Chapter 15: Home

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My heart pounds, I can't believe I'm gonna do this! Right now, I was in Esdeath's room, sitting on her bed while I wait for her to finish bathing. The running water coming from the bathroom can be heard here.

"(I think what I'm gonna do is really stupid..... Y/N! You do realize that you're going to convince a sadistic general to join you, right? That's almost impossible!! I know, brain, I know!)" I screamed internally.

The shower stopped and Esdeath came out of the bathroom with only a panty and a button up shirt, which I think she purposely made her breasts a bit revealing to me. I quickly averted my gaze from her while clearing my throat.

"Sorry for taking so long." She said with a small smile.

"I think that's a bit revealing, Esdeath. Can you at least button up the upper part?" I said while my cheeks are turning pink.

"What? Don't you like it?" She asked me while leaning closer.

"That's not what I meant!" I blushed.

"You're so adorable when you look like that." She giggled.

"I'm not adorable." I look at her and pout.

"I don't know very much about these feelings. But I guess if I'm with you, it feels nice." She said.

I remember that time when she said those words to me back in the tournament. Maybe I should ask her that to confirm it.

"Uh, Esdeath can I ask you something?" I said to her.

"Go on, to be intimate we must know each other first."

"Do you.... like me?" I asked.

She looks at me in the eyes, then she suddenly leaned towards me and planted her lips against mine. I was utterly caught off guard by this. Esdeath pushed me back lightly and I was now lying on the bed with her on top of me. A second later, she separated and smiled at me.

"If I don't then I wouldn't be doing that to you." She said.

"(Why am I freaking out?!! Since she does like me, maybe I can use that as my advantage to convince her to join me.)"

"You seem to be staring intently at nowhere, do you have something in mind?" Esdeath asked as she sat down in front of me.

"I do, and it would be nice if you can hear me out." I said.

"All right then, I'm all ears." She said.

"You see, the Empire is in a complete mess for quite a while." I started.

"A lot of citizens would agree you to that." She said.

"I'll get to point...... I've been planning on changing this place for the greater good. And I was wondering if you would like to join me on changing it, just think about it. Not only we made the capital a better place but we're also together." I said.

Her eyes were covered by the shadows of her hair as I wait for her response. Then she suddenly slapped me, the frown that she gave me already told me that she disagrees with me.

"You do realize that you're talking to a general of the Imperial Army." She said.

"I know I'm out of my boundaries on saying that to you. But at least think about the lives we could protect and save." I said.

"You don't have to have to worry about that, I'll make sure to protect you and keep you by my side. I know that you're unsatisfied with the life you once have, but when you're with me you don't have to worry about anything." She said hugging me then letting me go afterwards.

"That's not what I wanted at all.." My face suddenly darkened.

I look at her in the eyes with a frown.

"Cleaning this place up is a part of my ambition. But since I can't convince you, then you're just in the way." I said.

"No matter what you do, you can't change me. Because you will be the one changing from me." She said.

"I will never be someone like you who only lives for war, even if you torture or do some other nasty things to me!" I said crossing my arms while looking away.

This is so bold of me to say all of those to a powerful general. If I'm not able to convince her today, then I'll try again later. I'll do anything for her to be against the Empire.

"I'm sure you are already tired right now. How about we get some sleep and continue our discussion tomorrow." She said.

"Oh..... Okay, I'll go sleep on the couch then." I said walking away but Esdeath already grabbed me by the arm.

"I don't mind sleeping here in bed with you." She said while having a light blush.

"U-uh...." I blushed at this.

I ended up sleeping on the same bed as Esdeath. This is kind of uncomfortable for me at first but I managed to fall asleep. I eventually felt something squishy against my face but I didn't bother opening my eyes.


I woke up to see two pairs of soft melons on me, I began to recall the events that happened last night until I realized that I'm leaning on Esdeath's breasts. I was about to get out of bed but I then noticed she was hugging me in her sleeping. Slowly removing her arms around me, I then got out of bed and sighed in relief.

I exited the room with my bag and went to where the other members of the Jaegers are.

"Oh you're awake already. Had a nice sleep?" Wave asked as he took a sip of his coffee afterwards.

"Well it is until I woke up to see two squishy melons are on my face." I sighed.

"Must've been pretty hard huh?" Wave chuckles.

"That's just a small thing, you're lucky that the captain gets to fall in love with you." The guy who I know as Vlad said.

"Well you'll never know what I've experienced." I said.

I look at the girl with black hair sitting on one of the chairs while eating cookies, Wave noticed this and spoke to her.

"You know eating snacks in the early day is not right, Kurome." He said.

"Mind your own business." She said.

I look at her intently while she eats, she suddenly noticed me looking at her and then covered her bag of snacks with her arms.

"Keep your eyes off of my cookies!" She said.

"(Yep, she's definitely familiar)"

Sighing first, I then gave her my normal gaze.

"Kurome was it? Not to be rude but you somehow look a lot like Akame from Night Raid." I said.

"I know right? I've noticed that too." Wave said.

"Well it's because that nice lady is my beloved older sister. But now she's a traitor to the Empire, I do hope I ran into her soon. Not only we are reunited, but to also kill her." She said with a smile.

I kept my composure to not make me seem suspicious. But in the inside, I was shocked to hear this. Esdeath later entered the room in her normal attire.

"Y/N, we're off to Mount Fake. We'll spend the next few days hunting." She said.

"Outside the capital?" I asked.

"Indeed, Kurome and Wave will be joining us. We're hunting Danger Beast as well as bandits." Esdeath stated.

"Roger that." Both Kurome and Wave said.

"Why can't I get to tag along?" Vlad complained.

"You can do whatever you want around the palace. But don't disturb the other officers or you'll get into trouble." Esdeath said.

"Okay then. I think I could enjoy some talking with anyone around here." He said.

"Kurome and I will take the east throughout the day, Y/N and Wave will take care of the west. We'll exchange partners at night so Y/N will be with me." She said.

Little did we know that there was someone listening to our whole conversation. After that, the four of us head out and both me and Wave are walking in the mountain.

"I gotta say, you're really having rough time don't you? Let me know if you need anything." He said.

"Um, sure. Thanks, but I'm fine, I used to be treated roughly back then." I said.

"I understand that. I'm also getting this feeling that we're like the same." He said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well it's like uh, we're dealing with the same problems. At least similar to that?" He crossed his arms and looked down.

"Oh yeah, we're definitely similar." I said remembering that time I always get treated lowly when I was with the others.

"Let's go work together then, we can share each other's pain and...." He paused.

I walk a little further from him and slowly draw my pistol. Then I aim it at Wave's direction and then shoot the wood that was about to attack him. A lot of Danger Beasts then appeared and surrounded us.

"Woah! Thanks for that!" He said.

"No problem, there sure a lot of them." I said.

"Let's get rid of this suckers out." He said holding his sword.

The two of us then dash towards the Danger Beasts. After some time, all of them were killed. I used this chance and immediately grab my mask and cloak in my bag then wear then without Wave noticing. I then later began to run away as far as I can from him.

"(Good thing this mask and cloak are with me or else.)"

As I continue to run, another shadow then appeared below me. I looked and managed to dodge the impact by leaping back. I unsheath my sword and look at the person who is wearing black armor.

"What do we have here eh?" The voice sounds familiar, could it be Wave?

"Who are you?" I asked.

"That mask is a lot like Master of Silence in the wanted posters. If you have that mask then you are him." He pointed at me.

"So you're after me, huh? Well, I don't have time for such trivial stuff such as this. You might get out of here if you don't want to piss me off." I said in a cold tone.

"Like I would care, my priority right now is to stop you." He said.

"I have no time for this." I said then began to run away.

The person then leaped and was about to kick me, I dodge it and began to evade his attacks as well. I grab his arm and twisted it causing his whole body to circle in the air.

"(If things gets worse I might not be able to survive his punches due to that armor. I guess I have too use it)"

My mask began to be my face again, my skin began turning white and some black markings started to appear around my body but since I'm wearing my cloak and sleeve shirt they can't be seen except for my hands. The same indigo aura surrounded me, I could feel myself being stronger.

"If you're just going to be in my way then I'll just get rid of you right away." I said.

"Then bring it." He said.

The two of us got into a fighting stance, I sheath my sword and then lunged at him at higher speed. I then punch him causing him to fall, I use this opportunity and leaped away. But I was suddenly hit by the person and got sent into the river. I then hid myself between a few rocks that are in the river and hid my aura. I look up and saw a figure moving away from here, I then got back to the surface and leaned on a tree.

I turned back to normal and removed my mask.

"Seven left huh..... Crap, he made me use it. I'm such an idiot." I cover my face with my palm.

I suddenly heard growling. I look to my left to see a Danger Beast.

"Just leave me alone, I'm exhausted." I said.

Of course, it didn't listen and was about to pounce at me. The moment I was about to grab my sword and slice it in half, Akame was already there and killed it.

"Y/N are you okay?" She asked.

"Akame, how did you find me?" I asked.

"We did our best to keep an eye on you. I guess you made it easier since you escaped on your own. I'm glad you're back with us." She smiled kneeling in front of me.

Without a second thought, I hugged Akame. I was happy to see her again, for some reason my heart is beating a bit faster.

"I'm happy that back with you guys again." I said.

Akame later hugged back, not bothering the wetness of my entire body. Our moment was later ruined by Lubbock grabbing the both of us and dragging us.

"We don't have time for this kind of cheesy moment, let's go already!!" He said.

I sigh at this and smile.

"(When I'm with you guys, Night Raid. I'm starting to think that we are more of a family than just comrades.)"

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