Chapter 1: True Colors

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I stand in front of Aria and her parents bowing in front of them as a sign of gratitude. After bowing, I raise my head and look at them with a smile.

"Are you sure you can handle yourself out there boy? You know you're free to stay here if you want, but with a price of course." Aria's father said.

"I'm very grateful of your generosity but I really have to go. But I'll make sure to come by to have dinner with you and your family. How's that sound?" I ask them.

"That sounds lovely, I would love to have a chat with you tonight. We hope to see you later, Y/N!" Aria's mother smiled at me.

"I promise I'll visit. See you!" I wave at them with a smile and walk off.

When I'm a few feet away from from them, my smile turned into a frown. I look in my bag to see the mask that I always wear during some certain events.

"(Might as well search for someone to play with.)"

I hid from inside an alley way and jumped on a roof. Then roof to roof I jump searching for a place. Currently after like fifteen minutes of searching I again bumped into the same person as yesterday. Leone.

"Okay, I'm gonna be serious. Why did I bumped into you again? Are you like following me?" I ask her.

"I'm the one who's gonna ask that! Other than that, hello." She said patting my head.

I bluntly look at her and slapped her hand from my head and sigh.

"It was nice bumping into you.... again, but I still have some boredom that I would like to throw away. So if you'd excuse me-" My sentence was cut off by Leone taking my arm and started to drag me.

"Oh I know a place where we can throw away our boredom! Trust me it'll be fun!" She said happily.

"I never agreed to joining you." I said.

"I don't care what you say, you're coming with me." She said.

"Not a single word coming out of my mouth will convince you." I sighed.

Minutes passed of Leone dragging me, we finally arrived in front of a bar. I look at her giving her an irritated expression, I grab her ear and pinch it.

"Ow! H-hey! Let go!" She yelled.

"Are you kidding me right now? It is only like nine in the morning and you're already going for a drink?! What kind of a woman are you?" I said to her.

"What's wrong with that huh?! And let go of my ear!" She said.

My hand on her ear let go, she holds her now reddened ear and glares at me.

"Hey! It's not nice to treat a lady like that you know!"

"Even though you have two mountains on your chest and an attractive appearance, you're not a lady to me." I said nonchalantly.

"How dare you talk to me like that!" She proceeds to punch me in the face causing me to fall down.

"See?! Even you can't slap me! And what was that for?! You could've broke my jaw with that punch!" I rub my cheek with my hand as I winced in pain.

"Just watch what you're saying and you won't get punched by me again." She said as she helps me stand up.

"Okay I take back what I said." I said dusting myself.

"Wait! I still have something to do! Gotta go now! See ya soon!" She then immediately runs off leaving me standing there dumbfounded.

"What in the world does she has eaten today?" I ask myself.

Grabbing the pocket watch from my pocket, I checked the time and looked up at the sky.

"Probably wait until evening now."


I finally arrive back at Aria's house. Their guards lead me all the way to the dining room. Smiling at them, I bowed.

"Good evening to you three." I raise my head again maintaining the smile plastered in my face.

"Good evening to you too Y/N! I'm glad you came as promised." Aria smiles at me.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to break a single promise I made. Sorry to keep you waiting though." I replied.

"It's fine, as long as you're here. You may leave us now, have a seat Y/N." Her mother told me.

I do as she said and took a seat, we started eating while having a nice conversation.

"You know, this is the first time I've ever received generosity in the capital. I always sleep in an inn or by the street depending if I'm broke or not. I thank you Aria and your family for giving me such kindness." I smiled at them.

"That's what we do. It's such a pain to see a traveller all alone out there. So we have to do what we always do. It became sort of a habit." Aria said.

"You and your family are great, you know that?" I said.

"Of course we are, thanks!" She giggles.

"Aren't your parents worried that you're away from home?" Her mother asked.

"Both of my parents died five years ago due to an incurable sickness." I said giving them a sad smile.

"Oh.... I'm sorry to hear that." Her mother said worried.

"(Yeah like you would...)"

"I'm amazed how you handled yourself out her in the capital on your own. Can I ask why you are here in the Imperial Capital?" Aria's father ask me.

"Well I have two reasons but I can't tell you one of them, so I'll say the first reason..." I paused then stand up walking towards a window.

I look at the moon and sigh, until my facial expression changes though I'm not showing it to them yet.

"Y/N, is there anything wrong right now?"

"Oh nothing is wrong with me! The question is..... Is there something wrong with you?" I look at them with an emotionless expression.

Aria's father stand up and look at me confused.

"What are you talking abou-" I then shot him in the knee with my pistol.

"Enough with your kindness already. You may fool the others, but I can fool you and everyone else." I said walking towards them.

He clutches his knees as it bleeds. The other two stand up as Aria's mother grab a knife.

"Aria, run away from here and tell the guards to keep you safe." She said to her.

Immediately she ran out of the dining room and called for the gaurds. My expression didn't change.

"You think all of you can escape this house alive? I'm not like other killers you know." I started to get closer.

She then run towards me about to stab me with the knife but I quickly put my pistol in its holster and grab both of her wrist. She looks at me terrified as her breathing quickens.

"Do you even know who I am?"

"P-please don't kill me...." She said.

I let go of her wrist where she isn't hold the knife and I grab my mask then wear it. Both the father and mother had terrified faces.

"Judging by your expressions. You already know who I am. I'll give you three some torturing session. Starting with you." I look at the woman.


A woman with light purple hair walks around the dark halls of the household. She constantly looks around for a sign of any of her victims but to no avail she can't find any.

"Now where could they be? Perhaps they're in the storehouse at the moment?" She ask herself.

"Sheele, have you found our targets yet?" Another woman with black hair appeared in front of her.

"I have a feeling a feeling they're in the storehouse, Akame. Should we check it out?" Sheele questioned.

"Perhaps we should. Let's go." The two of them started to run.

Four gaurds are leading Aria to the storehouse whole the rest were covering them from the group of assassins known as Night Raid.

"I'll go take care of them." The large man wearing an armor jumps from the unbreakable threads and landed in front of the gaurds.

The guards started to attack but the armored man just effortlessly killed them all. A guard was about to strike from behind but was shot dead by the pink haired female.

"Thanks for that, Mine." He gave her a thumbs up.

Soon Aria and her gaurds arrive in front of the storehouse as they stand there, they knew they were already too late.

Akame and Sheele stands in front of them as the light purple haired woman steps back.

"I'll let you take care of this." She said to Akame.

She prepared her sword as the guards runs to attack. They were almost immediately sliced and stabbed to death by her Teigu, Murasame.

"W-what do you want from me?!" Aria yelled at them.

"We don't want anything from you, we are just here to eliminate you and everyone in this household for what you and your family had done."

She was about to attack and kill her but a voice stopped her. Aria's expression turned into a more terrified one.

"Wait." Y/N's voice made Akame gaze at him confused soon she realized the mask he was wearing.

"So you're the Master Of Silence... Are you here to stop me?" Akame asked.

"No... But I'm here to finish her..." He said holding a bloodied sword by his shoulder.

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