Chapter 17: New Friends

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"Finally! I get to ride on an Air Manta!" I said happily while I sit down with my legs crossed ang my arms high up.

"For an infamous killer like you, you're acting like a kid." The girl with orange hair said while laughing.

"Because it's fun to enjoy this ride! I haven't experienced this since years ago. This feels so good!" I said with a smile.

"This isn't good at all!" Mine yelled as she and Lubbock were sitting on the back not liking the ride at all.

We later arrived at a place that it inhabited by various types of Danger Beast. This place seems familiar to me like I've been here before, if I go and look around the area maybe it might ring a bell.

"The Danger Beast that inhabit these Marg Highlands are of a high level. And the area is mostly unexplored by humans, this is why this place is the ideal place for us to hide for now. As for our new base, I have the Revolutionary Army scouts look around for a suitable place around the capital." Najenda stated as we got off the Danger Beast's back.

The Air Manta began to take off and fly away from us.

"Huh? It's getting away, should we catch it?" Mine asked.

"It's heading its way back to its nest in the headquarters. My, even you can't figure that out, Mine." The orange haired girl began to laugh at her.

"Grr, she pisses me off!" Mine said.

A Griffin Danger Beast then landed in front of us, we all looked at it and it seemed that is has no intent to hurt us. That's when I realized how it looked at me.

"Quill!!" I shouted and run towards the Danger Beast.

It responded by letting out a cry and stepping closer me. I hugged him by his head and began to rub it.

"I'm sorry I let you wait for so long! I promise I'll never leave you again, buddy!" I said.

"Did you tamed that Danger Beast on your own?" Sheele asked pointing at Quill.

"Not exactly, I raised him when he was still so small!" I smiled putting my hands on my waist.

"Never thought you would do that. Anyway, let me introduce our new members. First is.... oh?" Najenda pointed at where the girl was.

We turn to where Akame is and saw her holding her hair.

"Akame is so cute when you see her up close." She said.

"What are you doing?" Akame asked her.

"I'm Chelsea. Since we're going to work together as fellow assassins, I hope we get along. Have a treat." Chelsea grabs a piece of lollipop and hand it to Akame.

She drooled just by looking at it and immediately took it.

"Welcome to Night Raid." Akame said.

"I can't believe it she was immediately welcomed just by giving her that!" I said.

"She must have been hungry from the long trip!" Lubbock stated.

"And this is my new Teigu that I just received from the Revolutionary Army. Lightning Speed, Susanoo. He is an organism-based type of Teigu that operates automatically." She said.

"Nice to meet you again, Susanoo." I said extending a hand for a handshake.

He looks at me like something is wrong, I became confused. That's when he bends down in front of me and fixed my shirt.

"Good." He said.

"His personality is that quite of a neat freak." Najenda said.

"More importantly, what's his power? Is it only physical brawls?" Leone asked.

"Let us show you. Please contain your excitement until the end." Najenda smiled.

"Do it, Susanoo." She said.

"Understood." He said.

He then began to chop off trees in a quick phase and started to construct a house while simultaneously doing laundry and cooking.

"It does seem surprising but, what's that gonna do with fighting?" Lubbock asked.

"He's merely doing house chores." Bulat stated.

"Susanno was originally created to be a Teigu bodyguard. He has attack power and he was also trained to do household tasks like cleaning, cooking, everything, he can do it all while protecting you. He's also able to prepare hundreds of dishes!" Najenda said.

"That's doesn't have anything to do with fighting!" Mine said.

"I know, but it's still convenient." Najenda said.

"(So this are our new comrades... I guess with more of us, things will be less hard. I do hope we get along.)"

I look at Chelsea to see her insulting Mine for being flat then at the left side to see Lubbock warning Susanno about not getting too close to Najenda.

"(Maybe not, I think.)"


I came back in the palace with Run and Bols after a few hours of investigating Doctor Stylish's lab. We had found out that he has been missing since last night. The three of us arrive where the captain is.

"We finished searching Stylish's lab, however, there's not a single evidence as to what caused his sudden disappearance." Run said to her.

"We also noticed that none of his important tools in the laboratory went missing." I said.

"Then if he hasn't abandoned us, that means he must have been kill by the enemy." She said standing up and walking towards the exit.

"None of his experimented subordinates were no where to be found either. So they must've been killed as well." Bols stated.

"I understand... How devastating it is for Seryu to lose another one of the people she cares about." Esdeath then exited.

I decided to leave Run and Bols and follow Esdeath, which she don't mind at all.

"So what are you gonna do?" I asked.

"Going to talk to Seryu. With us having one less member, things will be a bit difficult for you and the rest." She said.

"Hm, I'm fine with fighting two or three of the strong enemies alone. I can always control them with ease like puppets once I land a hit on them with my Teigu." I said with a smirk.

"As expected from you, Vlad." She said.

We arrived outside where Seryu is and saw her sitting on the grass with Koro. Her eyes were covered by the shadows of her hair so I can't really see what was her expression. Esdeath leaned on a pillar with her arms crossed.

"Are you going to handle your maintenance without the doctor's help?" Esdeath asked.

"I think I can handle it with ease, he did left the materials that I will be needing in the lab." Seryu turns her face towards us and smiled.

"That's good." She said.

Seryu looks away with the smile still plastered, but it soon faded and she began to sob, then tears started falling from her face as she hugs herself.

"My parents, Captain Ogre and Doctor Stylish. All the people that I cared for always gets killed by the enemies..." She said.

Both me and Esdeath remained silent as she continues to cry. The captain then began to slowly approach her as I watch.

"I can't take it anymore... I wanted to kill them all as soon as possible, and bring justice for the people they've killed.." Seryu said.

Esdeath then sat down behind Seryu and pulled her into a hug with her hand on her chest.

"If you stay with me, I promise you I shall fulfill that wish of yours." Esdeath stated.

"T-thank you... Captain.." She said.

I sigh at the scenery that I'm seeing and just rub my nape. About a minute later Wave arrived along with Kurome and heard him say that he's going to comfort Seryu. But when he saw her and Esdeath, he lost all colors and Kurome placed her hand on his shoulder.

"You'll be able to comfort her if you came here sooner than us." I smirked.

"Y-yeah..." Wave stuttered.

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