The Forgotten Element

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Chen had his guards' chain the remaining elemental masters for the ceremony to drain their powers. When he had all of their powers, he ordered the guards to take them to the factory except for Kai. Skylar convinced her father that Kai was different and that he could help him. Chen agreed to Skylar's terms and had his men release Kai for his "special treatment." When the guards brought the remaining masters to the factory, they were ordered to work. Jay finally saw Cole, Zane, and Tina, he was relieved to see them. Cole and Zane wore disguises to make sure that the guards still think they escape when they are really busting everyone out.

Cole gestured to the hidden roto jet that Karloff was working on. The guards think that they are just fixing the noodle machine, so it was the perfect cover for them. Coole asked about Kai, but Jay told him that Kai was getting the special treatment with Chen. Tina scoffed, "By my count, he can work for Chen for all I care." she stated.

Zane was about to speak when he saw a guard coming their way. Cole and Zane hid behind the boxes, the guard then roughly grabbed Tina's arm and dragged her out of the factory. She struggled and fought against the guard until she was brought towards Chen in the main arena. She looked pissed and was ready to fight but Chen gave her a wicked smirk then he got closer to tell her that she would be a part of the plan to get the Green Ninja. Tina saw the staff just inches from her, she then grabbed the staff and the two started playing tug of war over the staff. But Chen snatched the staff back and chained her to the floor. 

Little did he know, Tina had taken her power back from the staff when he wasn't looking. She wasn't going to become a damsel in distress, as Chen and his guards left the room; she used her powers to break free from the chains then snuck out. Soon, nightfall hit which meant Lloyd, Garmadon and Nya would be sneaking into the palace. If Lloyd destroys the staff, then everyone's powers would return. They managed to get past the guards and got inside the palace without getting caught. Unfortunately, Chen had set up a tripwire that Lloyd accidentally stepped on which set off the alarm. 

An army of guards appeared from all directions, Nya told Lloyd and Garmadon to go ahead while she held them off. Clouse cornered Lloyd and Garmadon but he told Lloyd to go while he handled Clouse. Lloyd left just after his father and Clouse started to fight. Lloyd ran and ran until he crashed into something or someone; it was Tina. As excited as Lloyd was to see Tina, he needed to stop Chen. "Lloyd, wait. Chen knows that you're coming. We need a plan." Tina spoke.

"There's no time. Chen is planning to transform himself and his army into Anacondrai and bring about the next Serpentine War." Lloyd explained.

"Kai is helping Chen. Please, I have a plan." Tina stated.

She whispered her entire plan to Lloyd, and he agreed to do the plan. Since Tina had her powers back, she wanted to get some payback against Chen for taking them. The two of them split up to find Chen and stop him. Tina ended up getting cornered by a few soldiers; she tried to fight them off the best she could, but she lost. The next thing she knew, she was brought into a chamber and handcuffed to a pole right beside Garmadon and Nya. The whole chamber was filled with skeletons and skulls from human bodies. Both Garmadon and Nya struggled to break free, but it was no use. Just then, Chen, Skylor, and Clouse walked in with pleasant grins.

"Where is my son? What have you done with...?"

"I have your son." Chen stated, "But his power will become mine at the ceremony tonight. I'm sorry you didn't get an invite. I'm still a little hurt by my pupil deciding to betray me so long ago."

When Nya asked how Chen could have defeated Lloyd, Kai had walked in just then and all the color drained from Nya's face. Kai tried to convince Nya that Chen would let her go if she helped but Nya had more pride and told her brother that she would rather be snake food than betray her city. Clouse opened the door right to where his pet snake was napping but once she wakes up, it's dinner time. Garmadon threatened to harm Skylar if Chen didn't release them, but threats didn't work on Chen and Garmadon let her go. They left cackling with joy, Kai just kept quiet and didn't say anything to Nya. 

Tina just watched as the two of them struggled to break free. Hours had passed and they were still in the chamber; however, they didn't have long. The snake slithered its way towards them, almost as big as the Great Devourer. "Nya, it's karma. After personally destroying the biggest snake Ninjago has ever seen, it's only reasonable that the second biggest would exact its revenge on me." Sensei Garmadon stated.

The snake got close to them; it circled around them eyeing which one to eat first. It stopped at Tina, and it had made its decision, it was about to attack her until there was an explosion. The chains on each of them were broken off from the aftermath. It was Cole and the other elemental masters with the finished roto jet. Cole fired at the ceiling breaking off huge chunks of rock which landed on the snake and crushed it to death. As happy as they were to see Cole and Jay, Nya ran past them and hugged Zane. With all the chaos, Tina managed to slip away from them, leaving a note on the ground for Zane.

Zane asked about where Tina was and he had to explain to Nya and Garmadon that Tina was his sister, they didn't find her. Just then Cole spotted the note Tina had left on the ground and handed it to Zane. He read the note carefully and then he understood what Tina was planning. "Zane, what is it?" Nya asked.

"My sister and Lloyd have a plan." Zane stated.

During the ceremony, Lloyd was chained to the ground in front of Chen, Clouse, Kai, and Skylar. Chen ordered Skylar to kneel in front of him then he started taking her power with the staff. After he had Skylar's power, he pointed the staff at Lloyd and began draining his powers. Hiding in the shadows, Tina was there waiting and watching Chen take Lloyd's powers. As Chen and Clouse faced the soldiers who were chanting, Lloyd slowly looked over to where Tina was hiding before giving her a nod. Clouse was starting the spell as Chen addressed the soldiers that they will shed their old skins for new ones and become the most powerful force in all of Ninjago.

Clouse noticed something was off, the spell wasn't working. "Impossible!" Chen shouted, "I have every elemental power at my command!"

Lloyd stood up but the chains around his wrists were somehow off. They all turned around to see him free. "You forgot one element," he spoke.

Suddenly a blast of green energy hit Chen, knocking the staff out of his hands and it ended up in Tina's hands. Tina waved the staff to get her powers back then both Tina and Lloyd were suddenly in opposite positions, Lloyd had the staff and Tina was beside him. This was their plan all along; before they split up Tina used her powers to make Lloyd her and her Lloyd, they swapped roles. It was actually Lloyd in the snake's chamber while Tina was disgusted as Lloyd to take on Chen. Lloyd still had his powers, so Chen had only taken Tina's magic not Lloyd's elemental energy. 

Chen looked like he wanted to explode; he ordered his guards to catch them, but Skylar betrayed her father and joined them. Lloyd summoned Zane's ice power to freeze Clouse in a block of ice before he could attack them. Just then the giant snake head was blown off and that was when Cole and the other elemental masters showed up to help. Lloyd then smashed the staff to the ground releasing all of the powers and they were being returned to the elemental masters. Sadly, Chen, Clouse and a few soldiers escaped with Skylar as their prisoner, but the others managed to tie up the rest of the soldiers and now, they had control over the island.

The other masters went back into the palace to double check if they had missed anything while Tina stayed outside with the ninja and Nya. "I still can't believe that Chen fell for your little trick." Jay commented.

"That old trick? I pulled that one all the time with my old foster families." Tina stated. "Works every time."

Zane on the other hand was furious with Kai, he pulled him away from the group to have a little "chat." Tina looked out at the horizon with Lloyd standing beside her; it was just the two of them. Lloyd told her that her plan was perfect, and it was because of her that everyone got their powers back. Without thinking, Tina pulled Lloyd close and then she kissed him on the lips. She immediately pulled away, blushing up a storm and apologizing to Lloyd. But to her shock, Lloyd gently took her hand and brushed away a strand of hair from her face. Then he kissed her on the lips; this time Tina didn't pull away, she melted into the kiss.

When the two pulled away, they looked into each other's eyes. "I like you, Tina. A lot. You're brave, smart, and strong. I just wasn't sure how to tell you." Lloyd stated.

"I'll admit, this was not how I expected to get my first kiss. But I was slowly falling for you. Not the prophesied Green Ninja you, the real you. The funny, caring, brave guy that had always had my back." Tina spoke.

Both of them agreed to take this new relationship slowly; but they also agreed to keep it a secret since Kai still hated her.

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