The Ninja and The Dragon

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After Lloyd and Camille's match, he went to check on Tina in the infirmary after her allergy attack. She was still asleep when he got there so he left his card and gift on the table then walked out. When he returned to where Jay, Kai, and his father were, Kai asked where he was. Lloyd just casually said that he was just visiting Tina and dropping off a gift for her. He didn't think it was such a big deal, but Kai seemed to think otherwise. "We agreed that the plan was to find Zane and Cole and get off this island. Not falling for someone you barely met." Kai complained.

"And how is that different from when you flirted with Skylar? Besides, Tina is just a friend." Lloyd stated.

"Well, I don't trust her. I don't want you hanging around her. She's probably just using you." Kai bluntly stated.

Lloyd just rolled his eyes before heading into his suite for the night. The rest of the night, Tina couldn't help but smile at how Lloyd found her missing necklace and that he saved her from her demon foster sister. She decided to personally thank Lloyd for finding her necklace in the morning. When the next day came; the next match was with the Master of Shadow versus the Master of Poison. Tina wasn't interested in watching the match, so she decided to go surprise Lloyd. She snuck out of the infirmary and headed down to where Lloyd's room was, she knocked on his door. Lloyd opened it and was definitely surprised to see Tina at his door.

She asked Lloyd if he wanted to join her for a little adventure; Lloyd wasn't sure about just leaving when a match was about to begin but he did like hanging out with Tina, so he agreed. Together, they snuck out of the temple and went exploring in the jungle. The two didn't really miss much of a match, the Master of Shadow won, and the Master of Poison was eliminated. Lloyd and Tina were doing some training just as everyone was heading for the main room for a feast. Lloyd showed Tina one of his father's lessons, the Art of The Silent Fist, to fight without fighting. The two were having fun until Tina spotted some guards coming their way.

Tina quickly used her powers to teleport her and Lloyd to a cliffside where no guards were. She thought Lloyd was going to hate her but instead, he thanked her. "You aren't mad?" Tina asked, timidly.

"No, of course not. Why?" Lloyd stated.

Tina explained that some of her foster homes refused to let her use her powers without their permission or else she would be punished. Lloyd assured her that she was free to use her power whenever and however she wanted, no one could tell her otherwise. Tina was so happy to hear that then she told Lloyd that she had something special to show him. She closed her eyes then a different kind of power was flowing through her body, she suddenly had black and white wings pop out her back. Lloyd stood there speechless seeing Tina's new form. She explained that this was another power she had but she could never control it. The necklace he found was able to help control her dragon inside.

Tina thought Lloyd would call her a monster or freak, but he took her hands into his and told her that she had an amazing gift, and he would not judge her. Without a second thought, Tina wrapped her arms around him and hugged Lloyd with tears streaming down her face. Lloyd gently wiped away her tears; Tina felt butterflies in her stomach again looking into his eyes. She composed herself and then told Lloyd that she can sense other elemental dragons deep down in a master, including Lloyd. She then used her powers to have green dragon wings appear from Lloyd's back. Lloyd was stunned to see the wings, but he told Tina that they were amazing.

"It must be nice to be up in the air without a machine. What's it like? How do you steer?" Lloyd said.

"It's quite simple. Lean left, fly left. Lean right, fly right." Tina answered.

Lloyd just looked a little confused so instead of explaining it, Tina grabbed Lloyd's hand then brought him to the edge of the cliff. Lloyd looked down from the edge feeling a little bit afraid. "Is the green ninja afraid?" Tina teased.

"Not even close." Lloyd insisted.

With that, Tina and Lloyd both jumped off the edge in a swan dive, their wings opened in a gliding form. Lloyd struggled to fly straight and even flapped his arms just to balance himself. Tina couldn't help but giggle at Lloyd's attempt; she told him to put his legs together and straighten out his arms. Lloyd kept up with Tina as they flew around the island and even into the clouds. Lloyd had finally gotten the flying down and the two would race against each other, flying over and under obstacles. They flew past the temples including the one where all the fancy rooms for the fighters were. The window to Kai's room was wide open and all of the fighters were inside.

Jay spotted Lloyd and Tina flying by and waving at him. Jay imminently dragged Kai and the others to the window to show them what he saw. Kai thought that it was just some birds until Jay mentioned Lloyd and Tina; Kai looked like he was about to blow a gasket. Lloyd and Tina were just having some fun and racing each other for fun. That is until Kai fired his powers at them, thankfully they dodged the fireball just in time. Kai kept giving them death glares, but Lloyd wasn't going to give in to him, he asked Tina if she wanted to continue having some fun flying. Tina agreed to Lloyd's offer then they just took off before Kai could even say a word.

Tina and Lloyd stayed out in the jungle until nightfall which meant that they needed to get back before they got caught. But just as they were walking inside the temple, someone tackled Tina to the ground which happened to be Kai. "What is wrong with you?! Get off me!" Tina screamed.

"Not until you admit that you're a spy for Chen!" Kai shouted.

"Kai, stop!" Lloyd stated, "Tina isn't a spy. She was with me."

But Kai didn't listen, instead he reached for the back of her shirt and ripped it to see if she had the Anacondrai tattoo on her back. But instead of a tattoo, there was a long-jagged scar on her back from when she was seven and fell from the stairs. Lloyd pulled Kai off of Tina but not before Kai snatched Tina's necklace off her. She begged Kai to give it back, but Kai didn't listen and was about to use his powers to burn it. All of the masters and even Chen ran out to see what the noise was. She let out a loud scream that turned into a dragon roar; her eyes suddenly turned glowing white then her body was covered in black and white scales, and she turned into a giant dragon.

She lost control over her dragon form and accidentally ended up hurting Jay. Lloyd grabbed the necklace from Kai's hand and managed to get it back onto Tina and she transformed back to normal. The second she saw Jay with a broken leg, she walked over to try and help him, but Kai stepped in front of Jay and pushed Tina to the ground. Lloyd ran over to Tina and helped her up from the ground. "I told you that she was just using you and it looks like I was right. I don't know how she lasted long in the tournament, but she can't even control the fact that she turns into a monster." Kai ranted.

Tina's eyes filled with tears when Kai called her a monster; Kai kept calling her a liar and a fake, none of the elemental masters even tried to help. Suddenly, something came over Lloyd and he ended up slapping Kai across the face. "That's enough, Kai! Tina isn't a monster or a liar! She's my friend, not a spy. She asked me if I could teach her, and I did under my own will. I trust her and she trusts me." Lloyd stated.

Tina was shocked that Lloyd was willing to defend her against his own teammate. Kai was too stunned to even speak as Lloyd walked away with Tina. But Kai lost his cool and aimed a fireball at Tina, unfortunately Lloyd saw the fireball and jumped in the way, taking the hit. The fire ball ended up leaving a burn scar on Lloyd's arm. Chen stopped the fight and then he asked Tina to speak with him for a bit. The rest of the masters went back to their rooms while Tina followed Chen. Which was a big mistake, he tricked her into a cell automatically eliminating her from the tournament. He then stole her powers with his staff and finally left her in the cell.

"You won't get away with this Chen! Lloyd and the others will..."

"You really think your so-called friend will help you? After today, there will be no more fighters." Chen said before walking away laughing like a maniac.

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