Three days later, story finished

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(I know I already completed this story but I loved this little crossover/spinoff and I thought why not make one last one-shot. I hope you like it. It will be before the actual Epilogue from the three-parter. Note: This one-shot is three days later.)


(Castiel's POV, three days after the demise of earth 9412.)

Things are so different now ever since we came to this universe.

There is a couple these team of 'Avengers' along with The Beak which is two kids who are both known as Phineas and Ferb.

Right now Sam along with Dean, Wade, Velvet, the Doctor and I are looking at a human known as Nick Fury talking to (Y/N) with Sunset and Leah's counterparts.


(No one's POV.)

Nick Fury: "So let me get this straight. You have brought your counterparts with their allies from a universe with zombies that tried to get to our universe and you allowed these humans and not-so hungry zombies?"

Leahcim: "To be honest, it was more my fault than anyone and anything. So, I'm alright with any sort of punishment you deem to be decent enough."

Nick Fury: "Leahcim, you're missing my point. I'm not punishing you, I'm giving you and Sunset a team."

Leahcim and Sunset look at each other and at the others and looked back at Nick, seeing what he means by giving us a team.

Sunset: "Do you think they'll be ok with it?"

Nick Fury: "I know it's very sudden but they can't go to Beacon because of your counterparts causing confusion."

Wade: "Sunset, Leah, Velvet and I can stay in Sunset's world while we join the Avengers."

Nick Fury, Leahcim and Sunset turn to see Leah and Sunset Shimmer with Dean, Castiel, Velvet, Wade, Sam and The Doctor.

Leahcim: "Are you sure you want that?"

SunShim: "Yes."

Sam: "Since we don't have many people to trust and the only kind of beings that are there is everything Dean, Cass and I ever thought in our world, however we're not sure if Demons, angels, Whispers, the horsemen and Pagans are here."

Dean: "Although Tiamat, Loki and Samhain exist."

The Doctor: "This universe doesn't have the Cybermen, Daleks, Sontarans and my own counterpart... however, the Master and the rest of the TimeLords exist but they are fascinated in humans and the Master didn't go mad from the time vortex."

Leah chuckles a bit until he starts frowning.

Dean: "Hey, what's with the Frowny face?"

Leah: "Sorry, I guess I just want to be my original state with Sunset."

(Y/N) smiles as he uses the mind, reality & time stones to cure SunShim and Leah.

(Y/N): "That should do it."

SunShim: "Wow."

Leah: "(Y/N) I... I can't thank you enough."

(Y/N) then opens a portal as SunShim, Leah, Velvet and Wade walk through it, not knowing two people followed them.


(Ponyville, SunShim's POV.)

As we got through the portal, I look at Leah to see his dark purple mane, violet fur and a cutie mark of the X-Men who is getting a little bit shaky.

I then hold his hoof as I teach him to walk while Velvet and Wade try to stand.


(No one's POV.)

While SunShim, Leah, Velvet and Wade walk, they don't notice a green portal opens as a Pony Rick and Morty appears as Button mash see the two new ponies.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Which either one seems better to you.)

Morty: "I don't know, Rick. I-I haven't got any pants on, my tail looks like a piece of poop, Rick. This place is freaking me out."

Rick: "Yeah whatever, Morty. Check me out, Pony Rick!"

Button Mash: "Oh hi, are you new in town?"

Rick drunkenly burps.

Rick: "I'm Pony Rick!"

Button Mash looks awkwardly at Rick.

Button Mash: "Alright."


(Your POV.)

I was looking around different universes until I found one involving Dad with someone I don't know about.

Me: "Dad."

Dad comes in with my family.

Dad: "Is there something wrong?"

Me: "No, I just want to show you something real quick. Do you want to watch with me?"

Dad and the family sit down answering my question as they see Dad through a window of a different universe.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Qrow: "Wow... glad you didn't go along with your plan."

Dad: "Yes, I quite agree."

Me: "Well, wanna go play a few board games with the kids?"


The end of the One-Shot.

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