Awakening of the Fox Miraculous

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Alya's POV

"Woah what are you?" I asked the little creature poking it.

"The names Trixx." Trixx greeted as I only stared the creature in awe.

"Oh my gosh I need to get a scoop of this." I squealed as I pulled out my phone only for Trixx to grab my phone.

"Cameras and other electronics aren't able to see or sense me." Trixx explained.

"Then how can I-" I started.

"You are not able to tell anyone about my existence other than Ladybug and Chat Noir." The fox like creature told me about what my purpose I have to keep him and myself in check.

"Sorry this is a lot to process you know." I rubbed my forehead trying to process what is happening.

"I said you are going to help Ladybug and Chat Noir." Trixx said as I dropped my jaw.

"Really?!" I squealed happily.

"Yes now do you understand now?" I look at Trixx and nodded in agreement.

"So do I start any training to become a super hero?" I asked my kwami.

"Well do you want to learn about your powers?" Trixx asked as I nodded in agreement.

"Well your super powers are illusion and speed you are able to make illusions by playing the flute and create an illusion you come up with." Trixx explains about the power bestowed on him that I can use during a fight.

"You are only allowed to use your special power only one time and once you use it you only have 5 minutes to revert back into civilian form."

"Oh so that's why Ladybug and Chat Noir always leave early before I even interview them."

"Yes once you detransform you must feed me after in order for me to recharge."

"Got it."

"Now in order to transform you say Trixx let's pounce!"

"Alright Trixx let's pounce!" I said and before I know it I saw Trixx go inside the necklace and before I know it the transformation began.

Once the glowing finally stopped I ran over to the mirror and stared at the new hero aka me.

"Woah this is so awesome!" I jumped up and down happily. Before I was gonna say anything else I heard a crash outside. I went over to see what it is and saw people running away from where the problem is.

"Well time to save China." I said to myself as I went over to see the crises.

No one's POV

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't say cruel things to Ivan Chloe." Nino said looking at Chloe with a disgusted face on him.

"Well I did prove my point that he will never change and be more independent than me." Chloe said with her hand on her hips.

"I guess that's the same case with you isn't it?" Kagami responded making Chloe look at her and was about to make another arguement with her only for Mrs.Bustier to come in between.

"That's enough Chloe now everyone have we have to go somewhere secure until Ladybug and Chat Noir show up." Mrs.Bustier instructed as everyone went to take cover of the situation.

"This trip would be better if Chloe didn't come." Alix angrily said a fist forming.

"Whatever." Chloe replied.

"Uh has anyone see Adrien?" Nino asked.

Adrien's POV

"Plagg claws out!" I transformed and made sure every citizen in China get to safety.

"I sure hope Ladybug can make it." I said looking around to see any sign of Ladybug.

While looking around I see Marinette and Luka running away from the villian. Then I see Marinette and Luka running to opposite directions as Marinette catches the villian's attention.

With my quick reflexes I scooped Marinette away from the villian and took her to a safe place.

"Hello princess." I purred carrying Marinette.

"Why hello there kitty fancy meeting you here." She looked at me in a sassy way.

"Well I just saved you from being crushed besides I would never let anyone hurt those who are special to me." I said as I gave Marinette a charming smile.

"Well thanks for saving me kitty you can just leave me somewhere and you can deal with the problem alright?" Marinette said as I stopped and left her on a building.

"Don't fret princess I will come back for you later." I blew a kiss for her and ran off to fight the villian.

Marinette's POV

"Ugh he's so over the top." I groaned over what happened when Cat Noir left. What was on his mind?

"Well there is no time to be spacing out Marinette transform now!" Tikki reminded as I transformed into Ladybug.

I ran to the location where the trouble is only to find another super hero who seems to be wearing a fox costume a lot like Lila's but isn't her.

"Ladybug hey!" The new super heroine called standing before me.

"Um hey and you are?" I asked.

"Oh um I'm Rena Rouge." Rena Rouge explained to me about herself and her powers.

"So your another miraculous holder then." I smiled that now we have an alley to help us especially now that I am supposed to attend to where my class is right now.

"You got that right Ladybug." Rena Rouge happily said as we both ran towards where Cat Noir was. We watches Cat Noir was sent flying towards us and luckily for us he manage to catch himself on his own feet.

"Ladybug your finally here." Cat Noir said looking at me before looking at Rena Rouge.

"Woah and who is this friend of yours? A new super hero?" Cat Noir gaped looking at Rena Rouge.

"I'm Rena Rouge and I'm here to assist you and Ladybug during your fights." Rena Rouge introduced as Cat Noir and his charming self kissed her hand as I just rolled my eyes at the situation and look at the problem in hand.

"Looks like we have bigger problems here than Cat's ego." I said hearing Cat Noir look down by my remark on him.

"Well what are we waiting for let's save China!" Rena Rouge said as she sprang into action.

"Now there is someone taking their job seriously." I looked over at Cat Noir.

"Yeah but no need to be serious and uptight my lady you need to learn to let loose sometimes you know." Cat said as he followed Rena Rouge. I just ignored his "advice" and followed after them.

After the battle~

"Bye bye little butterfly." I let go of the butterfly that has been under hawkmoth's control.

"Another job well done." Cat Noir smiled as he was about to do his charms again.

"Wow that was amazing!" Rena Rouge said as I heard beeping coming from her miraculous.

"You have 5 minutes before you reverse back into your civilian form you better find a hiding place to detransform thanks for helping." I said as I ran to find a hiding place to detransform back.

Alya's POV

I ran to find a spot to detransform back and as soon as I did the costume disappeared and my kwami appeared again.

"Phew that was sure tiring." I wiped a sweat off my forehead after the battle.

"Now you understand what it takes to be a super hero?" Trixx asked.

"Yes and you must be hungry." I asked as I walked over to a bowl of fruits.

"Does grapes suit you?" I questioned as Trixx nodded in response and ate the grape.

"Well here starts another journey as a super hero." I said to myself looking at the window.

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