Chapter 2

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The bustling campus of Seoul National University was energetic with life as students filed into the grand lecture
halls, their footsteps echoing against
the towering walls.

Among the rush of activity, Joshua Hong found himself wandering the extending grounds, his gaze darting across the sea of unfamiliar faces.

As a transfer student, the total scale of the university was both exciting and daunting, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he navigated the winding paths.

Clutching the strap of his backpack, central courtyard, where he had been instructed to meet his new group of friends. The perspective of socializing with strangers made his palms sweat, but he knew he needed to step out of his comfort zone if he wanted to make the most of this new chapter in his life.

As he approached the bustling hub, a
flash of movement caught the corner of his eye. Turning his head, Joshua
found himself captivated by a young
woman standing near a towering oak tree, her long hair cascading down her back as she was busy listening to songs.

There was an ethereal quality to her, and Joshua felt a strange pull towards her, as if drawn by an invisible force.

Snapping out of his daydream, Joshua
forced himself to look away,
Scolding his wandering thoughts. "Focus, Joshua," he muttered under his breath, quickening his pace towards the designated meeting spot.

"Hi, I'm Joshua. I'm supposed to meet
you guys here?"

The group turned to face him, their
expressions warm and welcoming. A
tall, broad-shouldered young man
stepped forward, extending his hand.

"Hey, man! I'm Seungcheol. Welcome to HH! We've been expecting you." He grinned, his eyes crinkling at the

Joshua shook Seungcheol's hand,
relieved by the genuine friendliness
radiating from the group. As he
introduced himself to the others -
Jeonghan, Nayeon, and Jisoo. They all were unexpectedly so friendly.

"No worries at all!" Nayeon chirped, her smile bright and catching. "We know how overwhelming it can be when you first start at a new place. We're just glad you found us."

Jeonghan chuckled, draping an arm
around Joshua's shoulders. "We're a
pretty close-knit group, but we're
always happy to welcome new members. Consider us your new

Joshua felt a warmth blossom in his
chest at Jeonghan's words, and he
couldn't help but return the smile. As
the group began to chat lively about their plans for the upcoming semester, Joshua found himself easily slipping into the conversation, his
initial shyness melting away.

Suddenly, a movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention, and his gaze instinctively drifted towards the towering oak tree once more. There she was - the young woman he had noticed earlier - and this time, their eyes met, sending a jolt of electricity through Joshua's veins.

Time seemed to slow as they stared at each other, both captivated by the
mysterious pull they felt. Joshua's
breath caught in his throat, his heart
pounding in his ears as he took in her delicate features and the way the
sunlight danced across her skin. It was as if he had known her his entire life, yet he couldn't shake the sense of unfamiliarity that lingered.

"Hey, Josh! You good, man?"

Seungcheol's voice snapped Joshua out of his trance, and he unwillingly tore his gaze away from the woman, turning to face his new friends.

"Yeah, I'm - I'm fine," he stammered,
feeling a faint blush creep up his neck."I, uh, I just thought I saw something."

Jeonghan followed Joshua's line of
sight, his eyes landing on the young
woman standing alone under the tree.

"Ah, I see you've already noticed our
resident campus beauty," he teased,
elbowing Joshua playfully. "That's y/n. She's in our group, too."

Y/n. Joshua repeated the name in his
mind, savoring the way it sounded on
his tongue. As if sensing his gaze, y/n
glanced over, their eyes meeting once more. Joshua felt a shiver run down his spine, and he quickly looked away, his cheeks burning.

"I, um, I didn't mean to stare," Joshua mumbled, his fingers absently tracing the faint birthmark on his wrist.

Nayeon giggled, linking her arm
through Joshua's. "Don't worry, she has that effect on everyone. Come on, let's go introduce you!"

Before Joshua could protest, Nayeon
was already leading him towards y/n, the rest of the group following close behind. As they approached the young woman, Joshua felt a strange sense of déjà vu wash over him, the familiarity he had experienced earlier only growing stronger.

"Y/n, there you are!" Seungcheol called out, waving.

"Why didn't you guys informed me about the new place?" Y/n spoke as frown visible on her face.

"You can't blame us, we did message on the group." Jisoo told her.

Y/n pouted at them.

"Let's not talk about that, We've got someone we want you to meet."

"This is Joshua, our newest addition tothe group," Nayeon announced, gesturing towards him. "Joshua, this is y/n."

"It's nice to meet you," Joshua said, his voice barely above a whisper as he
extended his hand, his eyes locked
with y/n's.

Y/n's fingers brushed against his, and
Joshua felt a jolt of electricity race
through him, like a surge of electricity coursing through his veins. In that
moment, he knew - this was no
ordinary encounter.

Y/n's Pov

He extended his hands for me to shake it. When I touched his hands I felt a current ran through my body. What's happening. He looks unfamiliarly familiar. 𝐼𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒.

After I take back my hand from his, the mark of wrist started twitching as we someone was pinning it.


"Let's go guys, we have classes to attend." Nayeon said and pulled me and Jisoo together.

Jeonghan took Joshua and Seungcheol with him following us behind.

Hello guys!!! Please vote every chapter. That will help me alot. Thank you!

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