Ninja Roll

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Everyone was at the next fight match, which was Skylar versus the master of sound, Jacob. The jade blade was hidden in one of the vases along with some weapons that would help them. The two had started the fight, Skylar managed to tap Jacob's shoulder to absorb some of his power. Garmadon commented that the Master of Sound had gotten stronger since the last time he saw him. Jay, Lloyd, and Tina sat together with Sensei Garmadon. Kai finally showed up, he scooted past the other competitors, but he did step on their toes. He sat down next to Jay asking if he had missed anything. 

Jay commented that Kai didn't miss much then they looked at the other masters who were cross with them. "Maybe we shouldn't be sitting together. I mean, the more they think we're a team, the bigger targets we put on ourselves." Jay suggested.

Lloyd tried to reason with Jay by saying that they were still a team just smaller, even after losing Cole and they still can't find Zane. Which gave them a reason to stick together but Kai saw that Skylar was fighting and that got him super excited. Garmadon asked why Kai was acting so excited and Jay told him that Kai had a crush on her until he found out they might be related. Garmadon revealed that Skylar's element wasn't fire; she was the Master of Amber, the power of absorption. Her power allows her to emulate the power of anyone she touches. Kai looked both relieved and excited hearing that he and Skylar weren't related, and his crush was back.

Skylar won her match against the Master of Sound then Chen opened a trap door under the Master of Sound, and he was eliminated. Chen faced the remaining masters, and he was gonna give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things as a thanks for doing the tournament. But at the last second, his expression changed. "In yesterday's battle, Master Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset." Chen stated.

All of the elemental masters were now glaring at the ninja, mostly Jay. To make things worse, Chen decided to punish everyone by taking away their fancy quarters and forcing everyone to sleep together in the Chow House for tonight. All of the masters started to leave the arena while glaring at the ninja. Tina told them that their exclusion of others has only made enemies in the tournament. Kai glared at her, but Lloyd told him to calm down and that Tina was on their side. But Kai just scoffed and walked away from them. Soon Jay, Lloyd, and Tina joined the rest of the masters in the chow house for the night, Tina took one look at the room, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

The orphanage that she always stayed in was an all-girls orphanage, so she was used to sleeping in a room with four or five girls. So being in a room with mostly guys was making her feel so uncomfortable and she was shaking like a leaf. Lloyd asked if she was ok, but Tina just stood there paralyzed with fear. Lloyd managed to calm her down, but Tina refused to step into the Chow House. She explained to Lloyd that she had always stayed in an all-girls orphanage, so she wasn't used to a co-ed shared room which made her feel uneasy. Lloyd told her that it was just for one night and if it made her feel better, she could bunk with him for the night since she felt safer around him.

Tina blushed hard, "Ar-are you sure? I mean, I think I can try..." Tina stuttered.

Lloyd suddenly took her hand, and her heart skipped a beat. "It's fine. If it makes you feel better. I mean unless you want to bunk with Kai." Lloyd joked.

"I'll bunk with you. Besides, I think Kai would try to roast me in my sleep." Tina said, jokingly.

They walked into the chow house; Tina held Lloyd's hand tight, and he smiled at her to assure her that she was safe. Jay thought Lloyd and Tina had confessed their love and were now dating, he was fangirling over them. Suddenly, everyone heard loud gongs being clashed which woke them up in the middle of the night. Clouse came in with a few soldiers then the soldiers put roller skates on every fighter. Most of the fighters knew how to skate except for Kai, he struggled to find his balance and ended up falling flat on his face. Jay on the other hand was loving the roller skates since he won first place in the Mother-Son skate-off.

Clouse told everyone that Chen wanted everyone in the Royal Arena, and no one should be late. Skylar asked Clouse why everyone was in skates if two fighters were fighting and most of them had already fought. Clouse merely stated that the rest of them will have a chance to affect the outcome, before leaving he announced the two fighters which was Tina versus the Master of Form, he then slammed the door shut. Tina's face turned white as a sheet "Did he just say the master of form?" Tina asked Lloyd.

"What's wrong?" Lloyd asked.

Tina confessed that she knew the master of form even before the tournament, she and Camille were in the same foster home. Camille hated Tina because of her magic; the last straw was when Camille pretended to be Tina and made her look like the bad guy, which got her sent to another foster family. Just then, Camille skated towards Tina with a wicked smirk on her face. Camille told Tina to watch her back and she'll win just like she always will. Tina got angry and tried to attack her, but Lloyd held Tina back telling her that Camille wasn't worth it. Everyone headed to the Royal Arena, but they were all led to an arena that looked like a roller rink.

Chen suddenly came to them on skates announcing his favorite event, Thunderblade. Tina imminently recognized what the challenge was going to be, a roller derby like challenge. Tina's eyes widened with excitement, she may not trust Chen, but she loved roller derby and even did a few competitions with an old friend from the orphanage. Chen handed Tina and Camille each a jade blade and a helmet; Camille had an orange one while Tina had one that was black and white. Just before Chen could explain the rules, Tina beat him to it. Each lap they complete with their blade in their possession was a point and the one with the most points before time runs out would win.

"I see someone is excited for the match. But next time let me explain the rules." Chen stated.

Chen then stated that the rest of the masters can choose who to help or hurt, he also said that they were free to choose a side. Most of the masters sided with Camille but thankfully Lloyd, Jay, and Kai sided with Tina for the match. Camille and Tina lined up at the starting line but right before Chen started the match, Tina started to feel a little dizzy. She tried to shake it off and focus on the match. Just as Chen announced the start of the race, Tina took one step before the dizziness came back and she slipped on her skates and collapsed to the ground. She could hear people worrying about her; Lloyd was even calling out her name, but she blacked out.

Moments later, Tina woke up in what looked like an infirmary wing with Lloyd sitting by her bedside. He was grateful that she was awake, but he was also confused about how she just collapsed. Tina wasn't sure how she passed out, the only reason she could have passed out was from her allergy which was lilies. Tina explained that if she was anywhere near lilies she coughs, sneezes, gets dizzy and collapses; sometimes she would get a rash and bloat up like a balloon if there were lily essences in any products. "Well, who would try to kill you?" Lloyd asked.

"I don't know." Tina stated.

Tina suddenly remembered that only one person could have known that she was allergic to lilies and tried to harm her, Camille. She saw Camille standing in the door frame with a wicked smirk, she wasn't feeling any guilt. Tina jumped out of bed and tried to charge at Camille, but Lloyd held her back. She screamed and threatened to strangle Camille for her stupid prank. Almost everyone came running into the infirmary including Sensei Garmadon and Chen. Tina finally calmed down before everyone came in, she wasn't willing to make a full scene in front of the other masters. Tina told Chen that Camille knew about her lily allergies and used it to get her out of the fight and tried to kill her.

Camille denied everything and just stated that Tina was making it up for sympathy. Tina snarled at her then she pounced on Camille. The two started to fight like wild cats until Lloyd and Neuro pulled the girls apart from each other. Suddenly, Tina started coughing and sneezing like crazy, her dizziness came back too. Neuro used his power to read Camille's mind and that revealed that she dosed her clothes with lily essence before the match. Camille showed no remorse for her actions; she wanted to get rid of Tina for good. Chen was furious at Camille; he was fine with any of the competitors using any means necessary to win but he drew a red line when using someone's allergies as a weapon.

Tina was in no condition to do the match because of her allergies. She asked Chen if there was anything against the rules for having a sub if the chosen fighter was unwell to do their match. He did tell her that she could but that would also mean that the person she chose to take her place would have to win the match for the both of them or they will both be eliminated. She chose Lloyd to take her place for the match, her dizziness came back, and Lloyd immediately helped her back into bed. She blacked out soon after and slept for most of the match.

When she woke up the next morning, she was surprised to find Chen sitting beside her bed. He told Tina that Lloyd had won the Thunderblade challenge, and that Camille was eliminated. Tina saw that on the desk were cards saying get well soon. Some of the masters left cards for her after the match including the ninja, even some of the eliminated competitors left some too. "You know, a certain ninja was worried about you all night." Chen stated, "He left you a small something with his card."

Chen got up to leave the room while Tina looked confused as to why Chen was suddenly acting so nice to her. But she forgot about it when she found Lloyd's card and a small box. She opened it to find her dragon necklace; she had been looking all over for it. The note said that he had found it in Camille's room, she must have taken it. Tina felt a blush creep up on her face.

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