Part 2

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 "And while I'm at it, I'll also activate Delta's effect, letting me send a level 4 or lower magnet warrior from my deck to the GY. Then, I believe it's my turn ?"

Phil: It is.

"You're too kind. Draw !! First, I'll activate a spell ! The Dark Factory of Mass Production !"

"It lets me take two normal monsters in my GY and add them to my hand."

Phil: Who still uses normal monsters nowadays ?

"Oh, but I do, and you're about to find out why ! So I take Alpha and Beta the Magnet warriors back to my hand, then I'll use another spell !"

Phil: Before you do that, I activate Number 90's special ability ! So I take one Photon or Galaxy card from my deck and add it to my hand.

"Suits yourself. But as I was saying, I play another spell ! Magnet Induction !!"

"With this, as long as I control a level 4 or lower magnet warrior, I get to special summon another one from my deck with a different name. Also, my magnets now can't be destroyed by battle or your cards' effects until the end of the turn. So come on out, BETA, THE ELECTROMAGNET WARRIOR !!"

"And let's not forget about its special ability ! Now that I've summoned it, I get to add one level 4 or lower magnet warrior from my deck to my hand ! And you're gonna know which one right ahead, since I'm summoning it ! GAMMA, THE ELECTROMAGNET WARRIOR !!"

"And it has a special ability too ! For as soon as I summon it, I get to summon another level 4 or lower magnet warrior from my hand ! And I think I'll pick this one ! Beta, the Magnet Warrior !"

Phil: What now ? No offense, but these guys are a bunch of weaklings.

"As they are, yes. But not for too long. You're not the only one who can XYZ, you know."

Phil: You don't mean...

"Oh, but I do ! I tribute Beta and Delta the magnet warriors, to XYZ summon... GALLANT GRANITE !!"

Phil: And you expect that statue to stand a chance ? Really ?

"Who said I was done yet ? Next, from my field and GY, I'll banish Alpha, Beta, and Gamma the electromagnet warriors, to bring out my ace... BERSERKION, THE ELECTROMAGNA WARRIOR !!"

"Next, I activate Gallant Granite's special ability ! By discarding one material, I can add any rock-type monster from my deck to my hand ! And finally... Time to activate Berserkion's ability ! For each level 4 or lower magnet warrior that I banish from my GY... I get to destroy any of your cards !"

Phil: What ?!

"Now go for it ! Destroy his Starliege-"

Phil: Heh. Looks like someone overlooked a certain something. My Number 90 still has a material attached. And lucky me, it's a "Galaxy" monster ! So not only is your effect, negated, but you can also bid farewell to your Berserkion !!

"Well, you must have amnesia has well ! Remember, because I played Magnet Induction earlier, my monsters can't be destroyed ! So even if its effect is negated, Berserkion stays here !"

Phil: Whatever. I chain Starliege's effect as well. Discard a material, then summon another Photon dragon on my field.

"Gh-. In that case, I'll just have to attack directly ! Go, Berserkion ! Destroy his Starliege !"


"Wh- What... ? Why wasn't it... ?"

Phil: Destroyed ? You never learn, do you ? Remember my photon orbital ? It makes my Starliege invincible in battle ! Your efforts were all for zilch here !

"Grrr... Guess I have no choice but to end my turn then.."

Phil: Finally. I draw ! And first... Let's get rid of that annoying ace of yours, shall we ? I activate my armor photon dragon's effect ! I discard one material, to destroy any of your face-up cards ! Bye-Bye Berserkion !!


"GH !! ... Heh... Heheheheheh... Man, if you wanted me to win so bad, you should've just told me from the start !"

Phil: What ?!

"Berserkion may be gone, but this ain't the last time you hear of it ! I activate its special ability from the GY ! It lets me take the three electromagnet warriors I used to summon it, and special summon them right to the field !"

"Now, watch closely, it's gonna be fast... I activate my Seven-stage chain combo !!"

Phil: S- Seven stages ?! You're gonna make a chain that long by yourself ?!

"You bet! First, I'll activate Alpha, beta and Gamma's effects by special summoning them ! Then, I'll immediately send them to the GY to summon level 4 magnet warriors from my deck !"

"So say hello the Alpha, beta, and Gamma the magnet warriors !"

Phil: To think you'd activate both of their effects as once... But that only makes a six-stages chain !

"Don't be so sure of it ! After all, I left this one in plain sight since my first turn ! I activate my trap card, MAGNET CONVERSION !!"

"It lets me target up to three level 4 or lower magnet warriors in my GY, and add them to my hand ! And since I just discarded them, what better than bring back my electromagnet warriors ?"

"That makes seven stages. But going back to the first three, Gamma let's me summon from my hand, so it's back onto the field for alpha ! Beta let's me add to my hand from my deck, so it's hello, Delta, and finally alpha lets me take a level 8 from my hand, so Berserkion's back ! Phew..."

Phil: That was quite the mouthful. But if you don't mind, it's still my turn ! And I'll start by attacking your Gallant Granite with my number 62 !!

"Actually, I do mind ! I activate Alpha's quick effect, since this one's not just once per turn ! And i'm just gonna put down another gamma in defense mode. Sorry, go ahead now."

Phil: Much appreciated. But you better brace yourself for this one, because when Number 62 attacks, his attack points get raised by all the XYZ ranks on the field times 200 ! So this one's gonna hurt !

"Wait, even my own monster's ranks ?! So that makes..."


"O- Over 10,000 ?! Wait, my Gallant Granite's only at 2300 ! If I take a hit that big..."





"What... ? I didn't have any face-downs, and I took the hit... Why am I not out ?"

Phil: Simple. When Number 62 doesn't have a "Galaxy" material attached to it, all battle damage you take from it are halved. And I took off its last material to gain attack points. You got really lucky on that one.

"Hah... Hahah... No joke, I rally though I was a goner right there..."

Phil: Don't look so relieved, it's still my battle phase ! And i'm gonna punch some holes in your defense ! Photon Dragon, attack his Beta !


Phil: Armor Photon, take out his Alpha !


Phil: And I think that'll be all. Your move. Oh, wait, I almost forgot. First I'll tribute my Photon Dragon and my Armor Photon, in order to Link summon... GALAXY-EYES SOLFLARE DRAGON !!

Phil: And I activate its effect ! It lets me take one Photon or Galaxy monster in my GY and add it to my hand ! My afterglow dragon is coming back. Then, I activate a spell ! GALAXY TRANCE !!


Phil: By paying 2000 LP, I get to target one Photon monster in my GY and one Galaxy monster from my deck, and summon them both in defense mode !!

"Negating their effect and reducing their attack ? What are you going for ?!"

Phil: Isn't it obvious ? So I can XYZ summon another Blast dragon !! Then I activate the effect of the Afterglow dragon in y hand, letting me summon it in defense mode ! Finally, I'll XYZ my Number 62 to replace it with my Armor dragon, and end my turn.

"Tch. You really are full of yourself, aren't you ? I draw ! And first... I activate Magnet Conversion from my GY ! It lets me summon one level 4 or lower Magnet Warriors I banished ! So Beta comes back !"

Phil: before you do that, I activate Number 90, special effect ! So I got one more Galaxy material attached to it.

"Fine, fine... But don't sweat it, 'cause things are about to get dicey ! From my hand and field, I send Alpha, beta, and Gamma the Magnet Warriors to the Graveyard to summon their combination ! VALKYRION, THE MAGNA WARRIOR !!"

Phil: You think I'll let you ! I activate Solflare dragon's quick effect !Now, by discarding one Photon and one Galaxy card from my hand, I can destroy any of your monsters that was special summoned ! Valkyrion no more, it would seem !!


"Gh... Congratulation for following me on that ! By destroying Valkyrion, you allowed me to special summon Cataclysmic Crusted Calcifida directly from my hand !"

Phil: Wrong again ! I activate Number 90's special effect ! You're not summoning anything, and it goes to the GY instead !

"Why, thank you. You're really helping me out there."

Phil: What ?!

"All of this was so you would waste your effects to destroy these monsters and send them to the GY. And now, I have plenty of ammo to beat you down ! First, I'll banish, Delta, calcifida and Gallant Granite from my GY, to summon BLOCK DRAGON, in attack mode !!"

"Then I summon Gamma the Electromagnet warrior, and use its special effect to also bring out Beta the Electromagnet warrior ! Adding Alpha to my hand ! Then I'll activate a spell ! Silent Doom !!"

"Bring back Beta the Magnet warrior to my field. And did I ever mention you're not the only one who can XYZ ? So make some noise to welcome back, Gallant Granite !! Who's effect will immediately, letting me add another Valkyrion to my hand ! Finally, I'll banish my three electromagnet warriors from my field and GY to summon back BERSERKION, THE ELECTROMAGNA WARRIOR !!"

Phil: So what ? You still can't get past my defenses.

"Don't be so sure. You've been so kind to help me sending monsters to the GY. Now remember, for every level 4 or lower magnet warriors that I banish from my GY, I get to destroy any of your cards ! And as far as I know... I HAVE 5 OF THEM NOW !"

Phil: What ?! Then that means...

"That means five cards gone for you !"

Phil: Don't be so sure of it ! My Starliege doesn't let you target my monsters with more than 2000 ATK with card effects !

"Then I'll just have to start with him ! Go, Berserkion ! Destroy that Starliege !"


"Now, I may not be able to target that second Starliege because of that equipped card... But I can target that equip card ! Orbital Photon, gone !"


Phil: GH- I activate Starliege's ability ! Bringing another Galaxy-eyes from my GY on to the field !

"No matter ! Third time's the charm ! Your second Starliege is toasted !"


"Fourth shot ! Armor Dragon, get out of here !!"


"And finally, the fifth one ! I hope your Galaxy-eyes enjoyed its short span here !"


"Huff... Huff... Phew. Now that's done."

Phil: It looks to me like you miscalculated. I have three monsters remaining on the field, and you don't have the power to destroy my Number 90 in battle ! Next turn I'll just bring all of them back !

"Hum ? You think i'm done ? Oh, far from it."

Phil: Don't bluff. You don't have anything left on your GY to destroy my monsters.

"Really ? Well, think again ! I tribute my Block Dragon and Gallant Granite !"

Phil: What ?! What for ?!

"To Link summon Proxy dragon !!"

Phil: A... A cyberse monster ? And so weak ?! What's it doing in your deck ?!

"I didn't put it here for it's power... But rather, because it lets me reload ! By summoning it, I just sent Gallant Granite to the GY. And can you guess what was still attached to it ?"

Phil: No...

"A level 4 magnet warrior, that's right ! Meaning, one more shot for Berserkion ! Number 90, OUT !!"


"Next, for my Block Dragon to shine ! When he's sent to the Graveyard, I get to add up to three rock-type monsters from my deck to my hand, whose levels make a total of 8. Next, I banish Doki Doki, Valkyrion and Gallant Granite from my hand and GY, to summon Block Dragon back onto the field !"

Phil: But then... !

"It's time to battle !! Beserkion ! Destroy his Afterglow Dragon !! ELECTRO RUSH !!"


"This one was in defense mode, but the other one isn't ! Block Dragon ! Bring down his Solflare dragon now !!"


Phil: GHHH !


"You're wide open !! Proxy Dragon !! DIRECT ATTACK !!"



"With this I end my turn."

Phil: 'Gh... This doesn't look good for me... No monster, no face-downs, and not even a card in my hand... I can still get out of here, but... There's just one shot at this. Heart of the cards... Guide my hand !!'

Phil: My turn ! I draw !! ... Heh... Hehehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

"What ?!"

Phil: Looks like the heart of the cards decided to side with me this time ! I activate GALAXY ZERO !!

"What ?! It can't be !!"

Phil: Oh, but it is !! And I'll use it to restore my GALAXY-EYES FULL ARMOR PHOTON DRAGON !! And while it may not be able to attack or activate its effects... Its 4000 ATK points are more than enough to stop your monsters ! I end my turn.

"And it'll be your last turn."

Phil: What ?

"The Heart of the Cards may have sided with you for this draw... But it has been siding with me for this entire duel ! And I'll prove it ! I summon Delta, the Magnet Warrior !"

Phil: N- NO !! Its special effect...

"I see you remember it ! Yes, it lets me send a magnet warriors from my deck to the GY ! And I'll immediately use it ! Berserkion !! Destroy his Galaxy Zero card !"


Phil: NO !!

"With that card gone, your dragon's attack points drop down to nothing !"


"So now you're wide open for my attacks ! Block Dragon, take out his Armor Photon !!"


Phil: GAAAAAH !!





Phil: Guh... Urg...

"Well... Looks like the deed is done. That was a great match."

Just so you know, this whole thing was just to see if I could actually write about Yu-Gi-Oh. Also, this is a real duel I had

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