Chapter 4: Speed and hopelessness

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(Arama's POV.)

As I was writing my next chapter, I started to stop like my mind's gone blank and any idea I had is gone.

????????: "Writer's block?"

I turn to see my little brother with someone familiar.

Me: "Why is Metatron here?"

Metatron: "Chuck thought you would want help when you need new ideas and chose to resurrect me. At first, I didn't know what to think... but, when he told me you were doing a horror like story, I wanted to see what you've made... if it's alright."

I pass the pages to him.

He looks at each word with fascination.

Metatron: "This is brilliant. Your description of each chapter is creative, how you made the chitauri Solider the start of the virus is straight forward and the continuity you have made is beautifully designed."

God/Chuck: "She's brilliant."

He then had a look like a child when it gets an idea.

Metatron: "Chuck... do you have Marvel Zombies/Army of darkness issue 4?"

God/Chuck: "Yeah, give me a second."

He snapped his fingers and I look behind me a few comic books on his desk.

God/Chuck: "I also got issue 5 & Ultimate fantastic four from 21 to 23."

I walked over to the comics and looked at some pages of issue 4 and saw a picture of a zombified character.

I smiled at the idea after I remembered the other speedster and started to type the next chapter.


(No one's POV, New York.)

The truth is, in the early hours of the infection, it could've been contained.

Aboard S.H.I.E.L.D.'s command helicarrier, there were plans to do that very thing.

Miles above the carnage on the ground, Nick Fury was conferring with the nation's top military strategies... determine exactly what losses were acceptable.

In the same universe at the same time, A dire situation was turned into a world-threatening calamity and it was traced to one person.

A young woman by the name of Wanda Maximoff codenamed Scarlet Witch.

Wanda backs away in fear of her infected friends.

Pietra Maximoff known as Quicksilver grabs Scarlet Witch and runs to safety.

(Author's note: The picture beneath this note belongs to The-Saga-C0ntinues and yes, I am making quicksilver a female in this story and she's dating Equestria Girls version of Rainbow Dash.)

Quicksilver: "Don't worry, sister, I have you."

Unknown to miss Pietra Maximoff, Wanda wasn't in any kind of danger... and the thing she grabbed wasn't the Scarlet Witch.

Wanda then shapeshifts to a zombified Mystique.

Mystique: "Sucker!"

Quicksilver: "What the-"

Mystique bites into Petra's neck causing her to drop the Zombified mutant.

After a few minutes, Rainbow Dash sees her beloved on the knees, vomiting blood.

Rainbow Dash: "Pietra, are you ok?!"

Quicksilver looks up, with her lips decaying and teeth showing.

She quickly grabs Rainbow as she bites her left hand.

Quicksilver: "I'm fine. I just want to have a race for old times sake..."

Pietra then puts her down as Rainbow starts vomiting blood, violently.

After a while, she gets up fully infected.

Rainbow Dash: "What are the steaks?"

Quicksilver: "The winner is the one who eats most of the freshest meat."

Rainbow Dash was about to run but stops for a second and smirks.

Rainbow Dash: "You know... We never settled who's the fastest out of the two of us."

Quicksilver: "No. We never did."

Both speedsters get into a starting position.

Rainbow Dash: "On your mark..."

Quicksilver: "Get set..."

Both: "Go!"

The speedsters run while infecting or eating others.

Things start to deteriorate with astonishing speed.

Before S.H.I.E.L.D. could make a preemptive strike... the contagion spreads rapidly.

Faster, further and over oceans, beyond borders than anything imaginable and unimaginable alike.

In no time it had reached West Africa...

An infected trickster known as Anansi devours a few humans in his true form as a gigantic spider.

Ancient Egypt...

Deadpool, Moon-knight and taskmaster devour Camels, the shadow king and innocent civilians.

Las Pegasus...

Juniper montage, Vignette Valencia, Kiwi Lollipop and Supernova Zap devour multiple fans and critics.


Jack Harkness, Nina Rogers and Andy Davidson eat countless of U.N.I.T.'s agents and Captain Britain.

And Latveria...


(No one's POV.)

In Latveria, Dr Doom is holding Equestron by the neck.

Equestron: 'This is really uncomfortable.'

Dr Doom: "Miss Maximoff, kindly inform your allies that I am the absolute monarch & Lord of Latveria And if they address me again as 'The king of crap', 'Lord of fucking hell' or 'the man who can't protect his kingdom from shit,' I will remove their heads from their bodies."

Dr Doom puts him down, preparing to blast them.

Dr Doom: "Now, let us try this again... perhaps you can find a more suitable honorific when addressing Victor von doom."

Equestron: "Take it easy chief... hail to the king."

Dr Doom: "Acceptable, I suppose. I will allow you to live."

Dr Doom then turns to Scarlet Witch, Dazzler, Derpy and the Dazzlings.

Dr Doom: "My dear Miss Maximoff... you know the Scarlet witch is always a welcome guest in Castle Doomshadt... As well as some of your friends, under any circumstances..."

Dr doom then walks over to Scarlet Witch.

Dr Doom: "But that doesn't give you license to drag in any riffraff's you see fit."

Scarlet Witch: "No, Lord Doom, you've got it wrong. These people have information on how to stop the zombie plague."

Dr Doom: "Is that so? And so you came to Latveria to beg for the assistance of Doom?"

Frost: "Give us some time with the Necronomicon and the virus will end."

Dr Doom: "The book of the dead has nothing to do with what is happening outside of the walls of Doomshadt."

Night Shadow: "What do you mean?"

Dr Doom: "The origin is extraterrestrial, not supernatural. Science will solve this, not sorcery."

Frost: 'Then why have I been hearing whispering since I got here?'

Scientist 1#: "Dr Doom! We have a problem!"

Dr Doom: "What is it?"

Scientist 2#: "Goliath, sir. We've repelled the other attackers with DoomBots and DoomJets. So far our force field is holding back the giant shows no sign of the relenting his attacks."

Dr Doom: "Good."

Magpie: "How's that good?!"

Dr Doom: "He provides us with the perfect opportunity to illustrate the fate of those venture into Latverian soil without my welcome."

Out of nowhere, missiles launch straight to Goliath and explode, killing him.

Dr Doom: "There."

Aria: "That was brutal!"

Adagio: "It's not much of a heroic move."

Dr Doom: "You want to talk of heroes, Miss Dazzle? Who do you think hastened humanity's decline?"

Dr Doom then pushes a button, showing Reed infecting most of the heroes.

Dr Doom: None other than my old foe, Reed Richards. Your do-gooder leader of the so-called fantastic 4. Did you know Reed Richards had chosen to infect himself on purpose?"

The clip then shows the rest of the Frightful Four infecting Reed and the other heroes devour Phil Coulson.

Dr Doom: "Convinced he was elevating himself into a higher, more efficient life form. The first infected the other members of his ludicrous quartet and his allies, so they could, in turn, spread it to him..."

Then Dr doom shows clips of the Frightful 4 and the other zombies biting Tony, Sci-Twi & the rest of the heroes getting infected while Nick Fury gets devoured.

Dr Doom: "And then they all could pass it on to others. So do you not speak to me of heroes, Adagio Dazzle. Nor do the rest of you."

Dr doom then walks and opens a door to a dining room.

Dr Doom: "Everything has changed now. Your friends will attack here soon enough. Once their supply of food runs out, they will realise the world's last reserve of living meat is under my roof and under my protection..."

Dr Doom goes to the far end of the table and sits down.

Dr Doom: "In the meantime, come with me and I shall show you the hospitality Doom extends his welcome."

The protagonists, Dazzler, Scarlet Witch, the Dazzlings and Derpy sit down, preparing to eat.


(After a few minutes.)

After 10 minutes of eating, Frost looks at Dr Doom wanting to ask a question.

Dr Doom: "I see you have a question for me."

Frost: "Do you know where the bathroom is?"

Dr Doom: "Down the hall to the right, nearby the library."

Frost: "Thank you."


(Frost's POV, after the bathroom.)

As I got out of the bathroom, I then remembered that the library was nearby.

I tried to go to the Library but I heard a loud explosion behind me and saw Scarlet Witch & some robot parts.

Me: "Scarlet Witch, what did you do to Dr Doom?"

Scarlet Witch: "Hex power... and it's not Doom. It's a different model of DoomBot. One of his robotic duplicates that sometimes serves as Doom's proxies. Come on, we need to find that book before Doom figures out what we're doing."

I look at the DoomBot's cloak & clothes, which an idea came into my head.

Me: "Actually, head on back to the dining room and keep Dr Doom distracted... I've got an idea."

I then put the mask, armour and cloak on.

As I walk down to the library, two DoomBots then open the doors.

DoomBots: "Good evening, my lord."

I go inside the library, seeing a DoomBot.

I took a deep breath, hoping it doesn't know I'm not the real Doctor Doom and look to see the number #175 and realise it's the DoomBot's model number.

Me: "DoomBot #175, um... go out of Doom's castle and find any zombies nearby, preparing any attacks."

DoomBot #175: "Yes, Lord."

DoomBot #175 then walks out of the room and closes the door.

I look around the shelves of books looking for the Necronomicon.

I then found it at the far end of a bookshelf.


(No one's POV.)

Necronomicon: "Doom? What is this? Something about you... seems different."

Frost takes off the Doom mask and shows his true face to the book of the dead.

Frost: "Because I'm not Doom."

Necronomicon: "One of the chosen ones."

Frost: "Ya don't say? Now, I got your messages to find you. Now, you're going to explain how you started this and then you're going to explain how to stop it."

Necronomicon: "Within me is a power that is almost unfathomable to one such as yourself... And yet, you seek to compile information from me with crude threats. To use your own clumsy vernacular: or what?"

Frost hair then turns blue and freezes a few demonic books, then shatters them with an angel blade that was on the table beside him.

Frost: "Or are you going to get shattered into pieces."

The Necronomicon pretends to get scared and then smirks.

Necronomicon: "Very well, I will tell you the truth, if only because it amuses me to do so. The Necronomicon played no part in the zombie plague that's destroying this world."

Frost: "What?!"

Necronomicon: "The origin is extraterrestrial... not supernatural. The infected may be dead but they are certainly not undead. The undead is my domain, I could not assist you... even if I desired to."

Frost: "Then why give me that message?"

The Necronomicon then started laughing, darkly.

Necronomicon: "For spite, Frost the Hobidion. Because I possess a hatred for all life that knows no boundaries. After trying to destroy it for so long, the beings have finally created an event that created a world and there is absolutely no hope... and I wanted to make sure you and your friends know it. Face it... you crapped out!"

The Necronomicon laughs as Frost walks away from the book in hopelessness.

As he gets out the door with closing it, he sees Doctor Doom looking at him with an apathetic yet terrifying look.

Frost: "The origin of the plague is extraterrestrial. I really am sorry for not believing you."

As everyone except Dr Doom who was looking at Frost, Night Shadow then looks up and notices someone missing.

Night Shadow: "Where's Equestron?"

Everyone looks around now noticing that Equestron's nowhere to be seen.

Equestron: "Hey guys, Look who I saved."

Everyone looks behind them seeing Equestron and a zombified Enchantress.

TheLostNarrator: "Aw crap."


To be continued...

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