Chapter 27: New Journeys

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The blade of my sword sliced the Danger Beast's head and I walked away from the corpse. Lubbock was just done finishing off the others and it's finally time for us to head back to our hide out. The both of us got back and saw the others all gathered in one room.

I sat down on one of the chairs and looked at Leone, who was currently rubbing my hair.

"So how did the clearing went?" She asked with a smile.

"It went well, as usual. So what's up with all of us gathered here? A meeting?" I questioned.

"You guessed it right Y/N. Now all of you be quiet and lend me your ears." Najenda stated as she took a puff from her cigarette.

We all did what she said to us, the boss stands up from her seat and looked at each of us.

"All of you have heard about the new group that was formed days ago by the Empire right? The one called Wild Hunt." She began.

"Yeah. I heard that they were formed because they will be assisting the Jaegers, plus also the lack of members of the force." Bulat said.

"What's worse it that the group's leader is the Minister's son who returned from traveling the whole country. Now I have an assignment for all of us, including Kurome and Bols here." Najenda gazed at the two.

All of us listened attentively and waited for the boss's next word.

"All of you heard about the religion called the Path of Peace from the eastern part of the Empire, correct?" She asked.

"The religion that people said if you do good deeds, your soul will be kept pure right?" Lubbock said.

"Yes, the Revolutionary Army told me that a spy from the Empire infiltrated the religion and was planning to corrupt it from the inside along with killing The Lord of the Path of Peace to take over. It's our job as Night Raid to take that person down and prevent it from ever happening." Najenda finished.

"When will be heading out to go there?" Mine asked.

"In about an hour. We'll finish this mission as fast as possible to prevent further inconveniences." She answered.

"Yes ma'am!" We all stated.

Our discussion about our current mission went on for a bout a few more minutes until we had decided to start and pack our things before heading towards the east. I was currently in my room, staring at my mask. The thought of only being able to use this thing's trump card for only five more times left bothers me.

Will I be able to get through this war even if I used up all of my chances? I hope so, I still need to accomplish two more things.

Well, right now it's three. The other one focusing on saving Chelsea and Sheele. I really hope they are safe, if something happens to them, I'll blame myself for it.

"Busy thinking, I guess?" I got interrupted by Kurome who was standing by the door way.

"Oh, yeah. Just been planning on saving the two from the Jaegers." I replied.

"I see, so once we meet them. We'll be back to what it used to be, yes?" She said.

"I guess that's it... Hey Kurome, I want to request something to you. Do you mind if you hear me out for a moment?" I asked.

"I'm all ears." She answered.

I placed down my mask on my bed and took a few steps closer to her. A serious expression was plastered on my face, this made her curious look at me.

"I want you.... to officially join Night Raid."

Her eyes widen from the sudden statement. She was utterly flustered by this, I kept a poker face and continue staring at her, waiting for her answer. A bit later, she regain her composure and answered.

"Why? You do know I am still a part of the Empire's special police force. Your enemies." She emphasized the word "your".

"I know that, but look at it. No one here will do the same thing as they did to you in the Empire, no one will inject drugs on you and use you. Plus, your sister Akame will be here with you. Don't you love your sister?" I questioned.

"I do love her, it's just that she betrayed the Empire and left me." She said, I can see her hand gripping on the hilt of her Teigu.

"So you chose the Empire that didn't care for you for your own beloved sister? How wrong that situation is." I said in disappointment.

Then again, I technically did the same as well. It makes me feel like I'm a hypocrite.

"Don't ask such personal questions on me, this is none of your business." She shot me a glare.

"It can be my business also." I told her.

"You can't just do whatever you want and try and interfere with people's lives." Kurome sighed.

"Now I think you stated it wrongly there, I do interfere with other's lives. I murder them, but for a cause of course. Your sister told me... if there were to be a chance that you both will have to fight to the death, she said, that she will do whatever it takes to kill you. Because she loves you. You'd do the same thing right?" I paused for a moment and saw her reaction, which was a slightly surprised one.

"Now, I'd say that is a stupid thing to do. That's not how you show love to the people you care for. If I was in your and Akame's position, I'd rather try hard and convince my sibling to stay with me than having to kill them with my own hands." I walked back to my bed and placed my mask in my bag.

"You make it sound like you know better than ourselves. You don't know what we've been through." She slightly raised her voice.

I finally finished packing and placed my bag over my shoulder, walking towards outside of my room, I stopped beside Kurome and smiled.

"I may not know, but I can know it if I try. Try rethinking about the request I said." I then exited and walked down.

While waiting for the rest to get done preparing, I sat down on a chair and grabbed my journal from my bag. It's been a while since I last write an entry here. Might as well make one to keep it updated. Grabbing a pen, I flipped to the blank page and began writing.

I've wrote all sorts of stuff about the Teigu that I had seen as well as the events that had happened since then. A moment later, I finally finished and put back my pen and journal in my bag, the boss announced that it was now time for our leave.

We all gathered outside and got on the Air Manta that the Revolutionary Army sent to us.

Another journey is ahead of us. Hopefully, things will turn out fine.


"Reports say that Night Raid made a move on going the eastern part of the Empire to annihilate a spy that was sent there. It is our job as the Jaegers to chase them down and put a stop to their schemes." The Captain announced.

"Got it!" We all said.

"While the Jaegers will be out for a little trip to the east, we'll take care of the Empire for you, dear Esdeath." Syura stated with a not-so-nice smile.

"Tch." Is all what she say before walking out of the room.

The rest of us followed her with the two Night Raid members with us. I gave Syura one last gaze and he was sticking his tongue out at me. Only gripping on my Teigu, I calmed myself down and quickly headed.

"(The nerve of that bastard. I'll make sure I'll kill him no matter what.)"

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