Chapter 3: Experience

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It's only been a few hours since I joined Night Raid, and I've already got closed on some of the members. Specifically Leone and Bulat, and of course the girl I always want to make fun of, Mine. It was just like any other normal day, no intruders entering the base, no missions for me at the moment except for that one mission that we have to find a Tiegu that is perfect for me.

"Hey Y/N. What's up?" Bulat sits down beside me.

I look at him and smile then turn to look at the sky. The breeze hits my face and made my hair sway with it.

"I've been good since yesterday. Where are the others?" I look at him.

"Leone and Sheele are out to finish their mission. Akame is in the kitchen cooking for our meal." He replied.

"She's a cook? Hmm, I'm gonna go there and have a look on what she's cooking." I stand up and began walking back to the house.

I enter inside the kitchen and saw Akame peeling off various kinds of vegetables. She noticed me entered and calmly looks at me and then back to what she's doing.

"What are you cooking there?" I ask with a smile.

"You'll know it soon once you eat it." She answered.

"Okay then, can I help you?"

"Why not? I'm sure you are a good cook." She said.

"Oh, ah, thanks." I said and began helping her.

Akame had started turning on the stove while I continue to chop down the vegetables and meat. She placed a pot with half full of water on the stove and we waited until it boils. When I'm finally done chopping the ingredients, I placed the knife down.

"Hey Akame, can I ask what's your Teigu capable of?" I ask her.

She looks at me then nod and started to explain it.

"Murasame is a poisonous blade that can kill anyone with one strike, if it made contact with the skin but didn't kill the person, the poison will already be injected and kill them in a matter of seconds. It has a trump card that might be too risky to use if the user hasn't endure the poison." She finished.

"Thanks for letting me know, man I gotta be careful around you or else might get killed by you." I chuckled.

This made Akame let out a small smile until she noticed the water started boiling. She placed a few ingredients first and placed a cap on the pot. An hour later, we finally finished cooking and it's time for us to eat. We prepared some plates and utensils and everyone else has gathered to eat.

"Wow it's been a while since you last cook this Akame. And it's more delicious than before!" Leone complimented.

"It wouldn't be that delicious if it wasn't for Y/N helping me." Akame mentioned.

"Y/N you can cook?" Lubbock ask.

"Yes, I've learned how to cook since I was eleven." I said.

"You know Y/N? You'd be a great servant for me." Mine said.

"Nah, I'd rather want you to be my servant." I said.

"Well if I were your servant then might as well put poison on your meal." She replied.

"You probably don't even know how to cook." I said.

As me and her continue talk back at each other, everyone else sighed and continue to eat their food until Lubbock speaks.

"Is it just me or are they insulting each other calmly?"


Me and Mine are on a cliff with her Teigu called Pumpkin, a while back I asked her if she wouldn't mind if she would show what her Teigu is capable of despite how we treat each other.

"So how good is Pumpkin?" I ask Mine as she holds her Tiegu.

"To all the Tiegu owned by Night Raid, Pumpkin is the one that has the most power." She said with pride.

"Oh really eh? Then show me, your target is that mountain over there." I pointed at a mountain in the distance.

"Easy." She aims at the mountain.

I carefully observed her and then a second she pulled the trigger and a beam came out of it and perfectly hit the center of the mountain followed by a large explosion using a telescope to see it better of course.

"Hm, I'm impressed I must say." I said with a smile.

"Now who do you think is better now?" Mine smirks.

"Of course it's me." I gave her a smug look.

"Augh..... You're annoying as ever." She began walking away.

I followed her and the both of us got back inside, I enter inside my new room. It was still messy and dusty but it'll be easy to clean it. Just then, I was frightened by someone speaking behind me.

"Do you like your new room?" Sheele said.

"Ah! You scared me, please don't do that again." I said breathing a little quick.

"My apologies." She said.

"Anyway, do you need anything from me?" I ask.

"Oh, no not at all. I just came by to check you."

"I see, guess I still have cleaning to do. Wanna help?" I look at her.

"Sure." She replied.

The two of us then began cleaning my room and rearranging the furnitures. While as we do so, I asked Sheele about her Teigu, Extase. She explained to me what its like to capable of and thanked her for giving me more knowledge about Teigu. After cleaning, we observed the room and felt satisfied.

"Now it is better, thanks for helping me clean. I appreciated it." I said with a smile.

"It's no problem, glad I could help. I should be going now, later." She waves at me and left the room.

I close the door and sit on my chair. My hand reached in my bag and grab my pen and journal. I started to write down the things that had happened this week including the knowledge that I've earned about Teigu. Writing everything I've experienced for the past years in my journal made me calm for a reason. If my mom would to read this, she might be crying in joy for how much I've done. Minus the experience on how I kill my victims of course, if she were still alive she would've been sad and disappointed of me.

"(Oh how I miss you mom. If you were watching me the whole time, then I'm sorry.)"

I then began writing about how I vision everyone in Night Raid. Bulat seems a cool guy and all despite being gay. That didn't matter to me if he's gay or not, I knew that he'll be a good friend..

Leone, well I could say she's hot and at the he same time cool. She mostly likes to tease me but other than that we do get along well.

Me and Lubbock may not be close yet but from what I've heard from Leone he's a pervert. So we don't have much in common.

I was about to write again until I was interrupted by a knock from my door. Sighing I close my journal and put it back in my bag along with my pen and stand up, opening the door to reveal Bulat.

"Hi there Y/N, sorry to bother you but boss is calling for you." He said.

"Okay tell her I'll be there soon."

"Sure thing." He then left.

I close the door once again and look at my bag, I took out my black cloak and wore it then placed my mask on my side. Then I got out of my room and walk towards to where boss is. I arrived at the assembly room and saw boss, Leone and Akame sitting there waiting for me.

"Glad you got here sooner Y/N. I have a mission for you."

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