Chapter 4: First Mission

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"So what's gonna be my first mission?" I asked boss while standing in front of the three ladies.

"Leone, please shows us what you found out." She said to her.

"All right, here's the deal. The targets are Ogre the imperial gaurd and Gamal the oil merchant, according to the client that Ogre has been accepting bribes from Gamal. Ogre finds a way to put all the blame on someone else. The client's fiance fell victim into this and was sentenced to death." Leone explained.

She then placed a large bag of coins on the table.

"She paid it all upfront." She said.

"That's alot of them." I said.

"I've noticed she smelled sickly, so she must have been selling her body." Leone said.

"I see, so how is it boss?" I asked.

"Night Raid accepts this assignment. In a new nation we wish to create, there's no need for his trash." She said.

"We shouldn't have much trouble with the oil merchant, but I bet Ogre will be a burden to deal with." Leone said.

"I'll handle him." I said.

"Are you sure about that?" Akame asked.

"Very well then, Y/N your target will be Ogre and as for you and Akame, you two will deal with the oil merchant. After all I would like to see how your first mission goes even though you're a highly skilled killer." Boss said.

"Okay it's settled, we should go to the main street first since he is often seen drinking there." Leone said.

"Since Leone doesn't have any wanted posters of her yet, Akame I think you should wait behind." Boss said.

"Right. Oh and Y/N?" She looks at me.

"What is it, Akame?" I asked.

"Please be careful." She said.

I only responded with a nod and gave her a small smile.

"Let's go now, Y/N!" Leone then wraps her arm around my neck and began dragging.

"Not again.."

Me and Leone arrive in the main street, I look at my pocket watch and saw that it's almost six thirty. I put it back in my pocket and look at Leone.

"Hey Leone." I called for her.


"I've noticed that Akame has been acting differently to me, do you know why?" I asked.

"Maybe it's because of those people who didn't make it out on their first mission. Even though you're a high skilled fighter, she is still worried about you." She said.

"Now I understand."

"I think should tell you about Akame's past. When she was little, she and her sister were sold to the empire. The two of them were placed in an assassin training camp with the other abandoned children. She grew up an assassin and blindly doing the empire's dirty work. One day she was sent to kill the boss, but it didn't happen. Somehow she convinced her to join the revolutionary army." She finished.

"Being sold and forced to learn how to kill must've been a nightmare for back then." I said.

"Hey Y/N, can I asked when and why did you began killing?" She asked.

"Like I said when I first joined Night Raid, it's a story for another time. I'll take everything from here now. You should go on with Akame." I said covering my head with my cloak.

"Sure thing, good luck out there hottie." She said then left.

Hearing the last part made me surprised and confused. But I didn't bother thinking about that and went on with my mission. I waited until the sun disappear and for Ogre to come out. Half an hour later, I could finally see that Ogre is walking. I then followed him for a while with my cloak on and then called for him.

"Uhh excuse me, Orge?" I said.

"Huh? What do you want?" He turns around and looks at me.

"May I speak with you privately about an important matter?" I asked.

We then stand in an area where no people are around. My back was towards Ogre as I slowly turned around to face him.

"Can I asked you something, Ogre?" I stated.

"Just say what you wanna say, I wanna go home now." He said.

"All right then. Are you tough enough to withstand this?" I said then immediately went passed him with my sword in hand.

Blood then was dripping from my sword then I turn around. He slowly stands up and was about to smash his sword on me. I quickly dodge the attack and look at him. We then began to block our attacks with our swords the I back away

"I see that you're some skilled swordsman. Let me guess, you're one of those Night Raid punks that goes out killing the people in power. Heh, the weak are nothing more but a pile of junk. Who do you think you are trying to defy the strong, huh?" He said.

"I'm glad you asked, let me introduce myself to you." I said.

I slowly grab my mask from my side and wore it. His facial expression changes when he saw me wearing it.

"So you're the Master of Silence. You have a huge bounty on your head throughout the land. Might as well claim my reward." He said.

He then was about to smash his sword in me from above but I blocked it with my own sword.

"Why do you even have to join those puny Night Raid. You are just like the weak that you protect. Don't you see we, who are in power control the empire will always be on the top and will be the last to survive."

I backed away from him as we stare at each other. I stand up straight and place my right foot behind.

"People like you deserve nothing but painful death." I said with no emotion in my voice.

I quickly dash towards him and strike my sword at him. I sliced his shoulder and blood started to pour out.

"Why you li-" He was about to finish his sentence but in a flash, I immediately sliced his neck.

I backed away, not wanting for my cloak to be soaked in blood and decided to go back to base leaving the corpes to rot.

"Power, huh?"


"You have defeated the target on your own, as expected." Boss said with a small smile.

"He was nothing, he is good but his is just like my other targets." I said.

"I'm glad that you came out without a scratch." Akame smiled.

"Of course I would get out there safely. After all I am the mighty warrior!!" I said heroically.

"Wow, since when did you call yourself like that?" Leone said chuckling.

"Don't ruin my moment." I said.

"Well your moment will be ruined on your next assignment." Boss said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Well you would be working with Mine. And from what I've witnessed, you two have always been arguing about nonsense." She said.

"Oh..... I should've expected that." I said.

"Anyway that's all for now, you guys can go back to what you are doing." Boss said.

"I guess I'll just go back to writing on my journal." I said holding my journal.

"Let me read it!!" Leone quickly snatches the journal from my hand and I started panicking.

"Let me read it too." Akame said.

"Hey! Give that back!! It's not nice to read a person's journal without permission!" I said.

"Uh, Y/N. What do you mean by kill them all?" Leone then showed me the page that I had folded.

When I realized what page that they're reading. My face darkens and I took the book and folded the page.

"No one needs to know that." I said then walked away.

Before I got out of the room, I heard Leone said.

"I wonder what he has been through?"

I walk in the halls with my journal in my hands. Looking at it, it started to bring back memories on how I was about to kill my first victim, the victim that I wanted to kill last. I was then met up by Mine.

"Hey Y/N, what's that you're holding?" She points at my journal.

"Oh, this is just my journal. I would like to talk but I have to go back to my room first." I said then walked passed her.

"You all right there? You sound like you've seen a ghost?" Mine asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just...... not myself at the moment." I said then walked away, not wanting to answer some of her questions.

I arrive in my room and closed the door, I placed my journal back in my bag and sat on my bed.

"Today's been an exhausting day....."

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