Part 1

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 "Looks like this is it. One last time, for all the marbles ?"

Phil: You're on. Don't expect me to go easy on you. With the heart of the cards on both sides...

"Yes, only our own skills will settle this. But enough chit-chat, you know the magic word."

Both: DUEL !!


Phil: My turn ! And as a start... I summon PHOTON ADVANCER, in attack mode !

Phil: And now that I have a "Photon" monster on my field, I can special summon PHOTON VANISHER, in attack mode !

Phil: Now that I have another Photon monster out, my Photon Advancer gains 1000 ATK ! But don't worry, it won't have the occasion to attack... I activate Photon Vanisher's special ability ! It lets me add a Galaxy-eyes Photon Dragon from my deck to my hand !

"Already going all out with your combos, heh ?"

Phil: Don't get tired now, I'm just getting started ! From my hand, I activate the spell card PHOTON SANCTUARY !

Phil: I'm sure you're well aware of its affect by now, are you ?

"Two photon tokens on the field... But you also can't summon anything that isn't light attribute."

Phil: Trust me, this is hardly a problem ! I tribute my two tokens to special summon an old friend of mine, that you're very familiar with ! Make some noise, for the GALAXY-EYES PHOTON DRAGON !!

"You sure as hell don't lose any time. But knowing you... This is just the beginning of my problems."

Phil: You have no idea ! I activate the spell card, GALAXY EXPEDITION !!

Phil: And you know what comes next ! I special summon the GALAXY-EYES AFTERGLOW DRAGON !!

Phil: It might only be in defense mode... But that doesn't even matter ! Because I'm going to use it and my Photon dragon, as materials to XYZ summon...

Phil: Number 62 ! GALAXY-EYES PRIME PHOTON DRAGON !! And while I'm at it... Say goodbye to Photon advancer and Photon vanisher ! And hello to...

Phil: STARLIEGE PHOTON BLAST DRAGON !! And... I think I'm gonna stop it here for now. Your move.

"You're too kind. But I won't need that kindness ! I draw !"

"... Alright. Unlike you, I can't unleash such powerful combos from the get-go, so... I'm just gonna lay down two face-down... And summon Alpha, the Magnet Warrior, in defense mode !

"Finally, I activate my field spell, Catapult Zone, and end my turn."

"There's nothing more I can do. Your move."

Phil: Let's just hope you don't regret this. I draw ! And first... I tribute Number 62, in order to XYZ summon...


"What ?! An XYZ with just one monster ?!"

Phil: That's the thing. As long as I have one "Galaxy-eyes" XYZ on the field, I can summon it with one material ! But the fun doesn't end here ! I activate its special effect ! Now, by discarding one of its materials, I can destroy any card on your field ! And I must say... Your catapults are looking mighty tempting right now. Hope you said goodbye !


"GH ! Well... So much for my two-time defense I guess..."

Phil: And it's about to get much worse, trust me. Because since the monster I discarded was my Afterglow dragon, I get to special summon another Photon dragon directly from my deck !

"*Gulp*... 'Just great... My field would've let my monster eat a second attack by sending another rock to the graveyard... But not only did he trample on it, now he's bringing even more firepower... This doesn't look good. I must be careful, or he'll finish me in one blow.'..."

Phil: What's wrong, don't tell me you're getting tired ? I hope not, because I'm just getting warmed up. I activate Galaxy expedition ! You know the drill, yet another level5 or higher monster for me, in that case, another afterglow dragon ! And next, why not let them dance a bit ? Afterglow and Galaxy-eyes, combine ! To XYZ...

Phil: NUMBER 90: GALAXY-EYES PHOTON LORD !! And do I need to remind you of its effect ? As long as it has a "Photon" monster as a material, it can't be destroyed by card effects ! Now... Let's battle ! Full armor: Destroy his Monster !!


"Hng ! Gah... Alpha..."

Phil: I think you should worry about yourself right now. Because you're right on the line ! Number 90 ! DIRECT ATTACK !!



"Haa... Haa..."

Phil: Is the pavement so enticing ? You're so eager to take a closer look.

"Oh, believe me... I'll make you taste it ! My turn !"

"... 'Now we're talking' I summon ALPHA, THE ELECTROMAGNET WARRIOR, in attack mode !"

"Next I'll activate its special ability ! It lets me take one level 8 magnet warrior and add it to my hand ! And I'll choose Berserkion, the Electromagna warrior !"

"That's all. Your turn."

Phil: Wow, when you said you wouldn't combo, you weren't kidding... But don't go cry about it later. Also, before I forget... Since this is still your turn, I activate Number 90, special ability ! It lets me take one "Photon" or "Galaxy" card from my deck and add it to my hand. Next, my turn ! I draw ! And I activate the card I got thanks to Number 90 ! PHOTON ORBITAL !!

Phil: Next, I'll equip it to my Starliege dragon, giving it a 500 ATK boost and making it indestructible in battle !

"While you're doing that, I activates Alpha's quick effect ! On my opponent's turn, I can send it to the graveyard and special summon a level 4 magnet warrior from my deck to take its place !"

Phil: You will do no such thing ! I activate Number 90's special effect ! If I discard one of its materials, I get to negate your monster's effect, and since that material was a "Galaxy" card, it also gets destroyed !

"Big deal, it was going to the GY anyway... But it's true I can't summon anything in its place now... Damn it."

Phil: You think it's over ? It just started. The material I discarded was one of my afterglow dragons. Know what this means ?

"... Another photon dragon..."

Phil: Correct ! And the cherry on top... I activate Galaxy Zero from my hand !

Phil: And I use it to summon my Afterglow dragon from my Graveyard !

"... Right now its effects are nullified and it can't attack... It can only means, you're planning to tribute it, aren't you ?!"

Phil: Sharp as ever ! Yes, him and my photon dragon will have to go, sadly... But not so far, because I'm using them to XYZ another Number 62 !

Phil: Now, let's battle ! To put an end to this duel ! Number 62, DIRECT ATTACK !!

"NOT SO FAST !! Sounds like you forgot about my face-down, have you ?!"

Phil: Face-down...

"I'm just gonna lay down two face-down..."

Phil: Right... So, what kind of trap did you prepare for me ?

"Oh, it's not for you... It's for 'Them'. I activate the trap, PINPOINT GUARD !!"

"It was triggered by your attack, and lets me summon a level 4 or lower monster from my GY in defense mode ! And what's more, that monster can't be destroyed for the rest of this turn ! So come back, ALPHA, THE ELECTROMAGNET WARRIOR !"

"And since I just special summoned it, I can activate it's effect ! Adding Valkyrion the Magna Warrior to my hand !"

Phil: Tch. You won some respite, nothing more. But, just to test out something... I discard a material from Number 62, in order to activate its special ability. That way, it gains ATK equal to the ranks of all XYZ monster on the field times 200.



Phil: Hm... It really is indestructible... Well, for now at least. Alright, I'll put Number 90 in defense mode and call it a turn.

"Well, since you're done, I activate Alpha's quick effect ! Will you negate it this time too ?"

Phil: Bah, not like it'll help you.

"You're really looking down on me. But anyways, I send Alpha to the GY, and summon Delta, the Magnet warrior, in its place !"

"And while I'm at it, I'll also activate Delta's effect, letting me send a level 4 or lower magnet warrior from my deck to the GY. Then, I believe it's my turn ?"

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