Chapter 5: Zombies vs Deadites

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(What Equestron sees, No one's POV.)

Enchantress: "Come to me."


(What's actually happening.)

Enchantress: "Feed me!"

Equestron: "Anything you say... my love."

Equestron gets closer to the Enchantress but Dazzler pushes him out of the way.

Dazzler: "Equestron, you idiot! She's one of the zombies!"

Equestron looks at the Dazzler in confusion.

Equestron: "Her?"

Dazzler: "That's the Enchantress. She's got a mystical ability to seduce any man, make them powerless to her command and to see her exactly as she wishes to be seen."

Dazzler looks at her, cracking her knuckles.

Dazzler: " 'Course, against the fairer sex, she doesn't have quite the same advantage. All I have to do is break her concentration with my dazzling moonlight powers..."

Dazzler then flashes a bright light, which reveals the Enchantress's true form.

Dazzler: "And she is revealed for what she really is, see?"

The zombie Enchantress then bites off her finger.

Scarlet Witch: "Alison!"

Enchantress: "Get ready to say hello to the new you, sister."

Dazzler: "Oh no... No no no no-"

Then, Dr Doom fires an energy beam, killing both Dazzler & the Enchantress.

TheLostNarrator: "What the fuck?!"

Scarlet Witch: "Victor, Alison wasn't a zombie yet!!"

Dr Doom: "No but it was just a matter of time. By killing Dazzler, I saved her... and likely saved yourselves as well..."

Dr Doom looks at Equestron and prepares to attack him.

Dr Doom: "Of course, this would not have been necessary if you didn't release the infected Amora."

Equestron: "Hey, she looked normal to me! How was I supposed to know she had some man enchanting spell?"

Dr Doom: "Very true... but I can think of at least one way to ensure you do not vex me again with your impudence and ignorance."

Curse Word: "Bring it on, motherfucker!"

Before a fight breaks out, one of Dr doom's servants runs to Doom.

Victor's servant: "My Lord!"

Dr Doom turns around to see one of his servants.

Dr Doom: "You dare interrupt Doom?! Is everyone so deep in the grip of fear from cannibal zombies that they risk awakening the terrible fury of the Lord of Latveria?!! Speak, lackey... as your life depended on it."

Victor's servant: "DoomBot #175 has seen the infected heroes, villains and monsters you've warded off with the castles arsenals and defences have returned."

Dr Doom: "What?! I thought once they discovered Doomshadt was impregnable, the infected would've moved onto easier pickings in the surrounding Latverian countryside!"

Dr Doom's servant: "Yes, my lord... but they've killed everybody in the surrounding countryside... not to mention the surrounding countries... And the surrounding continents... so now they're back... and they've bought friends."


(Outside Doom's castle.)

Most Zombified heroes with Zombified villains, Monsters, Hunters, Huntresses and Huntsmen are outside of Doom's castle, imagining all of the delicious meat and prepare themselves to fight dr Doom.

Colonel America: "Attack!"

The zombie's charge as the Thing, Hulk, Shapeshifters, Vampires and Werewolves smash through the walls.

Night Shadow: "I thought you said this castle is impregnable."

Dr Doom: "There are degrees of impregnability, cretin."

The ceiling then explodes as both the Protagonists and Wanda's team hide.

During the explosion, Beast, David Lassiter & Violet Duval, Nora Valkyrie, Nightcrawler and Jack Harkness come through.

Jack Harkness: "Good news, Doom. We've decided to let you live... And of course, by 'let you live', we mean we're going to infect you and let you join us."

Violet Duval: "However any other meat might end up devoured."

Beast: "Especially all those refugees you've got stashed away in the castle."

Dr Doom: "How did you know about the refugees?"

Beast: "Elementary. Living Homo sapiens are in incontrovertibly short supply, so it was incompetent upon us to reprogram Cerebro. And effortless endeavour, actually, for a pair of astonishingly advanced eggheads such as myself and my fine compatriot."

Dr Doom: "Blast you, McCoy... And Xavier."

Nightcrawler: "Not exactly."

Beast: "Very early during the onset of the epidemic, the good professor made the mistake of being too darn delicious. Therefore..."

Mr Fright then wraps around Dr Doom.

Beast: "I brought another big brain into the mix."

Dr Doom: "Richards! NOOOOOO!!!"

Mr Fright bites Dr Doom's neck as the others watch.

Aria: "Hey Wanda, since they're distracted by Dr Doomed, we can..."

The Protagonists, the Dazzlings and Derpy then hear some chewing noises and turn around to see a zombified Punisher eating Scarlet Witch's back.

The Punisher: "Remember me, You're next!"

Wanda: "Please... find the Necronomicon and put a stop to this plague."

Frost: "I already found the Necronomicon. Its powers are mystical and its control is over the undead."

MagpiePony: "Meaning?"

Frost: "It can't do anything to help us against an interdimensional infection."

Everyone then looks down, about to accept defeat.... but before it looks like all hope is lost, Sonata then blinks as she gains an idea.

Sonata: "Unless... unless..."

Sonata smiles, knowing her idea will work.

Sonata: "I've got it!"

Sonata Runs to the library as the Protagonists, Derpy and her sisters follow her while Frost changes to his original clothing.


(Sonata's POV.)

Adagio: "Sonata, what are you doing?"

Me: "I'm looking for the Necronomicon."

TheLostNarrator: "Why?! The book won't fucking cure the countless zombies!"

Sonata: "It's not to try and cure them... it's to buy us a little more time."

I continue to look around the room for the Necronomicon.

???? "Unhand me!!!"

Frost: "Here it is."

I look to see Frost holding the Necronomicon and he passes it to me.

Sonata: "You and me, Book. We gotta talk!"

Necronomicon: "Talk? Nothing would amuse me more, to hear the last pathetic mewling of the failed chosen ones, moments before they meet the grisly demise."

I then slam the book down the table, noticing my sisters surprised of how much I've changed.

Necronomicon: "Your wretched ends are near... and there is no amount of begging and grovelling you can do to persuade me to end the suffering and torment that is your ultimate fates."

Sonata: "I think you've got the wrong idea about exactly which of us is going to be begging. You said that the zombie plague is a pandimensional virus. It doesn't just infect humans... And when the zombies get to us, they're going to be eating you too."

Necronomicon: "What... What madness do you speak? What would cannibal zombies want with me... a book?"

Sonata: "Listen up, we've had seen robots infected, mutants, outer space aliens, mythological gods, an anthropomorphised duck... all sorts of non-humans. You're a sentient book, written in human blood, which as far as I can tell... Makes you a target also. You want to take a chance that you won't end up as a snack when the zombies come around to fill up on their next meal?"

The Necronomicon looks at Sonata in shock and worry.

Necronomicon: "So... what precisely is your plan?"


(Outside the castle.)

And so it was, a prophecy has come to past.

As Wolverine and X-23 snack on a scientist, they then see all of Latverian's residents getting up quickly and charging up to the castle.

Deadites: "We'll swallow your souls!"

With the end of the world at hand, an army of the dead did rise.

Fulled by the dark power of the Necronomicon, Ex Mortis, The book of the dead.

Driven by pure hatred, the millions of souls slaughtered by the infected returned... seeking vengeance.

The angry dead... the evil dead.

A Deadite Legion... an army of darkness.


(Time-skip to the castle)

And the army of darkness rose against the zombie multitudes, the former heroes and villains of this world, with all of their strange yet amazing and marvellous powers.

Of course, against all those powers, the Deadites didn't really have a chance... but that didn't matter, because the army of darkness served its purpose, distracting the zombie horde, even momentarily, from its insatiable hunger... and giving the few survivors left something they desperately need...


The Protagonists, Derpy, The Dazzlings, MagpiePony and TheLostNarrator run in a passageway to find a way out.


(Dr Doom's POV.)

Me: "Come with me, all of you... I'm rescuing you.

I opened the portal to Equestria in another universe that's slightly similar to Wakanterlot but it has merged with another universe.

Not only will the portal take anyone to that universe but it will allow them to have all the knowledge about them so it can help simulate them easily and the zombies or anyone infected won't be able to follow them because if they go through, it'll take them to the end of this world instead.


(No one's POV.)

Dr Doom: "Go... do not tarry, time grows short... for all of us."

Survivor #1 (TmntBeth): "Thank you, Dr Doom."

Survivors #2 & 3: (Phil and Ned): "Radical!"

(A/N): Before you ask, Phil and Ned is a parody reference to Bill and Ted from the movie Bill and Ted's excellent adventure.


(Sonata's POV.)

Necronomicon: "This way, hurry! The inter-dimensional transporter will power down soon!"

Curse Word: "What do you mean inter-dimensional transporter?!"

Necronomicon: "Doom is not just a sorcerer and a despot. He is one of the keenest scientific minds on the planet. He created the transporter sometime ago, planning to eventually expand his dominion beyond time and reality."

We get to a giant door and open it to see Dr Doom.

Me: "Dr Doom, you're ok."

Adagio: "Sonata, I think ok is an overstatement."

Dr Doom: "No... I have been bitten... but the infection has not taken hold... yet. While I am still myself, I will have my revenge on Richard, deny him and his grotesque cadre the sustenance they so desperately crave."

Dr Doom then grabs onto a metal bar on him.

Dr Doom: "The hunger is growing... the change... is coming. I should eat you... But since it was you 10 who allowed my revenge... who facilitated the diversion I needed to escape the clutches of the zombies and deliver my subjects to the extra-dimensional sanctuary..."

Dr Doom then points at the portal.

Dr Doom: "Go."

Derpy: "Thank you, Dr Doom."

Night Shadow: "Wait, won't the zombies follow us and infect the next world we go into?"

Dr Doom: "They cannot follow you. The portal is programmed to transport any living being and send them to their original universe if they are not from the current universe they're in or send others from their original universe to a universe similar to their own. Furthermore, any zombie or undead related being will only be transported to another universe but only to the end of its time."

Necronomicon: "Hurry, I can sense the zombie mobs approaching!"

Aria snatches the book of the dead from me and a smirk grows on her face.

Aria: "Hurry? Whoever said we were going to let you tag along? So long... sucker!"

Aria throws the book as we take our leave.

Necronomicon: "No, Blaze, NOOOOO!!!"


(No one's POV.)

Necronomicon: "Damn your soul to the fiery infernal lands, Aria Blaze! The Necronomicon will not forget this and someday, somewhere, our revenge upon you will be great and terrible..."

The door breaks down revealing Hulk, Rainbow Dash, Quicksilver, the Alpha SkinWalker, Alonso and Wolverine as Dr Doom destroys the portal.

The others come in and fight as Wolverine and X-23 both notice the book of the dead and pick it up with her left claws and holds the fleshy book in her hands.

X-23: "And what do we have here?"

Necronomicon: "Unhand me, desolate ones, for I am the feared and fearsome Necronomicon, with power too terrible for you to even begin to comprehend. Death is my domain and I have a host of Deadite corpses to obey my every command."

Wolverine: "Oh, so you're responsible for that undead army? I got news for you pal, they tried their best and it wasn't good enough, not by a long shot."

Necronomicon: "Well... be that as it may, if you have any desires on eating me, I believe you will find my pages to be unpalatable."

X-23: "What?! Eat you?! What are you talking about?!? You're a book."

Necronomicon: "B-But Dusk told me..."

Wolverine: "Sounds like you've been hoodwinked, bub. Bamboozled, flimflammed, nobody wants to eat a book."

Wolverine then throws the Necronomicon to Hulk as he catches it.

Wolverine: "Here you go, greenie."

Necronomicon: "Wh-What are you going to do with me?"

Wolverine: "Well, we Maybe zombies... but we still need toilet paper."

Hulk: "Zombie Hulk eat lots... and Zombie Hulk needs lots of toilet paper."

Necronomicon: "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"


(At Ponyville.)

The Protagonists, Derpy and the Dazzlings appear in front of SugarCube and look around to see the past selves disappear.

YugiBrony then notices something.

YugiBrony: "Curse Word, Magpie?"

Magpie: "Anything wrong?"

Curse Word: "What's up?"

Yugibrony: "Where're your counterparts?"


(TheLostNarrator's POV, 2013.)

I'm glad Mag and I got sent to a universe similar to our's but only sent back to the year 2013 and de-aged us back to when we first made our YouTube channels.

We decided to make them and I could never be happier to be with Mag.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


To be continued... in the Epilogue of this... along with a three-parter.

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