Chapter 18: Anew

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"It seems that the Empire is starting to build up its forces." Najenda stated as we all gather.

"There might be a little chance that we win this fight at our current level. We need to make ourselves stronger." I stated.

"Revolution day is almost here, I think it's now the time for us to use the remaining time to train ourselves. I also wouldn't get to recruit any more members for our team, so everyone please keep that in mind. Let's do our best to live through all of this and see the new world that we have dreamed of." Najenda stated.

Y/N stands up from his seat and made his way to the door. All eyes land on him as he open the door.

"Where are you going?" Bulat asked.

"Just going out for a walk. I'll be back in an hour." He said before exiting the room and closing the door.

"He might be having something in mind lately, I think we should just give him some alone time." Chelsea said.

"I'll go and talk to him, just wanna know what's in his mind." I said standing up.

"You know you don't have to, Akame." Lubbock said.

"Yes, I know." I said before exiting the room.

I exited our hideout and began to follow Y/N. He noticed my presence and turns around, facing me.

"Why are you following me, Akame? Is there something that you need?" He asked.

"Not exactly. Just wanna go out and walk with you." I said approaching him.

"Oh. I guess I could some company." He said turning back and began walking.

I walk beside him as the sun sets, the whole place is getting darker. I could see Y/N's tamed Danger Beast, Quill flying above the sky. The whole area was silent, and only our footsteps and Quill's cries can be heard. We later arrived at a cliff, the sub visibly sinking down in the horizon. I watch in awe as it set.

"Nice view, huh?" He said, breaking the silence.

I hummed and nodded in response.

"I wish, my family are fine." He said a bit quietly but I heard it anyway.

"Family? I thought your foster parents died?" I said.

"Well, my real family is still alive. At least my siblings are... I've never seen them in years since I got separated from them." I said.

"I see... I guess you're like me as well, separated from my only family member that I have left." I said looking down.

"... It's fine, they probably hate me as well for me leaving them behind. But at least I'll plan on seeing them once it's over. I hope they still remember me." He said.

"I'm sure they will." I said.

"Yeah, I guess so." He said.

It was quiet again, the two of us just enjoyed watching then sun go down, until it's completely night. We decided to head back and make dinner with Susanoo. All of us had gathered and began eating, just by being with my comrades makes me feel happy.

"Hey! I want some more! Give me more, please!" Leone demanded.

"Yeah, yeah. Here you go." Y/N said refilling Leone's plate.

"Oh sweet! I think my stomach's gonna explode after I eat all of this." She said.

We continue to chat and eat, i stare at Y/N and smiled. I'm happy I'm with them. I'm happy I'm with him. I wish this moment would last, where we don't have to worry about anything and just enjoy our lives.

I wonder how Kurome is, I hope she's all right.


"Hey Vlad, why aren't you asleep yet? It's almost midnight and here you are, sitting in the garden." Wave said and he stand behind me.

"I could say the same thing to you." I said as I pick a dandelion.

"Can I ask, why do you always have your hood on?" He questioned.

"Because I feel uncomfortable not wearing it." I said.

"Come on, I'm sure that's not the reason of it." He said.

"Why are you here anyway? Just leave me alone and go to sleep. I don't need anyone's supervision." I said.

"Well, okay then. I'll just head back to my room and leave you here." He said before walking away.

I negan to pick the petals of the dandelion, letting them go which made each petal sway in the air as it falls on the grass. The night sure is beautiful like always, I can't stop admiring it. I stand up from the ground and hold my Teigu, looking at it I then smiled.

"I saw Wave came from here. Did anything happened?" Run's voice can be heard from behind me.

"Nothing much, he's just wanting to know why I'm still awake at this hour. Which it's not really important at all, I'll be going inside now, see ya." I said turning around and walking past him.

"The captain said we'll be in charge in patrolling the nearby streets from here." He said

"Yeah, got that." Is all I said before entering inside the palace.

Walking through the halls, I later arrived in my room and changed into my sleeping attire. I placed my jacket on the chair and look at the mirror to see my shoulder length, slightly dark lime hair. I run my hand through it and hummed. I should probably cut this soon, I plop down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Seconds later I began to feel more sleepy.

I dreamed of nothing again, I only see black.

I wonder when will I dream again?

Probably someday.


I strike at Susanoo with my sword, he was able to block it with his weapon and pushed be back. After the hours of training, I'm starting to get more exhausted. He then saw my expression and began walking away.

"That's all for now, wouldn't want you to get more exhausted. " He said.

"I can still keep going, you know? I don't want to take a break yet!" I said.

"Sorry but that's it, I also need to cook lunch." He said.

"Aw. But I still wanna train." I said as I walk beside him.

The two of us got back inside and he and Akame began to cook our food, I sat on the chair and began to observe my mask while the rest do their own thing. I noticed the mark on it has became a bit larger, realizing this is the aftereffect of using that transformation. I guess I won't be using that move for a while. The two finally finished cooking and all of us had gathered and began eating. After that, I grab my journal and started writing in it.

"Do you always write in your journal?" I look up to see Chelsea.

"Hmm, usually. Maybe about four times a week. I just like putting what I've experienced this week in my journal." I said with a smile.

"Can I read it?" She asked.

I close my journal and shaked my head.

"I won't let anyone read my journal, but if I got comfortable with all of you guys I'll let you read it." I said.

"But you're like been with the rest for months." She said.

"I know that, it's not like I don't trust them, I just don't want anyone to read my journal yet." I stated.

"I see, it's a breach of privacy after all." She said sitting beside me.

"I'm just gonna finish writing later." I said putting my journal back in my bag.

"So mind telling me why you decided to be an assassin?" She asked.

"I'll leave that classified." I said.

"You hold so many secrets that the name Master of Silence really fits you." She said smiling.

"Of course it fits, it took me some time to be called like that. But it was worth it anyway." I said.

"So I saw when you defeated one of the Jaegers, was that your trump card?" She asked.

"More likely like that, but it's not one of the Teigu that has been created a thousand years ago. This mask was made by my ancestor who was a scientist." I said holding the mask.

"Really? I didn't know someone such as your ancestor can do that." She said.

"I'll go to my room to put these stuff back now." I stand up from the chair and walked upstairs.

Neither did I. But I promised that I shall use this for a good cause.

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