The Lost Sibling

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Tina spent only just one night in that dark cold cell, thinking about Lloyd and what she had done. The poor girl was given an orange jumpsuit like she was in a prison. Clouse opened her cell door and then two guards grabbed her by each arm and dragged her into what looked like a factory. The guards threw her onto the ground and ordered her to get to work. Tina noticed all of the other competitors in the same jumpsuits being forced to work in Chen's noodle factory. She got up from the floor and walked towards the noodle chopper. She mostly kept her head down and kept quiet and did not draw any attention to herself. 

Unfortunately, Camille and Ash noticed her, and they were grinning from ear to ear. As soon as the guards weren't even looking, Camile roughly grabbed Tina's arm then she dragged her to a dark corner. Tina ordered Camile to leave her alone, but Camile wasn't going to let her go so easily. Ash suddenly snuck up from behind and pinned Tina's arms behind her back. He got close to her and whispered in her ear that the wicked shall not go unpunished. Tina tensed up and tried to squirm out of Ash's grip, but she couldn't. She closed her eyes and continued squirming until she heard a loud thud, and her arms were free. 

She opened her eyes and saw that it was Karloff, he saved her from both Camile and Ash. "You saved me? Why?" Tina asked.

But the master of metal didn't speak, he went back to the noodle machine and resumed chopping noodles. Tina just got back up onto her feet, but she decided to stay hidden from the other workers and the guards to avoid causing more trouble. She saw the guards leaving the factory which meant that she was safe for now. She spotted a couple of the masters gathering up around two other prisoners, one that was covered in flour and one that was all metal. She walked over to hear what they were planning; they were going to escape by the sewer network. She immediately recognized one of the voices explaining the plan, it was Cole. 

She was so relieved to see a familiar face here. Just as Tina walked out of the shadows to greet Cole, she stopped when the metal man faced her, and her blood ran cold. The metal man's face expression changed to shock seeing Tina. Tears welled up in her eyes as she ran towards the metal man and hugged him so tight, afraid that he would disappear. "I can't believe you're alive! I missed you so much, Zane." Tina spoke, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I missed you too, little sister." Zane gently spoke.

As the two pulled away from each other, Cole just stood there wide eyed trying to understand what was happening, Tina was Zane's sister? Cole asked Zane how Tina was his sister and if she was a nindroid just like him. Tina chuckled at Cole's theory and told him that she was 100% human. Zane explained that when he lived with Dr. Jullian, he thought about adopting a child and getting Zane a sibling. He took in Tina when she was just eight years old. She loved living with Dr. Jullian and Zane; it was the first time in her life that she finally felt like she had a family. Even when Zane found out about her powers, he never judged her, and he would encourage her to practice and train.

However, when the orphanage heard that Dr. Jullian had fallen ill, so they immediately came to take Tina away. Zane tried to fight for his sister, but the workers refused to let Zane take Tina in. After Dr. Jullian passed and Zane's memory switch was turned off, he didn't remember his own sister and Tina was forced into another foster home. But when he finally got his memories back and after the Overlord was defeated, he went searching for Tina, but the orphanage told him that she had been placed in a new home. Even though Tina wasn't in the orphanage; Zane never stopped thinking about her and would always go out looking for her.

But when the fight with the Golden Master happened, Zane knew that his sacrifice would mean that he wouldn't see Tina again. Besides his memories of his team and his father, he remembered Tina and her smile and the promise that he had made to her to always protect her. When he rebuilt himself and got kidnapped by Chen; he could hear the guards talking about a fighter with magic that had passed out during the Thunder Blade challenge. He knew that the fighter was his long-lost sister, and he even knew about Tina's allergy to lilies. And now he was relieved that Tina was alive, but he was also worried about her since she got her powers stolen by Chen.

Zane asked Tina how she ended up here, before she could speak two guards came in with a man dressed in brown as a prisoner. They ordered him to get to work then they slammed the door shut. The man called himself the Brown Ninja and he stated that he was going to break them out. Cole and Zane knew who that man was, Darreth. But that also meant that they couldn't use their sewer escape plan since adding Darreth's mass would break the pipes. Cole decided to take over planning the escape plan while Zane and Tina caught up. Zane took Tina to a different part of the factory to talk to her in private.

Zane asked Tina the question again but this time, she broke down into tears as she explained what happened during the tournament, her friendship with Lloyd, and Kai's hatred towards her. She half expected Zane to be angry at Chen but to her surprise, Zane was angrier at Kai. "I don't understand. Kai is your friend and teammate. I thought you would be madder at Chen." Tina stated.

Zane took Tina's hands into his and gave her a reassuring smile. "Kai may be my friend. But you're my sister, I'll always believe you. Plus, I know you." Zane answered.

Tina let out a sigh of relief that her own brother had believed her. The two joined the rest of the masters with Cole struggling to come up with a plan to escape. Karloff mentioned that he used to build roto jets in his homeland, Metaliona. Cole reminded him that they didn't have a roto jet and it wouldn't help since they were underground. Just then, Tina spotted Darreth taking some spare parts, claiming that he was going to build a machine to make Puffy Potstickers. Tina immediately figured out how they were going to escape, they were going to build a roto jet. She, Karloff, and Zane would work on the blueprints while everyone else gathers parts.

Unfortunately, they weren't sure how much time they had left. Tina overheard the guards talking about how Chen had tricked every elemental master during the final challenge with help from his spy. He had all of the remaining masters except for Lloyd and Garmadon. Skylar was Chen's spy all along and now he was going to drain all of the remaining master's powers. Tina couldn't help but wonder about how Lloyd was doing and if he figured out what Chen had been planning.

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