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In the distance of a forest, a man stands beside a tree covering himself from the sun while having a smile on his face. He looks at the wonderful scene of the capital, even though he knows how terribly ugly it is from the inside.

He grabs the pocket watch from his pocket and looks at the time realizing it's almost noon. Two people, one girl and boy were walking from behind him. He gaze at them, deciding to greet the the two strangers.

"Hey! Are you guys going to the capital too?" He caught their attention.

"Uh, yeah. Why did you ask?" The male said.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to welcome new people visiting the capital." He gave them a cheerful smile.

"That seems nice, have you visited the capital yet?" The woman then ask him.

"I've been traveling nonstop so I've been here multiple times now." He replied.

"Woah, that's sounds tiring. We should go now, it was nice having a small chat with you. I'm Ieyasu by the way." The boy lends out his hand he then accepts it.

"Y/N. It was nice to meet you Ieyasu, and you're...." He pointed at the girl.

"Sayo, pleasure to meet you as well." She smiled at him.

"Now that we know each other, we might as well consider each other as friends! Oops, sorry to bother you guys but I think you both still have business to do in the capital?" Y/N said to them.

"Oh yeah, we have to go now. Let's meet again soon, you seem like a cool guy." Ieyasu said as they started walking again.

"Good idea, see you!" Y/N waves at them and waited for them to be out of sight.

The boy leans his back on the tree and sat down sighing while resting his head on his right palm. He couldn't help but feel pity for the two.

"People like them are the first to die in this world, they should know that.." He mumbled to himself.

He then looks at his pocket watch again and saw it strucked noon. Looking back at the capital, he started to walk towards it. Entering the place, he strolls around like always looking at every person in there. Realizing that not much of them had normal faces they were instead replaced with gloomy ones. This caused the boy to sigh, until he bumped into someone.

"Hello there!" The blonde female greeted her.

"Hi, sorry for bumping in to you." He said bowing slightly.

"It's fine, I can forgive you if you would come with me." She said giving him a smile.

"And how would I know if you weren't going to do something funny on me?" He gave her a skeptical look.

"How about you owe me a meal? Let's meet up at a bar near here later. And I promise I'm not going to do something funny all right!" She said.

"Sure, I'll meet you up there in fifteen minutes. Is that okay?" He ask.

"Yep! Well see ya there!" She then walks away giving him a wave.

"Since I have nothing to do, probably just have a drink there while waiting, even though it's noon. Eh, who cares." He said to himself.

He enters a bar and took a seat. As he waits, he grabbed some grapes that he had in his bag and started to eat it one by one. While drinking down on his beer, a blonde female enters the bar and starts to look around. She then spotted the boy and decided to sit down across from him.

The female then gives him an innocent smile as he just sigh and knew what she meant. After three minutes the girl then started munching down on her food as if she hasn't eaten for a while. The boy looks at her stunned but soon regain his composure.

"Geez, even I can't eat that many. Anyway, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. Names Y/N." The boy said.

"I'm Leone. Thanks for the meal by the way! What brings you here to the Imperial Capital by the way, you don't seem to live here." Leone ask him.

"Just a traveler who do some certain jobs for money. And speaking of money, here I'll be super nice to repay you with this! Even though I just bumped into you a while ago." He then grabs a bag full of coins and placed it on the table.

"Woah! Really?! It is super nice of you!" She grabs the bag and put it aside.

"You must've been broke for eating that much, haven't you?" He ask her.

Leone looks at her embarrassed and started to laugh awkwardly.

"It's like that." She replied.

"I've had enough chatting for now. I still have to go somewhere, hope we meet up again."

He stands up and started walking towards the door.

"I wish I could still talk to you a little longer, but see you!" Leone said.

The boy then continued to walk around the capital. Many may not know that why was he going around for hours and it will remain unknown to them but Y/N. He started thinking about Leone.

"(She seems cool and acts carefree. But we never know what she really is. Or perhaps I do.)"

He waited till night. He stand by a bridge not knowing where to go since he doesn't have a home, nor does he has in other places. Sleeping on a tree, by the streets, caves became his habit. It seems that it's not the time to turn into who he really is so he might just sleep the day for now.

Sitting down on the ground, he slowly close his eyes but he suddenly heard a noise. He reopens his eyes and look at a certain direction and saw a carriage stop. A girl with short blonde hair comes out of the carriage and stands in front of him.

"(Oh great, now it's blondes that keep showing up to me.)" He thought.

"Excuse me, if you don't have anywhere else to sleep you can always come in our place to rest." She said.

"A stranger inviting a person like me to their place? That seems odd." He bluntly said.

"Well since you are going to sleep here outside which is dangerous, I don't want anything happen to you so I wanted for you to rest safely at my home." She said.

"If you're giving such great generosity, then might as well accept it." He stands up and followed the girl.

"By the way, what's your name?" He ask.

"My name's Aria, what's yours?"

"I'm Y/N. Thanks for letting me stay by your home." He gave her a fake smile.

"It was nothing!" She said.

They then arrive at their home and got inside. Aria led Y/N to the room where her parents are.

"Mother, father. We have a new guest." She said to them.

"Oh a guest? That sounds lovely, it's nice to meet you young man." Aria's father greeted him.

"Good evening to you two. Your daughter here actually found me sleeping in the streets and insisted to let me sleep here. I hope you don't mind." Y/N bowed.

"We don't mind, it is always our job to help others. We can talk tomorrow, Aria if you wouldn't mind to lead our new guest to their room?" Her mother said.

"Yes mother. This way Y/N."

Y/N then followed Aria through the halls of her home until they eventually reached the guest room.

"Here's where you sleep, I hope you have a good night Y/N!" Aria then opened the door gives her a cheerful smile before walking off.

When Y/N is finally out of her hearing zone, suddenly a sinister grin appeared in his face.

"Oh I'm sure I'm going to have a good night tomorrow..."

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