Only One can Remain

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The ship had arrived at Chen's Island, while it might look big and extraordinary, deep down there are secrets that Chen is hiding from every elemental master. The paddle boat started to dock on the island then two men laid out the gangplank for all the masters to walk off. Clouse welcomed everyone to Chen's Island as he walked down the gangplank. He then sent a couple of glares at Sensei Garmadon then walked off. Most of the elemental masters followed Clouse; but Tina stayed behind the group to get a lay of the island. She saw the ninja talking to Garmadon and she couldn't help but overhear what they were saying.

Tina could overhear Garmadon talking about the Serpentine War that he and Sensei Wu had fought in a long time ago with the original Elemental Masters. Master Chen used to be a friend, but he became a traitor during the war by dividing the Elemental Masters. As punishment, Chen would never leave this island; unaware that he had built his empire from here. Tina saw the girl that Kai tried to save walk by as Kai pushed the others out of the way; she rolled her eyes at Kai's cliche move to get the girl. She heard Kai say that his fire will melt the girl's icy heart. "Most girls don't go for the egotistic bad boys, Master of Fire." Tina said with a smirk.

Kai's jaw dropped open as Cole and Jay snickered. Everyone walked into Chen's temple as his cultists were banging drums and chanting. Soon Clouse led them all to a giant room and told them to wait here until Master Chen was ready to show himself. Tina let down her hoodie revealing her middle length light brown hair with a white streak. She was going to sit down but Ash grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. "Did I tell you to stay away from me?" she asked, harshly.

Ash didn't let go so Tina sucker punched him in the face making him release his grip on her. She sat far away from the other masters and just stayed in the shadows to avoid people. It wasn't until Cole gestured over to her to sit with him; Tina refused to do so. Until her eyes fell on Lloyd who turned to her and smiled at her. Suddenly, the sound of music was heard in the room, then everyone rose from their spots as a man in a throne chair that was being lowered in front of them. Tina guessed from the crown and clothing style that this was the mysterious Master Chen. And the guy had a thing for theatrics when he made everyone believe that they were going to die.

Master Chen rose from his chair and looked impressed with all of the elemental masters in the room. Although he looked a little unimpressed that Sensei Garmadon was also here too; Tina swore she heard Chen call Garmadon a former pupil. Chen turned to see Tina hiding in the corner, "I see we even have a Master of Magic as well. Very rare indeed." he spoke.

Chen showed them a gong with the symbol of the Anacondrai Snake with its creed "only one can remain." When the soldier rang the gong, it opened to reveal a large scoreboard with every fighter in their own bracket. Tina overheard Kai saying that they won't have to fight each other for a while and something about Zane, the Ice Ninja. She looked a little confused; she knew that Zane had sacrificed himself saving the city from the Overlord. Master Chen showed them a Jade Blade; those blades would be in each match. If they obtain it then they will move on, if their opponent takes it, they will lose. Tina didn't really care about the tournament; she only went because Chen forced all the masters too.

Chen went on to explain the rules of the tournament; every match will be different; their powers will keep them in the tournament. Karlof asked Chen what he would win after the tournament and Chen had the weirdest reply. "Win and stay on the island. Win it all, and you'll receive fortunes beyond your wildest dreams and lifetime supply of Master Chen noodles. But no one is here because of noodle. You want the glory of being the greatest fighter in all of Ninjago."

Almost all of the fighters cheered at the mention of glory. But when Garmadon asked Chen what happens when they lose, Chen just laughed it off like it was a joke. Clouse then told everyone that they will be shown to their rooms that they will be staying in. He clapped his hands then a group of Kabuki, Chen's jesters came out and circled all the masters. Each of the elemental masters was grabbed by a Kabuki and taken to their assigned rooms. Garmadon was being dragged away from the ninja by Clouse. Kai liked his fire suite since it was next door to Skylar, the girl he met on the boat. Jay's room had devices connected to his powers when he used them. Cole had a stone bed, but he had a fully stock fridge of his favorite foods.

Tina walked into her new suite which was bigger than what she was used to. The room was a nice blend of white and black like a yin-yang symbol, a large bed, a small bathroom, bookshelves filled with books, and a small closet. When she opened the closet, she saw a white and black Gi that was just her size. As she was changing; Chen announced that around the palace were enough Jade Blades for every fighter except for one. The last person that doesn't return to the palace arena with a blade is out. Tina finished changing, then she stepped out of her suite to see that Chen had begun the tournament. She saw most of the fighters wrestling each other over a jade blade or running around the place searching for one.

Tina looked around for more Jade Blades that none of the other fighters had seen and even in her room, she found one underneath her bed. She felt like this was just too easy. She grabbed the blade but just before she could head towards the arena; she saw Clouse using a spell to stop Lloyd from grabbing a jade blade. Tina could have just taken her blade and left Lloyd to deal with this on his own, but a part of her wanted to help. She might hardly trust people but that doesn't mean that she has a good heart; she just doesn't get close to anyone. Tina started chanting a counter spell to overpower Clouse and it worked; the spell made Clouse so unfocused that his spell faded.

Tina started running towards the arena with the jade blade in her hand; she wasn't the only one that had come with a jade blade, almost every elemental master had found one. She placed her jade blade with the others then stood with the rest of the masters. Jay and Lloyd had already found their blades so now they were just waiting for Cole and Kai. Cole showed up with his jade blade and now there was only one jade blade remaining. The last two fighters were Karloff and Kai; either one of them would have the blade while the other was eliminated. A few minutes later, Karloff was the one walking into the arena with the Jade Blade victoriously. Almost all the masters cheered for him except for Tina and the ninja.

Suddenly, Karloff's metal glove with the jade blade popped off. Kai showed up from behind Karloff and snatched the jade blade from him and then placed it with the others. Karloff claimed that Kai had cheated and that this wasn't fair. "I did what I had to do." Kai stated.

"That is not how you win." Garmadon reminded Kai.

Karloff accepted the fact that he lost but this was something that none of the masters were expecting. Chen pressed a button on his chair which opened a trap door underneath Karloff who fell through. "As you can see, lose and you are out. Break any rule, you are out. Never bite the hand that feeds you, Master Chen delicious noodles. Now rest up. Tomorrow the tournament will recommence." Chen announced.

Soon all the masters were led to a dining hall where they were given dinner before they would return to their suites. Tina had just grabbed her tray, she ended up bumping into the master of smoke by accident, but he thought Tina did it on purpose. He pushed Tina to the ground then dumped her entire tray of food on her. "There. Now you look like what you're supposed to be, a homeless street rat." Ash said then chuckled.

Tina got really angry; she would have punched him in the face, but someone beat her to it, that person was Lloyd. The Master of Smoke ran away like a scared little mouse, Lloyd helped Tina up from the ground and offered to help get her cleaned up. Tina was surprised with Lloyd's generous offer; no one had ever offered to help her out. She decided to take Lloyd's offer then the two of them left the dining hall and headed towards Tina's suite. She thanked Lloyd for helping her back in the dining hall, but she also asked him why he helped her after the way she talked to him back on the boat. Lloyd just knew what it felt like to be alone and having a hard time trusting anyone.

After Tina changed into some more comfy and food free clothes, she and Lloyd started talking and it made her realize that they had a lot in common. Every time Lloyd stared at her; Tina felt small little flutters inside her. Lloyd told her that the only reason he and the ninja were in the tournament was because they came to find Zane and bring him home. Tina told him that she only came not for glory, but because she thought that there was something fishy going on. Lloyd was glad that there was someone else in the tournament that didn't buy a word of what Chen had told them.

Suddenly, Tina started to feel that something bad was going on. "Tina, are you ok?" Lloyd asked, looking worried.

"Sorry. I'm ok. My magic can sense when people are in danger." Tina answered.

She used her magic to find the cause for going off; her magic showed her a secret room underneath the island with Chen, Clouse, and some soldiers who were chanting something. Karloff was being dragged into the room and being pinned down. Chen aimed his staff at Karloff then ice shot out of it as the staff started to drain Karloff of his elemental power. She snapped out of her search and started having a small panic attack. Thankfully, Lloyd helped her calm down then she told him that Chen was stealing Karloff's power and he was planning to do the same thing to all of the other masters. She also told Lloyd that Chen must have Zane locked away somewhere underneath the island because Chen had taken his power as well.

Lloyd was thankfully to Tina for her help and even told her that she had someone to rely on. Tina and Lloyd got closer towards each other but suddenly, Kai, Cole, and Jay somehow fell from a trapdoor into Tina's bedroom. They both got startled seeing the ninja just fall out of nowhere. Kai looked at Lloyd "Where were you? We were supposed to be finding Zane!" Kai asked, angrily then looked at Tina, "This is why you couldn't come?! You were busy flirting with our competition?!"

"I'm not the ones dressed like Chen's soldiers and falling on my bed. Let me guess, you found out what Chen's real plan is, which is stealing everyone's elemental powers with his staff once they are eliminated. My powers can sense when people are in danger." Tina spoke.

But Kai didn't listen to Tina, but Jay and Cole listened and even they were impressed with her powers. Jay explained that they found a secret passage in Kai's room, they even found secret peep holes that led to Skylar's room which they spied in to see what her powers were. Kai was shocked when he saw her using fire powers like him. "Wait a minute, if we're all descendants of elemental masters..." Lloyd said to Kai, smirking.

"Then you just fell in love with a possible relative!" Tina said before bursting into laughter.

Kai sulked and grumbled as Tina continued to laugh at his misfortune. Jay explained that they snuck into Chen's ceremony when he stole Karloff's power, but they got caught and made a break for it. They realized that if they wanted to find Zane and stop Chen then they would have to play by his rules. Tina offered to help them in finding Zane. She can use her powers to help them find Zane and even the masters that got eliminated from the tournament. Lloyd was grateful for her help, but Kai told her that he and the ninja can handle it by themselves. Kai, Jay, and Cole exited the room through Tina's window; Lloyd was just about to follow them when Tina stopped him.

She gave Lloyd a charm that will protect him from Clouses' magic. "Why are you giving me this?" Lloyd asked.

"You're the first friend I've made. And a part of me is saying that I can trust you." Tina answered.

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