Marvel Zombies end part (3/3)

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(Earth 9412, no one's POV.)

Luke Cage: "I can't believe you're going through with this."

Castiel: "It's suicide."

SpiderMan: "The second we show ourselves, the infected are going to be over you guys like a rash."

Dean: "It's a chance we have to take."

Wade: "Sunset & Leah's counterparts have opened up a portal to their home dimension."

Magneto: "Our lives mean nothing compared to the people who'll die if even one of these things come through."

Katherine Pryde: "How dare you say our lives mean nothing!"

Magneto: "Excuse me?"

Katherine Pryde: "My son is seven years old, he's my number one priority! You go play the hero all you want but I'm not risking Peter's life for strangers from another dimension!!"

Velvet: "What's the alternative? Stay locked up in a train station for the rest of our lives?"

Wade: "We barely got enough food to make it through the night."

The Doctor: "And besides, the teleporter could be our chance out of here."

The TARDIS starts to glow as the door opens with the Doctor goes inside to see the inside of the TARDIS.

The Doctor: "Oh Brilliant."

Just then, Magneto realises what the Doctor said.

Magneto: "I can't believe we never thought of this. Did you hear what the Doctor said? Reaching the Baxter building wouldn't just stop the infected getting through... It would give us a chance to get out of here."

Wade: "Which means we could take refuge in their home dimension."

Sam: "The only problem is they've got the whole place surrounded."

Wade: "Not in the subway system."

Magneto: "Even if they do find us, the confined space would make it easier to fight back. What's the nearest station to the Baxter buildings, Leah? You should know the network."

Leah: "A little but I still don't know if your idea would work."

Leahcim: "Is there anything that would make you safer?"

Leah starts to think a bit until he remembers something.

Leah: "Wade, isn't there a gun store nearby?"

Wade: "It's behind the TARDIS, why?"

Leah then smiles as he goes to the store and kicks the door down.

Sunset, her counterpart, Wade, Velvet and Leahcim looks at all of the guns on the walls.

Wade: "Oh, that's why."

Leahcim, Wade, Sunset and her zombie counterpart look as Leah grabs a large duffel bag to put all the guns in as he grabs every bullet.

Leah then puts the last gun in the bag and puts the bag on a table to load them.

As Leah loads up, he then sees SunShim, their counterparts, Wade, Velvet and Katherine helping him out.

Leah: "You don't have to help if you don't want to."

Wade: "Well, we don't want this to be our last night in a subway tunnel."

Leah: "What if it is our last night? What if you get devoured or worse... infected? What if we were all destined for that?"

Leah then feels a hand on his shoulder as he sees his counterpart, smiling.

Leahcim: "Well... I have a bit of advice that defies it."

Leah: "What's that?"

Leahcim: "Neji unmei, which means screw destiny in Japanese. I know you're frightened, in fact, it's ok to be a little afraid but we shouldn't allow that fear to conquer us. Ok?"

Leah sighs, knowing he's right and nods his head in the response of a yes.

Dean and Sam start making witch-killing bullets and silver bullets to try and kill any monsters and witches that are Zombified.

(Fun fact: Supernatural's version of monsters, even if they're zombified, are still affected by silver. This will also apply to the witches with the bullets that's made to kill witches.)

The Doctor made a new Sonic Screwdriver.

The Doctor holds her new sonic screwdriver and smiles.

The Doctor: "Oh brilliant."



In the distance, two figures start to sniff around the frightful 4's first encounter.

1#: "Do you think our prey is here?"

2#: "No doubt about it. Get the others, Garth. We're all going to have dinner."


(Back with the others.)

Magneto: "Okay, we've only got one shot of this, so-"

The tunnels start to rumble.

Multiple Zombies start to get through as SunShim and Leah get their masks and cloaks on.

(Some of the Alphas might be from Bobby Singer's guide to hunting.)

Wendigo Alpha: "Garth and Wolverine were right, There squashed in here like canned meat."

Magneto: "DUCK!"

The others moved as Magneto moved one of the subway trains at the infected with Wolverine getting his arm torn off, AppleJack's left leg gets crushed, Hawkeye, Lucky and Deadpool getting decapitated as Hawkeye accidentally puts an arrow through Thor's neck and Iron man gets the lower part of his torn off.

Magneto: "Move quickly. We've got three good escape routes out of this place and one shot. This is nothing we haven't faced before."

They got out of one of the exits but as they did, Dean, Magneto, Leahcim and Castiel saw something bad.

Dean: "Aw crap."

Magneto: "Oh dear God..."

Leahcim: "Oh come on!"

Wade: "What is it?!"

Castiel: "Look!"

The others look to see the infected in front of them.

Atlas then steps forward and grows to his giant size.

Atlas: "I want the angel."

Magneto: "I'm not going to lie to you. This will be difficult..."

Just before Atlas tries to grab Castiel, he grabs his head in pain.


Every zombie except SunShim and Leah are unable to see.

Sam: "They've all gone blind."

Katherine: "What did you two do?"

Sunset: "That was not us."

???: "It was me."


(Your POV.)

I got most of the zombies blind as the others then turn to see myself, Phineas & Ferb in the Beak suit Mark 3 and Dr Strange with a portal open.

Leahcim: "Perfect timing."

The Beak: "Bacaw!"

A roar of rage was heard as the Hulk and a Red version of Hulk appears.



Magneto: "Don't worry, I've handled these things a couple of times before. They're surprisingly resilient but..."

A portal opens underneath the two hulked-out zombies which close, cutting their brains in half.

Wade: "That was easy."

Just then, I teleport Dean's Impala and the Doctor's TARDIS beside me.

Me: "Hop into any one of the convertibles you would like to go in, it doesn't matter which one you choose."

Katherine along with her son Peter, Sam and Dean get into his Impala.

The Doctor along with Castiel, Leahcim, Sunset, their counterparts, Velvet, Wade, Luke Cage and SpiderMan go inside the TARDIS.

Just as magneto was about to step into the TARDIS, he realised something.

Leahcim: "Is something wrong, Magneto?"

Magneto: "I've just realised something... I have to stay behind."

Wade: "What?"

Doctor: "No one's staying behind."

Magneto: "Somebody has to stay here and destroy the machine or they'll find a way to follow us through. This isn't me being brave... I don't want to die any more than you do but I am the only one with the power to destroy it and stop them from getting a chance to rebuild this damn thing."


Magneto: "Untrue. Sometimes things just completely fall apart. Now, get out of here while you still have a chance."

Luke Cage: "He's right, it's the only way."

Magneto then turns to me.

Magneto: "(Y/N), please promise me they will be safe."

Me: "I promise."

Magneto: "Thank you."


(No one's POV.)

The TARDIS door shuts as Dean hits the Gas pedal as the Impala and the TARDIS go through the portal as two beings unnoticeably latch onto the flying time machine.

Zang: "This is it Ruby, a second chance to do something good."

Zuby: "I hope you're right."


(Magneto's POV.)

As the Impala and TARDIS fly off to the portal, it then closes afterwards.

I then use a metal pole to navigate myself to the Baxter building.

Luckily, the zombies are still blind, so it was easy to sneak past them.

As I got to the top building, I noticed a bomb that Reed showed me once.

As I put the time on, I then put my hand in my pocket and felt something.

I took it out and it was a picture of my mother and me when we were lighting the candles on Hanukkah.

I smiled at the memory and started the timer.





(No one's POV.)

The bomb explodes, destroying everything in its blast.

It even destroyed the planet, leaving nothing but dust.


(Camera POV, 20 years later Epilogue.)

Leahcim: "Hello, hello. Okay, this message is for anyone who wants to listen. This message is about what happened after all of this. Well, (Y/N) & Stevia got married while me & Sunset, with our counterparts, got married on the same day. Sunset and I also had a girl named Sunny who is now 6 years old. Yang and Blake have also become a couple, Ruby and Weiss are together and are also co-leaders of the Schnee dust company. The avengers expanded their teams. Now, I got to go, Sunset and I are visiting our counterparts at Equestria in ValKantelot. They chose to stay there because they didn't want things getting confusing and (Y/N) used the Time Stone to heal them from the hunger virus. Also, I just want to say may all of your futures be bright as the sun and goodbye."


The people I want to say thank you to:

Frost the Hobidon white lion
Night Shadow
And the readers who have inspired me to make this story.


Songs for the end...


The end.

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