts of the book were unknown, but recently it's resurfaced in the arcing collection of a particularly diabolical sorcerer."

Sunset: "Who has the book and where is it?"

The red book: "Dr Doom... in Latveria!"

As Night Shadow puts the book back, everyone then looks at each other in worry.

Dazzler: "Uh oh."

Me: "I agree, this... isn't going to be easy."

Wanda: "Luckily I have a Quinjet nearby the Sanctum."

Curse Word: "Let's go then!"


(No one's POV.)

As the protagonists and the group go downstairs, Derpy checks outside to see if anyone infected are out there and what she saw, shocked and horrified her.

SunShim: "Derpy... what's wrong?"

Derpy: "Oh my... it's getting worse. T... the children."

Equestron: "Children are in danger? We got to go help the children!"

Dazzler and Wanda look out of the window and then realise what Derpy means.

Wanda: "These children aren't in danger..."

Dazzler: "These children are the danger!"

Magpie: "Great Celestia, this is awful!"

Wanda: "C'mon. The Quinjet is just beyond them. Try not to attract their attention. Maybe they won't notice us if they're eating."

Night Shadow: "No dice. If those zombies are between us and the ship, we're going to need a distraction."

SunShim and Leah then look at each other, knowing what they should do.

SunShim: "You got your distraction here."

Wanda: "What?"

Leah: "We'll draw them out, it should buy you some more time... also, we've been bitten and we'll turn in a few minutes anyway."

The others look at each other and realise that it's the only way.

Wanda: "Alright."


(Leah's POV.)

Sunset and I walk a little bit close to the zombies so they can distract them.

Me: "Hey, chompers!"

The zombies stop eating and turn to see us.

Sunset: "Come and get us!"

Me: "Yeah, we're fresh stock, kiddos! Come and get five your five a day!!!"

The zombies get over where Sunset and I but I teleport us behind them, hopefully in a safe distance.

Sunset: "Hey, over here!"

Me: "Hey kids! We said we're fresh! Well... I said we're fresh while the most beautiful Sunshine said come and get us... the point is, WE GOT ALL DAY!!!"

Sunset covers her ears from my shouting while laughing at my goofiness.

The zombie children then go over to us but I teleport us behind them in a safe distance and see the others in the jet, flying away.

I then start to notice Sunset getting a little dizzy.

Me: "I lied, we're not fresh!"

Unfortunately, the kids didn't hear and I teleport us in a nearby alleyway.

I start to feel the effects and we both vomit our non-literal guts out.

As the vomiting stops, I look at a mirror and noticed something that I hadn't thought about until I helped Sunset help.

Me: "Sunset, did Flash and Dr Druid's lips decay when they were infected?"

Sunset: "Yes. Why?"

I take Sunset to a mirror and start to notice that our lips are intact.

Sunset: "Shouldn't our teeth be revealed?"

Me: "Yes... Sunset, are you hungry?"

Sunset: "No. Are you?"

Me: "No... although I think we should find someplace to hide so no one with a gun gets the wrong idea."

Sunset nods her head and we stealthily sneak off in a nearby underground subway train system so no one notices us.


(No one's POV, nearby Latveria.)

Everyone was silent until Equestron spoke up.

Equestron: "Are we there yet?"

Dazzler: "We're close."

Night Shadow: "So... Latveria... Sounds nice."

Wanda: "Sure it is. Except Dr Doom is a bloodthirsty monster who is bent on taking over the world and the destruction of mankind."

Adagio: "And how is that different from the infected?!"

Wanda: "The difference is... he isn't infected."

Magpie and Curse Word looks out of the window and sees Goliath devouring a family and smashing through a few buildings.

The others then notice it and look in horror.

Magpie: "Not yet, anyway... but if that's any indication, it's just a matter of time."

Wanda: "Which means we're the ones that are doomed."

TheLostNarrator: "Really? Cause I was going to say screwed."


To be continued...

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