Chapter 3

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Previously on "Mate of the third strongest arrancar"

Daniel:And what was the third question?

Harribel:Oh right how did you put me in this gigai?

Daniel:Aaahh that is a very simple answer you see while you were sleeping nicely in the guest room I decided to create a gigai for you because your actual body is very bandage up


Daniel:To put it simply if you were to leave your gigai now and go back to your arrancar state you would fall to the ground and lose consciousness again because of your I juries

Harribel: *eyes widen* It can't be I was injured thaf badly

Daniel: *nods* Yes so for now you'll be staying with me while you heal

Harribel:Hmmmmm I see then I don't see any problems with this

Daniel: *smiles* Good to hear that and with that said *stands up* would you like to take a look Ah your new home

Harribel: *stands up* To get myself familiarized with my new surroundings I would kindly take that offer of yours

Daniel: *turns around and points forward* Then let's start the tour!!

Harribel couldn't help but smile at his child like attitude as it would seem this former soul reaper as gotten the attention of the third strongest espada

Daniel soon began to show Harribel around the house as a connection had started to rise between Daniel and Harribel the question is how far will this bond go
Things start off with showing that it's night time right now as we zoom in inside of Daniel's house where we see sitting on the counter eating there dinner were Daniel and Harribel

They both say there calmly and quietly eating their respected dishes while not really making eye contact with one another

But the silence would be ending soon as Daniel had to tell Harribel something for tomorrow

Daniel: *muflles* Harribel I gotta tell you something

Harribel:Hmm? *turns to him* finish eating what you have in your mouth and then tell me

Daniel listening to her obvious advice finishes eating what he had in his mouth and tells what he had in his mind

Daniel:Tomorrow after breakfast we'll be going clothes shopping for you

Harribel:Clothes shopping?

Daniel: *mind* Oh right I forgot this guys were literally made to kill not live a normal life *out loud* Let's just say we're going to get more clothes that'll be great for you because the one I got for you and this one won't be enough

Harribel:Hmmmmm I see what your trying to say alright

Daniel:Good now! let's continue eating *goes back to eating*

Harribel takes a moment to look at Daniel begird devising to continue eating her food seemingly enjoy her time with him

Daniel takes notice of Harribel's calm and nice state that she is in right now so he smiles at her while continuing to eat his food

Time Skip brought to you by Daniel who is on the right side of the dark void with his soul reaper clothes on and Harribel who was on the right side in the white void while in her hollow state as both past version of the characters stare at each other before turning into their future selfs that smile at one another

It's still night time and we see Harribel sleeping peaceful in the guest room Daniel had provided for her

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

But it would seem things weren't going to be peaceful anymore because a familiar scream was heard making its way towards the house

Even though Harribel's body is her gigai her spiritual energy remains and would seem that it is starting to bring a hollow to her or I should say a literal group of hollows

This hollows we're moving slowly towards the house but we're very close to it so it would only take them a few minutes before they could reach the house and devour Harribel


But it would seem something was in their way


And this someone had just cut down two hollows in a matter of seconds which makes the other hollows stop and turn around to see who's attacking them

???:If you monsters are here for the girl

A man stood in the back of the group wielding a long and double edged sword, and was wearing a white and black suit of armor that had two red eyes on the shoulder pads and long spiky silver hair on his head

The hollows look at this individual who then disappears and then reappears in front of the group of hollows taking on a stance


???:Then you'll have to go through me first hollows

Hollows screamed at the mysterious man and three of them had started to charge up an attack called cero

The red orbs of the cero appear in their mouths and were slowly starting to get brighter and brighter as the red light from it was starting to grow as well

???:Hmph! pathetic *gets in different stance* I'll end this quick for you fools

The mysterious man's sword was then covered in black like aura that surrounds only the blade and not the hilt but that's not important what's important is what he does with this

???:Prepare to meet your demise hollows! *gets surround by his reiatsu* Empty sky form:Abyssal cut!!

(Author Vortex:I know that's not his move but I'm trying to be a little bit creative with the attacks since we're in Bleach not blazblue)

The mysterious figure launched a long and black air slash that goes through every single hollow that was in front of him disintegrating them all in an instant with their monstrous bodies quickly fading away

But something seemed odd about the attack

It was for some reason still going and it was heading towards something or someone because little by little it made itself get close to the screen

And closer

And closer

And closer

And closer

And closer that it was inches away

Then everything fades to black as we are introduced to the void once again


But quickly disappears as in a panic the eyes of someone waking up are seen and they were non other than Harribel's eyes as it would seem she had woken up from another bad dream

Slowly taking in a few breaths in Harribel started to get out of the bed where after getting her two feet on the ground she gets up and goes towards the window

She looks through the window to see if something was odd about the outside but there was nothing there that seemed suspicious or odd just a few houses and people walking down the side walk

Harribel: *mind* What was that nightmare I had last night it felt so real yet I see nothing wrong now hmmm

Harribel thought about what she saw but quickly decided to leave this for another time as she heard the low growling sound of her stomach which makes her sweat drop

Harribel:Yes I would think it's time I go get breakfast

Now deciding to go down and eat with her caretaker Harribel had gone down the stairs and into the kitchen were she sees Daniel finishing up breakfast

Daniel: *turns his head back* Goid morning Harribel *smiles*

Harribel: *waves* Good morning

Daniel:I just finished breakfast so let's enjoy the morning before we go out

Harribel: *nods* Right

Harribel joins Daniel in breakfast and they have a nice and peaceful morning breakfast that brought a little bit of conversation as they told each other a few memories of the past

Daniel: *chuckles* Honestly I feel like Isane just exaggerates things a bit to much at times I remembered the time she the captain and I were taking care of a patient that was fine but out of nowhere the machine pulse check turned off and she freaked out thinking that we had lost the patient but heheheh it was just that someone accidentally pushed the turn off switch so the Captain and I just laughed at her exaggeration

Harribel: *giggles* I see that you had your interesting moments with some of the members of your squad

Daniel:Yeah * chuckles* you could say that but what about you? anything funny happen in your group

Harribel:Well other than the fact that Mila Rosa and Apacci argue every five minutes and Sung-Sun just mocks them nothing really interesting happens

Daniel:Really? well when you say things like that I can see what you mean

After a nice morning breakfast they prepared themselves to leave the house with Daniel waiting in front the garage door for Harribel whis steps could be heard going down the stairs

Daniel:So? how does it feel? do you have any issues with what you're wearing right now?

Harribel:No! honestly I'm fine with this clothes *walks into the room* I must thank you again for this

Daniel sees Harribel wearing the clothes that he got for her and couldn't help but blush at the sight of her wearing that

Harribel: *notices his blush* Are you feeling okay Daniel? your face is red

Daniel:Yes yes! I'm fine *looks away* just got a slight shiver of the heat don't worry about

Harribel:Alright *crosses her arms* then shall we go?

Daniel: *loses his blush and smiles* We shall

Daniel opens the door to the garage and lets Harribel go first into the garage that had his car

(Author vortex:Ignore that car)

Walking in the room she moves to the left side of it to then turn towards the car Daniel keeps in here

A nice small white truck that's damm nice

Closing the door Daniel then joins Harribel to look at the car

Daniel:What you standing here for? *motions her to get in* come on

Both got in the car as soon after Daniel turned it on making the engine wake up which freaks out Harribel a little as she not used to hearing a sound like that

Daniel: *chuckles* Don't worry it's just the engine turning on *takes off the breaks* you'll get used to the sound

Harribel:I hope I do

Daniel removed parking and went to drive as he began to drive his vehicle away from the house and into the street where they pass many houses that were different from one another which Harribel takes notice of this

Then after leaving the neighborhood the gone into the busy street of the city as many other cars could be seen out at this hour but it was regular thing around this parks as Daniel calmly and nicely drove his car to their destination while Harribel got herself familiarized with what's around her

But speaking of their destination which after ten minutes of driving they reach the mall of this city which was quite big possibly being a three story mall

Finding parking the two have started to make their way towards the mall as Harribel closely looked at the structure

Harribel:What. . . .is that place?

Daniel:It's called a mall it's a place where you can find just about anything


Daniel:Weeeelll almost anything

Harribel:I see

Daniel:But let's not indulge ourselves in that let's focus on getting you some needed clothes

After going inside they quickly found a woman's clothing store which they took as first option and after a little bit of looking around Harribel found some interesting clothes she would like to wear

So now Daniel stands in front of the testing clothes section of the store standing in front of the one Harribel was in

Daniel: *mind* Alright Daniel you know what to do don't blush because if you blush that would mean that what she's wearing would be a bit to much for you so just stay calm and focus on the positive things

Harribel: *behind the curtains* I'm ready

Daniel: *mind* Alright then here we go *out loud* Let's see it

The curtain opens and Daniel saw Harribel's first choice to test out and unlike the one he gave her this one wasn't so bad

Harribel:So? what do you think?

Daniel:Hmmm honestly it's not bad it actually makes you look cool in my opinion

Harribel: *nods* I thank you for your thoughts

Daniel:Well I guess that would be one of five right?

Harribel:Yes wait here *closes the curtain*

Daniel: *mind* I guess this won't be so bad

Clothes test number two

Harribel shows off a bit fashionable design that even though it looks nice it does show a little bit off skin also she has a dolphin plushy for sone reason

Harribel:What do you think of this one?

Daniel: *blushing and his mind* Why does she look both adorable and cool at the same time


Daniel:Oh! yeah it looks good on you Harribel

Espada tres nods her head and closes the curtain again to try a new set of clothes

Clothes test number three

The curtain opened again and Daniel's blush grows even redder once he sees the clothes that she had put on now

Daniel: *mind* Great! now she's cute and sexy at the same time

(Author Vortex:Ignore the mask)

Harribel:What do you think of this?

Daniel:Weeeelll *clears his throat* I would say you look very *looks away* cute and we-well sexy with those clothes on

Harribel: *blush* Oh *looks away* thank you for the compliment

Daniel:Your welcome *mind* this is starting to mess with my head

Clothes test number four

The curtain opened again and this time we see Harribel wearing very odd choice of clothes that makes herself blush and makes Daniel blush grow even more as smoke could be seen coming off his head

(Author vortex:Ignore the sword)

Harribel: *blush* What do you think?

Daniel: *fully red blush* It looks nice. . . .really really nice

Harribel: *quickly closes the curtain* Thank you

Daniel: *sits down on the bench* Alright just one more Dani just one more and everything will go back to normal

Clothes test number five

This time the curtain did not open for sone reason and it makes Daniel question if everything's alright in there

Daniel:Harribel you okay?

Harribel:I am fine it's just that. . . .I don't know if I should show you this one

Daniel: *mind* Hey maybe it's one that's not like the others *out loud* it can't be that bad

Harribel:Well. . . .could you perhaps enter so you can judge it


Daniel stands up and opens the curtain a little so he could go in and see Harribel's last test of clothes but once he got in and turned to her the same blush that he had returns when seeing what she wears

Harribel:Well? *hides her blush behind the fan* what do you think of this?

Daniel: *blush* It-It looks really beautiful on you

Harribel: *blush but gets closer to him* Really?

Daniel: *looks away blushing* Yeah but can I ask on how did you even find the last two set of clothes?

Harribel: *blush* One of the workers helped me look for the sets

Daniel: *blush* Oh. . . .I see. . . .well I'll wait for you outsid—

Before he could even walk out he steps on one the clothes that were on the floor and slips forward towards Harribel who had also slipped up



Luckily the corner of the room was able to stop them both from falling to the ground but it didn't stop Daniel's head falling on top of Harribel's breast

Which they both quickly take notice off as they stare silently at one another not really reacting in a sorta way that previous individuals have acted

But then a worker of the store opens the curtain

Female worker:Is everything oka—

Sees what's going on and blushes

Female worker: *blush* Oh. . . . .I'll let you two be for now *closes the curtain*

Once she she said that both Daniel and Harribel faces grew a blush that covered their faces completely as Daniel quickly moves away from Harribel who turns her body away from him

Daniel: *ahem!* I'll wait for you outside

Harribel: *blush* Yes I'll go as quick as I can

Daniel: *blush* No no take your time

And with that he quickly got out the room and sat down at the bench that was outside

After a little bit of waiting they got to buy a few more sets of clothing and left the store with a blush still on their faces

Daniel: *blush* I-I hope the other pair of clothes work nicely

Harribel: *blush* Ye-Yes thank you once again

Daniel: *blush* No problem

Harribel: *blush* What do we do now?

Daniel: *blush* Now? well *heard his stomach growl* I guess it's lunch time

Harribel: *starts to lose the blush* I am feeling a bit hungry

Daniel:Then let's go to the food core of this place

Things were surprisingly able to calm down after changing the subject to go eat and so that's what they did

They got some food, talk to each other even though they got a little embarrassed and then after finishing left the mall with eat bags of clothing

Then drove right back home where they put all the bags they got for Harribel in the guest room

Daniel:Alright I'll leave for now to test your set of clothing

Harribel:Thats fine I will call you if I need you

Daniel:Got it *goes to leave* I'll see you downstairs

And with that Daniel left the room and Harribel was left alone to think on the events that have happened today as a memory flash back of the position she and Daniel were in appears in her head

Harribel: *placed a hand on her chest* What could this feeling be? the one that I feel in my chest every time I'm with Daniel *looks at herself in the mirror with a blush* I feel like something is rapidly moving in my chest when I'm with him and most of all I could feel myself heating up in that moment today

Harribel thought thought on what was going on with her but no answer seem to appear in her head

Harribel:Daniel *blush grows* just what are you doing to me?

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