Chapter 2: New Recruit

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Akame's POV

I watch as the masked man known as Master of Silence slowly approuch our target. With silence occurring all we could hear are the wind swaying our hair and the sound of grass being crushed by his footsteps. He then stopped, which made me confused he firmly place the blade of his sword by the target's neck as she visibly sweat. They've been like that for a few moments and none of them uttered a word, but the masked killer chuckled.

"You're probably wondering why I'm still not killing you yet, huh?" He said to her.

She didn't respond, instead she gulped in fear and began to sweat more.

"Let me tell you something about me... As everyone know, my title is the Master of Silence. Obviously I kill my victims without a sound, I'm also being called by that is because no one knows my true identity except for of course.... my fallen victims."

He lowered his sword and slowly walks around her until he is behind her then proceeds to cover her mouth. She started to flail on his arm that is covering her mouth but he looked like it was nothing to him.

"Tch, your arms are a nuisance. Might as well cut them off for you before you die."

Almost immediately, he cut off her arms as blood rapidly started to pour out. Her scream in agony was muffled by his hand as little tears came out of her eyes. I could hear footsteps from behind me and saw Leone approaching me.

"Hey what's taking you so long?" She said with her hands behind the back of her head.

"Apparently, the Master of Silence has showed up and decided to execute the last target. It's taking a little longer though." I replied in a monotone manner.

"So that's how he kill his victims? Not bad." She said.

"Tell me Aria, why do you want to make those people behind us feel immense pain? Because you're sadistic? Heh, you could be a great partner for me. But..... you just killed the wrong targets."

He lets her go which made her fall on the bloodied grass. She just remained glaring at him.

"You're just like those other people! You're nothing to everyone, no one cares about you! People like you deserve to die!!" She yelled at him.

He just stands there once again gazing at her, his left hand slowly reached for his mask then he took them off revealing his emotionless face as his expression darkens.

"Is that....." Leone didn't bother to finish her sentence.

"It's actually the other way around." He said.

He then sliced her throat as it began to bleed more until she is finally dead due to blood loss. The boy then puts his masked in his bag then broke the door of the storehouse and dragged the corpse inside. He soon comes out and turns to the storehouse with a lighter in hand. I could smell the scent of gas from inside, he then lights a fire then throws the lighter to the ground. Every second, the fire gets bigger and bigger until the entire storehouse has been burned. He turns back and walks towards us, his eyes gaze at Leone then at me.

"Sorry if I took your job. It's just also my job." He let's out a small smile.

"Oh my gosh, you're kidding me right?! You didn't tell me you're Master of Silence!" Leone then does a head lock on him as he was caught off guard.

"You know him Leone?" I ask.

"Let go of me this instant!" He said trying to get out of her grasp.

"That was so cool of you! Why don't you join Night Raid? It'll be fun!" She let's go of him as she smiles.

"We have to ask our boss first before letting him join Night Raid." I said.

"I'm sure boss will agree to it! Right Y/N?!"

"Hey! Don't say my name out here! What if there are people spying on us?! Plus the fire will lure the people!" The boy who I now know as Y/N said.

"Nah, no one's here to spy on us, we should go back to our base now. And you're coming with us!" Leone began to drag Y/N by the shirt.

"Why did I even met you?" I heard him say.


"Who is this guy and why is he here again?" Lubbock ask pointing at Y/N.

"Everyone, this is Y/N. He was the one who killed the family of the household last night and you won't believe it, he's actually Master of Silence!!" Leone said to the others.

"What? A normal guy like him isn't the infamous Master of Silence." Mine said.

"Uhh has someone told you to not judge a person by their appearance? If so, then that's a lie." Y/N said sarcastically.

"Of course I have!" Mine responded.

"Go home kid!" Y/N shouted at her.

"I'm not a kid I'll have you know, you piece of trash!" Mine retorts.

"Well you sure do act like a kid. Also I'm a human!" He said.

"Both of you are acting like kids so stop now." Leone hit their heads causing them to stop.

"Ouch...." They both said holding their heads.

"Now that's over, you guys should introduce each other while we wait for boss." Leone said smiling.

"Me first, the name's Lubbock." The boy with lime hair said.

"I'm Bulat, nice to meet you handsome." The big guy winks at him.

"He's gay by the way." Leone said.

"U-uh, okay...." Y/N sweat dropped.

Bulat gives him a thumbs up as the introduction continues.

"You already know me, I'm Leone!" The blonde said.

"Sheele." The light purple haired girl said.

"Akame. Nice to meet you." The black haired girl said.

"I'm Mine, it's not nice to meet you." The pink haired girl glares at him.

"Well why did you even introduced yourself to me, huh?!" Y/N glares back gritting his teeth.

"It's because you look so pitiful that you're gonna cry if I didn't introduce to you!" Mine retorts.

"Too bad that I'm not a crybaby! You're just jealous of my skill!" He said.

"Oh yeah?! Then prove it to me!" Mine said.

"I will you prove it to you all right!!"

"Here we go again...." Lubbock sighs.

The two continue to argue until it has come to the point where everyone else started to leave to do their own doings. After all the ruckus, Leone decided to let Y/N have a tour around their base which he agreed to it. From the start of the day the two of them walked around every part of the base and let Y/N see the others normal daily routine. When it was now twilight, Leone and him approach Akame who was cooking a giant bird.

"Hey Akame!" Leone said as they approach her.

"Hm, looks delicious to me." Y/N said.

"Have you join us yet?" Akame asked Y/N.

"Uhhh." Is all he could say.

"I'll take that as a no." She continues to eat her food.

"Is it just me or is everyone acting oddly today." Leone said.

"That's 'cause the boss is back." Akame replied.

Leone walks around a bit and saw Najenda, their boss. She smiled as Y/N observed them.

"Boss! Welcome back!" Leone greets.

"Hey." She replied.

"Did you bring me anything good?" She ask.

"Now why would I do that?" She said.

"Huh?" She looks at her confused.

"About one of your most recent assignments I was told you completed it three days overdue." Najenda's right mechanical arm started twitching.

"Ah crap!" Leone started running away but was cough by her mechanical arm pulling her back.

"When facing a powerful opponent it's unwise to be caught in front, shouldn't you know better than that by now?" She said.

"Okay, I learned my lesson now please let go!" Leone begs, she finally let go of her.

"Anyway, tell me about this boy." She looks at Y/N.

"Oh yeah! Boss this is Y/N, secretly known as Master of Silence. The powerful killer! He's also gonna be joining us!" She holds his shoulders.

"I never agreed to that!" He protested.

"I see, so you're the person behind that mask the whole time. I'm impressed despite not having a Teigu you have killed countless of people." She said.

"Thanks I guess." He said.

"Akame, go get everyone together. I want to hear everything else about Y/N." Najenda stands up and walks away.

Akame walks away to go get everyone for the meeting. Both Y/N Leone followed her as one by one all of them have now assembled. Najenda sits down as everyone else gathered around her.

"Thank you for gathering here, the reason that I wanted you to be here is because Leone had brought someone and decided to recruit him. I'm sure you've already introduced yourselves to him." Najenda started.

Everyone else looks at Y/N as he just gaze at Najenda with a small smile.

"Tell me, why have you been killing people? I know that you've been killing are only the corrupt. Mind if you explain me why?" Najenda looks at him with seriousness.

When Y/N heard of that, his face darkens as he looks down. This made Leone, Najenda and everyone else confused.

"I think that's a story for another time..." He said in a darker voice.

"I see..... I apologize for asking." Najenda said.

"It's fine." He went back to normal.

"So, have you decided to join Night Raid?"

The all patiently waited for his response. He started to think of it if he should join or not, then he gave everyone a small.

"I'll join Night Raid." He said.

"It's official then..." Najenda paused.

She stands up from her seat and walks up to Y/N lending him her left hand to him for a handshake.

"Welcome to Night Raid, Y/N."

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